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The People here are AWESOME

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    The People here are AWESOME

    I just have to write this before I go to bed...The last night of my drinking for at least a long while. I am starting Antibuse tomorrow...a somewhat dramatic thing to do but it is of last resort...but I am very, I am positive, it will work. No way will I drink on this stuff, and I will take it, because in the morning I never want it to be a drinking is only later that I change my mind...and then it will be too late.

    Anyway, I just want to say to all of you...I cannot believe how amazing you all are. I have had the most terrific support...You all rock. I have had calls, PM's, suggestions, links, I can go on and on.

    I hope I can give back 10% of what I have received.

    Cant name you all...but want you to know how much it is appreciated.

    With so much love

    formerly known as bak310

    The People here are AWESOME

    Well Lucy you are supportive also. Chatting with you is always a pleasure and i know for sure you will do alright Lou. Sleep tight dear one and read all the nice things we have to say about you tomorrow. Okay?



      The People here are AWESOME

      Lucy......You Rock! You have been a huge support to me and so many others. I am happy for you, you sound so motivated.....You will get this done! You know that I am always here for you, always.

      Sweet dreams and welcome to the wonderful world of non-drinkers!!

      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        The People here are AWESOME

        Lucy/Beth: I am glad you have found a solution, I have sensed your frustration, and can relate. I think this will be amazing for you! And you are so supportive of others, so damn girl, you deserve it back:h
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          The People here are AWESOME

          Lucy, you have already given way more than 10%! :h
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            The People here are AWESOME

            Hi beth,
            Is perfectly understandable that you approach antabuse with a degree of trepidation........most of us probably would, but let`s put things in perspective. It`s fact that antabuse works, provided you take`s also a fact that you have to be very responsible with this drug, but you`re aware of the pitfalls with this drug........used responsibly, it`s as safe as houses. The fact that your hubby is aware that you are going to be taking the antabuse should offer you even further reassurance. We have witnessed successess at MWO with antabuse........same success awaits you.

            I raise my hat to you for having the guts to go for it. Am almost certain you won`t regret this decision. My best to you.

            Starlight Impress xxx


              The People here are AWESOME


              Good luck on your venture. I will look forward to seeing how it goes for you.
              "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


                The People here are AWESOME

                Beth you can do this, I'm proud of you for taking this step

                Love you,


                  The People here are AWESOME

                  You're taking the big step tomorrow.......great! I'm so proud of you to have made this decision. Please let us know how it goes, okay? ((((Beth))))
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    The People here are AWESOME

                    Beth I wish you well. Take full advantage of your time with AntiB and try and really focus on yourself and your surroundings. Even though the urges may be gone those triggers are still going to be lurking and nipping at your heels. You sound strong and determined. Be a rock!
                    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                    Watch this and find out....


                      The People here are AWESOME

                      Dr. Van Pelt - I wish you much success on the next step of your journey!!! I am confident you are going to have big successess to brag about real soon!!!!

                      And thanks for being there for me!!!!!!


                        The People here are AWESOME

                        Good Luck tomorrow Lucy -- You will do great!

                        Thinking of you,
                        Hugs, Bambi
                        "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                          The People here are AWESOME

                          You are great yourself. Loads of luck on the antibuse. Seems several are going that route now. Hope it is the answer for you.


                            The People here are AWESOME

                            Hey Beth -
                            Catching up here. I totally applaud your decision. Makes perfect sense and takes alot of courage. Way to go.
                            Here with you all the way woman!
                            How did it go this morning?.

                            I think YOU rock too.
                            Love WW xx


                              The People here are AWESOME

                              Hi Lucy, we've not spoken before, but I've read a lot of your posts.

                              Good Luck with the antabuse, I will be reading your posts with even more interest from now on as my antabuse arrived the other day and as I drank over the weekend I'm not ready to take it yet. However, I WILL be taking it on Friday morning as although I can now go AF in the week, I am too weak to manage a weekend as yet. Pathetic I know, but I'm going to use AB to reprogram my habits and prove I can get on with my life without alcohol and then taper off it.

                              We'll see.

                              Once again, good luck and lots of love

