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Panic Attacks

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    Panic Attacks

    i have had people ask me if i am having a panic attack and i always so no im not - i think cause no matter what i still want to think i am in control. So yea pretty much they suck and if you havent been through them you dont understand - im sorry you are going through this and wish i could give you a magic answer but sorry hun i dont have a magic answer just wanted to say i understand. Also to get a doc to believe you and give you something for it is hard unless you are having full blown one in his office. I do feel like i am about to have one tho - trying to breathe deep and lie down and close my eyes and sleep it off.
    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


      Panic Attacks

      post note

      not only is there not a problem such as mine here he has taken me of ciprolex which were meant to help me be NORMAL in his words lucky me eh! mum said coming straight of AD especially in my state is not good, guess he just wants more money and i just cant afford to pay 300 pounds a month, ..........please someone send me some nytol

      sorry just read this and it sounds garbled, what I meant to say was my doctor has decided in his wisdom to take me of the anti depressents and doesnt recognise al abuse at all even though my liver test is so high, back to the drawing board! what a sorry state of affairs cant even find brown paper bags here to breath into. So going to take the plunge and go through it alone (the withdrawal I mean) I know I will get help from everyone here though

      god bless



        Panic Attacks

        Viking lets do it together



          Panic Attacks

          Lisa, sounds like you need to find a new doctor. One who really listens to you. I have no advice, but please know that I am thinking of you and sending lots of hugs.


            Panic Attacks

            I sometimes take one tylenol pm and it will calm me. Doesn't make me to sleepy if I just take one. Doc gave me Xanax, but I don't like taking it...I already have enough issues. God knows I don't need that one too.


              Panic Attacks

              Panic attacks suck. I've had them for 25 years. Have even had hubby take me to the ER I was so scared. Now I just go through them and pray for it to end quickly.

              Luv, be careful with the Tylenol PM. The acetomenaphin (MS) in it is not good for our livers (especially for us drinkers.) an alternative is Valerian Root. It smells like butt but it really works. You can get it at Walmart or Herb stores.

              Viking- God doesn't make no junk.
              I feel your pain. Remind yourself that you are a good person, who is loved alot and that you have alot to offer. Try and shake the negative thoughts out of your head and replace them with good ones. You know you can, they are in there, we just sometimes have to dig to find them.
              Good luck,


                Panic Attacks

                viking....did ya like chat last night? you seem to enjoy it? :welcome:



                  Panic Attacks



                  Don't mean to drop in so late...but was in the hospital with chest pains. Yep, panic attack big time. I'm fine now, but still shaky.

                  I've had them off and on since leaving Southern California. Remember lying on the floor in the fetal position thinking "Well, at least it's not hives this time.":H Not fun. Also did the days of insomnia. Was taking prescription sleep meds, drinking and STILL wouldn't fall asleep.

                  Was finally diagnosed with Seasonal Affect Disorder and between October and April I'm on antidepressants and use a lightbox every morning. (It's a true life saver! Got mine from Northern Lights.) When I feel them coming on I just flip the switch and get some light. Also find that the CalmFortes that RJ recommends help lots.

                  Hope this helps and you're doing better.



                    Panic Attacks

                    (((WOW))) I guess I struck a cord, eh? I am so sorry so many of us suffer from these. I guess I am lucky that I haven't had them as often as so many of you. I did drink last nite and it did numb me so I didnt have any. I also stayed on MWO, such great people. I felt like I was going to have one in the car home but I didn't and even managed to make dinner. Joe came home late, which I made me doubly glad for my chat buddies!!!

                    I have a 3 pm apptmt today so I'll tell you what he says. I had the panic attacks before I was drinking so heavily as now. So though I don't doubt my drinking could be making my sensory recepticals (sic) more apt to have them now, as a doc said here, they are not the etiology of them.

                    If I have to go to a shrink or whatever I will. "cause I aint going thru them. I'm not letting them rule my life. And I'm not gonna live it drunk either.

                    Thanx for all the support. :l:thanks:


                      Panic Attacks


                      Do ask if you have SAD. We here in the northern climes with cloudy days can really have it bad. One eye-opener for me is that I've never had one during the summer, only in winter and early spring. It's so treatable too...just lots of light. I have my box on the kitchen counter and flip it on while making breakfast/dinner.

                      Wishing you peace and calming!



                        Panic Attacks

                        hart, I don't have any suggestions sweetie, but wanted you to know I care xxx

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          Panic Attacks

                          Oh, those horrible/horrific panick attacks. I am a sufferer as well. Since I was 19. I hope your doctor fixes you up, hart. There is no need to suffer in this day and age. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.


                            Panic Attacks

                            Just back from doc. He is weening me off my present rx and then I will get on Zyprexa. He also asked when last I had a seizure. I suffer from epilepsy since my early 20s. I told him it's been over ten years.

                            So, he is going to have me see a neurologist to see if I still even need my anti-seizure meds.

                            I never thought you could suddenly just NOT have epilepsy But he's the doc, it don't hurt and if I am taking meds I don't need to....yeah I'd like to stop.

                            Thank you so very much for all your support. :l


                              Panic Attacks

                              Just thinking about you, Hart...

                              Don :l

