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T-13 days and counting

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    T-13 days and counting

    Two weeks from yesterday until I check into inpt treatment. I'm moderating pretty well since finding this site...working towards at least several day AF before I check in.

    Good morning to all and thanks for being here!
    "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen

    T-13 days and counting


    Very wise to stay moderate if at all possible. It will make the detox time, if any, minimal. Leaving more time for healing.

    I sure hope it works for you!! I have been sorely tempted to try it myself but the price tag is a bit high. However, if it works... soooo worth it!!

    I am glad they let you keep your laptop and use it while there. My first attempt at rehab - am considering another if I can't wrestle this one down with a psych - was a 12-step, which was good, had some good things, etc, but very close minded about anything EXCEPT 12 step, which I think is a huge mistake. We were "locked" down and unable to talk or communicate to anyone.

    I sure hope they don't give you your laptop when under the influence of the sodium pentathol (sp?) that could get interesting.

    Might match some of the posts I have done here while under the influence of AL. :blush:

    Take it one day at a time until you check in.

    AF April 9, 2016


      T-13 days and counting

      Great! are you scared? you put your right leg in and take your left leg out...:welcome:



        T-13 days and counting

        I don't think I'm going to have any actual detox...I don't get any physical symptoms when I go a couple days without drinking. It's all in my head. I sincerely hope I don't type under the influence, too...that could be very bad! I need to look up the half life of sodium pentathol...maybe bribe an orderly to keep me under control

        You're right about the cost..BIG bucks. I am lucky enough to have double coverage. I have two part time jobs and insurance with both. Between the two, my part will be $100. Can you believe that???????

        Ripple: scared doesn't begin to touch it. I'm terrified.
        "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


          T-13 days and counting

          Lefty, I agree with Cindi. It certainly will help your recoevery to cut back as much as possible before hand.

          You are in my thoughts and prayers. Embrace your new life with hope and love. Maybe easier said than done, but you are going to be the better for it.

          Take care of yourself. Keep us close.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

