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My friends at MWO.....

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    My friends at MWO.....

    I am sitting here about to cry. My dear friend More2 sent me flowers!!!! They are so pretty.....I don't know if she knew it but StarGazer lilies are my favorite.....Billy used to always buy them for me. I have TONS of them in my yard. I love my flowers! Thank-you my friend. XXXOOOXXX
    We are such a loving, supportive group. I could never do this without you all.

    My friends at MWO.....

    Luv, it is awesome to hear the happiness in the words that you write now. A far cry from where you were at last week, isn't it? You're right about the people here being awesome, and that was a wonderful gesture by More2. Hope your meeting goes well tonight!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      My friends at MWO.....


      You deserve flowers at least and you DO sound soooooooo much happier!!

      GOOD FOR YOU LUV!!!:h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        My friends at MWO.....

        Yes, last week was BAD! (understatement) Thank God she didn't have to send these for my funeral, last week I thought I'd die. Living happily today and MOST important...SOBBER!!!!!!


          My friends at MWO.....

          That's really wonderful.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            My friends at MWO.....


            Pleasse accept those flowers from MORE2!!

            How freaking AWSEOME IS THAT???

            You have people who care. People all across the world.


            How special are you? THAT SPCECIAL!!! Not kidding.

            Luv. Let every second you breathe be a apart of the lives that want you to be okay. Every second.

            You are one of the SPECIAL people here. Luv. You get it?

            AF April 9, 2016


              My friends at MWO.....

              Aww, thanks Cindi. I am very lucky....and grateful. My flowers smell so good!!


                My friends at MWO.....

                That is really sweet and speaks volumes of you both.



                  My friends at MWO.....

                  Ahhhhh that is lovely, I had the pleasure of meeting more2 in Florida and she is lovely too ........

                  BB xx


                    My friends at MWO.....

                    How great Luv! This is a truly wonderful group here.


                      My friends at MWO.....

                      DAY 2 OF CAMPRAL

                      Good afternoon everyone. This is my first post. I just discovered this cite yesterday after picking up my first prescription of Campral. Eight O'clock tonite will be completion of day 3 w/out alcohol for the first time in many months. After 13 years clean & sober and AA attendance I began drinking again on 10/31/05. Been in counseling for 1.5 years now and am 8 weeks into a womens' recovery group. AA just isn't comfortable anymore.

                      Everyone here seems to share genuine concern for the other posters and I've spent several hours last night and today reading posts. So far, so good on the Campral - just a little foggy, but that could be a detox as well, I suppose.

                      Thanks for reading and well wishes to everyone and thanks to those sharing your truth as well.



                        My friends at MWO.....

                        Hi Di! Welcome!
                        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                          My friends at MWO.....

                          Aw Luvbug, you just put your nosey in those flowers and feel the love girlfriend! I'm soooo glad, that I didn't come home, to have to send flowers to your funeral, you have no idea the chill bumps you even saying that, gives me! You are the sweetest too, More2 is like my long lost sister too, none of us could do this without any of the others that make up this "family"...have a great meeting tonight, and tell them about us and say a prayer for all of us too! And Di, WELCOME and thank goodness you found us, as you can tell, this is a great support group, non-judmental, and lifesaving for many of hang in and keep reading and posting!
                          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                            My friends at MWO.....

                            Welcome Di-

                            Campral rocks!

                            Now back to Luv and her pretty flowers more was so nice to send. There are some of the nicest people on this site.


                              My friends at MWO.....

                              That is heart warming xxx

                              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

