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Panic Attacks

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    Panic Attacks

    So Viking, are you going to tell everyone about how to overcome panic attacks or not? You keep saying that you are going to, and then you don't. Hmmmm....
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Panic Attacks

      oh gosh I am so sorry viking never even thought in my stupid brain that it would effect men sorry

      As for the PA they are the most scary things on the entire earth, whether they occur day or night they just creep up on you, you cant breath but you know thats not true, you think your going to swollow your tounge (well I do anyway) I cant sit, cant stand, walk around the garden looking for people who would be able to take me to the nearest hospital, try to reason with myself, it is total fear, fear of what we know we are doing over and over and over again. But the physichal (sp) side is so real, or do I imagine the heart beating so fast, the sickness all so self induced the illness we all suffer is so real, my only way out of the fear is another drink I do so want another way out, I will pray so hard for all you guys tonight, well its morning here but why dont people listen to us when we cry out for help. We are looked at in pity, we are not pityfull just suffering thats all



        Panic Attacks


        It is funny you brought this up today.

        I was talking to my doctor and my hubby about my feelings when I am AF. I LOVE being AF. Absolutely. It is so much better than drunk.

        I know my brain says "drink" and I can deal with that.

        I cannot deal with the heart palpitations, the sweating, the complete chaos that happens when I have anxiety (i.e. panic attacks) and I have them when things happen that I cannot control.

        Shit, there is a lot of stuff I can't control, guys!!

        Okay, I guess I can just figure out I have them and roll with them as I pass out on the floor and start throwing up when I don't faint. Great.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Panic Attacks

          YoungAtHeart;284043 wrote: So Viking, are you going to tell everyone about how to overcome panic attacks or not? You keep saying that you are going to, and then you don't. Hmmmm....
          I don't want to be rude..yes...i am have to find your own way in dealing with them...acceptance is first....biggest thing for me was knowing i wasn't dying...when i figured that out...things started getting easier...i learned to live again..i learned that i love to life....i learned that alcohlism was a trigger of the panic was not drinking..i learned that first thing was first..i won't be a sober person until i solved the first problem...panic attacks are tricky..the come up on you with no notice...i learned how to think my way past was mind over matter..i'm sure this doesn't help..but in all honesty...u have to think your self yourself past them...and if your a overanalyzing hard on your self person like takes enourmous mental effort...but you can pm me...and we talk further...i'm on 2 days complicated questions are hard for me right now...but it's more than okay....i can hande it..i feel good about handling them


            Panic Attacks

            viking you are right, I have been told by so many people who suffer PA . that that most are AL related, some things have a lasting efftect my first husband spend years in a punk bank (in the 70s) taking speed and he still has side effects from it. My current husband of 20 years keeps telling me when I cry at night that I wont choke and I wont die but fear is our greatest enemy. Is it fear of what we are doing to ourselves or others I'm not sure I know what mine is but I DO fear god but I also think that I am to scared to take responsibility any more



              Panic Attacks

              you don't need answers....i feel soo relieved now that i'm not only person in this world with panic attacks..and im not the only with drinking problems...i'm hell bent on being sober..i'm hell bent on helping eachother get there...we all come different places and diffrent lives...getting open..and letting ourselfes be honest will heal inside...


                Panic Attacks

                i remember something i've learned in life...fear kills...gread are the master of your mind...i had none at my grim days
                i'm stilling have grim last evil is alcohol


                  Panic Attacks

                  post note

                  not only is there not a problem such as mine here he has taken me of ciprolex which were meant to help me be NORMAL in his words lucky me eh! mum said coming straight of AD especially in my state is not good, guess he just wants more money and i just cant afford to pay 300 pounds a month, ..........please someone send me some nytol



                    Panic Attacks

                    I hate anxiety so much. It has ruined my life. It's hard thinking I can't drink anymore to relieve the anxiety. Well, whatever......
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      Panic Attacks

                      I hate knowing i can't drink anymore kills me inside..but being dead at 40 scares me more..


                        Panic Attacks


                        I wonder what ever caused our anxety in the first place ??



                          Panic Attacks

                          i'm getting sober for my parents..who love the freakin shit outta me....and love me more than words can say..i'm doing this for them....because i love them more than words..i love my brother and sister...and there is no way they have to see me dead because i eithter killed myself from drinking..or drinking killed me...fuck..i'm crying my eyes out...i wanna do this for them...the onces who love me more than anything..the ones that me to get my shit together...the ones that love me more than anything.....i wanna do this for them...i want to make them proud of they were when i was kid....i'm balling my eyes out...i feel soo sorry inside for everything i've done


                            Panic Attacks

                            you cant do this for them it has to be for you

                            all my family my daugher, son, my loving husband (yuk) my mum and dad and brothers want me to get well if you try to this for others it wont work trust me, I cant tell you how to like youself again. None of us ever wanted this sort of life.

                            Sorry just realised I cant give you advise when I am destroying myself and my family too.

                            I will pray for you

                            Lisa x


                              Panic Attacks

                              but please remember this is an actual illness, its not somthing we enjoy (DO ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE, LIKE BEING LIKE THIS??) i dont think so that why we are all here. go easy on yourslf because condemnation will make you worse. Guilt and shame are all a part of this crap we are going though.


                                Panic Attacks

                                LisaL;284085 wrote: you cant do this for them it has to be for you

                                all my family my daugher, son, my loving husband (yuk) my mum and dad and brothers want me to get well if you try to this for others it wont work trust me, I cant tell you how to like youself again. None of us ever wanted this sort of life.

                                Sorry just realised I cant give you advise when I am destroying myself and my family too.

                                I will pray for you

                                Lisa x
                                Lisa...thank you..i need to do this for me...i know...but knowing my family wants to see the lil guy they saw as a kid gives me the end...i need to make peace with many things..God first...and everything else..years of frustration...being a jackass...being a drunk...denial of it all...i want to say hey...i fucked up big time...i want to say how sorry i am to all those i effected...i'm listening to that buckcherry song..sorry's how i feel inside...i feel soo bad about how i was from drinking...i feel soo bad about what i have become from it...i soo badly want to be guy i was at 18...loving..motivated..caring...moral...i feel somedays like just a hollow man i what i once was..ppl used to look up to me...ppl used to depend on me...ppl admired i'm nothing...a wreteched loser....i never wanna feel this again...i'm soo hell bent on being a winner again..i don't care about the withdrawls..if i die..i die...i wanna make peace with a confusing world..i wanna make peace with myself...i just want to wake up everyday like i did when i was 18..with big ass smile..and motivation...i want to love life again..i feel soo sucked down from the world....but i will not give up...i want to life and be strong so much i'll let myself be fun of..and laughed at if that what will motivated me to get better..and oh it is..i have never cried soo much in 10 years....thank you everybody for listeing to me...

