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understanding m/health diagnosis

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    understanding m/health diagnosis

    recently i was diagnosed with a personality disorder . ive looked up the web and in contact with my local services ireally ddint think id be in this state ie normal childhood etc .
    but i know now that my alcoholism is merely a cover for my own pain of just"being here"
    well i ve done ali can in terms of support and i will remain strong and continue
    thanks to all

    understanding m/health diagnosis

    So happy to hear that you are recieving support,Jay. I can sure relate to childhood trauma, it really does a trip on people. But, the good news is, we can recover and lead happy fulfilling lives. My heart goes out to you and I hope that you stay around and allow us to lend support to you as well.

    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      understanding m/health diagnosis

      so sorry to hear that Jay. you are being strong and taking care of yourself. please let us know how things are going.
      hope all works out for the better.

      big hug

      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        understanding m/health diagnosis

        Hang in here, let us know how you are doing, and remember this is one big support group...all over the globe...(Kindof like the old Sherwin Williams paint commericals in the US)
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          understanding m/health diagnosis


          Was it "borderline personality disorder"? My understanding is that this is a very broad diagnosis and might apply to most of the population at different times in our lives.

          I am sure that alcohol would exxagerate the symptions of BPD. So, staying away from Al would be your best medicine! There are just some guys, we shouldn't hang out with, ya know?

          Just keep taking care of yourself. Know that we care and are supportive of you.

          Take care, :h

          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            understanding m/health diagnosis

            Take heart, Jay. Personality disorders are much more common than previously thought, in my opinion. They often coincide with mood disorders like depression, or anxiety disorders.

            Keep going for your treatment and do your best to stay away from AL. I know that I have less depression and anxiety since I have stopped, and it is easier to work on the things that bother me.

            I'm glad that you plan on staying strong!

            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              understanding m/health diagnosis

              Hang in there....finding the right med might be a bit of a struggle. It took me several months to get a anti-depressant that works.


                understanding m/health diagnosis

                Hi Jay,
                AL covers up a lot of things...Hang in there...glad to hear that you will remain strong. That is a GOOD sign!

                Take care and stay strong.


                family is everything to me


                  understanding m/health diagnosis

                  I think a lot of us self-medicate w/alcohol, many problems, physical and mental. I know I do. :l


                    understanding m/health diagnosis


                    Hey, don't despair. I am a psychologist and can maybe help you understand the diagnosis a bit. There are several personality disorders, so do you know which one it is? ie. borderline, dependant, histrionic, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive.

                    Personality disorders are what we call Axis II diagnoses. They don't go away, but are kind of "inherent" in who we are. That isn't necessarily bad. We all have certain traits, or a kind of "make-up" of who we are, and it is only when these are a bit more extreme can they be classified as "disorders". The think is, IF you were diagnoses correctly, it would be helpful for you to understand what it means. I use "if" because, I don't doubt the quality of your diagnosing therapist, but as drinkers, our personalities are altered by the fact that we are actively drinkers...and who we really are can be masked until we can work on the drinking. Yes, we may drink because of a disorder, but ALSO, drinking causes symptoms that look like other disorders...and disorders are diagnosed based on symptoms that meet certain criteria....not by a blood test or x-ray.

                    SO, I hope this helps a little. OH, and the flip side to all disorders is that they all can be channeled in a direction that is helpful. For example, and obsessive-compulsive personality disordered guy may have trouble getting out of the house for fear of leaving the stove on, or having something out of order, but if the disorder is controlled...reined in, so to speak, you probably will have a very detail oriented person with a VERY neat house...

                    So don't worry. Feel free to PM me if I can be of any more help for you. Be open and honest with your therapist about your concerns (and drinking history if you havent)

                    Best of luck

                    Beth (Lucy Van Pelt...that will be 5 cents please )
                    formerly known as bak310


                      understanding m/health diagnosis


                      I, too, am glad you are getting some help.

                      I also had a totally normal childhood with loving parents and loving siblings.

                      Who knows where this stuff comes from?

                      Just keep working on it and be at peace knowing we are what we are, we just have to make the best of what we are!!

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        understanding m/health diagnosis

                        But JAY, hon---oh, what the HELL is a "personality disorder?" I tell you what, I think that modern psychology is doing us all a disservice by slapping such silly labels on us, without offering DIDDLY-SQUAT for help. I mean really, darling, in the good old days they'd have simply labelled us as "eccentric" and accommodated our little quirks, rather than trying to cure them! Remember Loopy Aunt Lucy, who hid her cash in her underwear drawer? Odd Uncle Oscar, who had a tendency to try on his wife's girdle? Why must we all fit nicely into some textbook "normal" slot? I bet lots of authors and poets in our Norton Anthologies of Literature had "personality disorders"---and thank God they did. More Boring Normal Drones are the last thing we need!
                        Jane Jane


                          understanding m/health diagnosis

                          (keeping my mouth shut for now!!!!!)
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            understanding m/health diagnosis

                            sorry if it sounds like I'm jumping on the band wagon

                            but many years ago in my lifetime i was diagnosed with ocd , it was quite mundane. Then rediagnosed with P.M.T. and now its just anxiety,but I feel worse than ever and drinking in sync with this which means I spend about 6 hours a day drinking consistently, of course I would not dream of asking for a prognosis, but why are you not in a position to help yourself?


                              understanding m/health diagnosis

                              wil observe my changes]
                              thrown in from the pouring dark
                              the whitening of my lips
                              the solitide!
                              whiping across prickly stubble
                              my "will" ihave scraped together
                              my strength
                              which i have held out too
                              on and on

