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welcome DI!!!!

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    welcome DI!!!!

    Was going to post something to you on my flower thread but wasn't sure you would see it. This is a GREAT place to come. Don't have to leave the house, make long frined, we genuinely care for each other. Last week I had a horrendous week and weekend. Went on a 4 day binge and was more ill than I have ever been. I came here and got the support I needed to get back on track. Not ONE person judged me!!! Open arms. Got phone calls and tons of love only. So, keep posting and take your meds. IT WORKS!!! I stopped taking mine and fell HARD! Was AF for 7 motnhs doing the program. So, back in the saddle riding a black stallion!!!!!! WELCOME to the family.

    welcome DI!!!!

    Thank you SO MUCH luvuall!!!!!!! I knew I was going to get teary today, I just didn't figure it would be due to such a warm feeling.

    How the heck does everyone get the photo or image on the left side of their post? I'm not that computer savvy. SOme of them are fantastic.

    Thanks again - you hang in too, hope to speak/read soon!




      welcome DI!!!!

      You are in the right place. Good group here that genuinely care! We in this together. I have been here a year now. You will make some good friends. Just read your little heart out and post, get involved. Just jump right in!!!!!


        welcome DI!!!!

        Yes, Welcome DI!

        LUVUALL speaks the truth!


          welcome DI!!!!


          We are here for you 24/7.

          Some of us are East coast America and some are in Aussi land. LOL

          We are here for you 24/7.

          Not an easy thing to do but they are here.

          I have been with "them" in chat many times. If that is what is takes, that is what it takes.
          NO MATTER WHAT!!

          This has NOTHING to do with where you are and what you are thinking..

          It has EVERYTHING to do with trying to quit.

          AF April 9, 2016


            welcome DI!!!!

            Welcome Di,

            To get the picture (avatar), click onto User CP at the top of the page and then click Edit Avatar.



              welcome DI!!!!

              welcome di
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                welcome DI!!!!

                Di, I posted to you on the 30 day thread too, welcome! You are in the best place ever! It's great for all of us, that you are here to support us too! Can't wait to get to know you better!
                "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                  welcome DI!!!!

                  Warm Welcome to you Di !!! xxx
                  Allow me to introduce you to my " Private Agent Investigating Goat " Niblet. Haa !! tee !! Heee !!!

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    welcome DI!!!!

                    Welcome Di. we are glad you are with us. Looks like you figured out the avatar.

                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                      welcome DI!!!!

                      Yes DI I love the avatar, you will learn from reading my posts that I LOVE flowers!!!!

