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    I had to give up people in my life who only wanted to have company only if they were drinking. I mean hard core like a jug on the table open for anyone to take a slug out of it. If they were not drinking they were miserable and non-functioning, I really do not miss seeing people pass out in front of me anymore and not remember if we were even there. Have you guys had to get rid of these kinds to afford a clean life. They even get mad because you don't do it with them. anymore..bastards.



    That is part of the reason why I wanted to move from Virginia to Pittsburgh. I had to leave a lot big time drinkers that were dragging me down. One is still a very good friend.

    The ones that get mad are the one's you are threatening by not drinking. That's THEIR problem, not yours!
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



      There was one particular person that I had to give up. And I do not miss that person one bit. I still work at the same company and we barely even say hi to each other and that just suits me fine.



        I hear ya.

        OTOH...are they any more 'bastards' than we were when we were still drinking to excess, and fighting the beast?

        Are they "mean" and "intentional" and purposely dragging you down for their own gain? Or just stuck in their behaviors, and looking for a compatriot, a drinking buddy?

        These are debate points, btw. Not meant to be argumentative. I'm not sure of the answers myself.

        Taking it all in



          yeah 3 people .me ,myself and i. these 3 are bastards to drink with.but hey good morning to ya and have a great day
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



            Yep, we have a few groups of folks that avoid having us to their "get togethers" I'm certain for that reason... I guess they don't want a person to be aware and remember all the crap that was said
            Great thread Ripple

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



              LOL, tlrgs! I like the three people you said. Me, myself and I!
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



                I really can't say that this has been the case with me. Maybe because I usually drank at home. However, my closer friends, know that this has been a goal of mine and support me even though, socially they will have a drink or some wine when we are out. Maybe it's because we are older (50's) and realize that we have been practicing this stupidity way too long! Anyone else, that is not particularly close to me, I don't care what they think!


                We have to do what we need to do!

                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



                  me too!!!

                  I drank at home alone alot too.................can't blame anyone but me, myself and I!? Do have some family members who make being AF a living HELL, but I may just avoid those situations in the future..............:lilangel:

                  good luck!!:h

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                    I got rid of my freeloading drunk unemployed party boyfriend (ex). I must say that while I was drinking like three fishes it was a riot, then I woke up and realized that we were enabling each other. I can also say that I was probably one of

                    those bastards myself, but if everyone is drunk, it doesn't matter.

                    The ex now lives on his sailboat and still drinks to excess and is unemployed or "off the grid" as he says.

                    The plain truth is that sober people are a serious bummer to those who are looking to get good and

                    drunk and do all sorts of irresponsible stuff and vice versa. oh this crazy pendulum

                    I still go to the local to say hi, but never stay long enough to see things get ugly. or fun depending on what side of the wagon you're on.

                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                      Yeah, I have re-aligned some of my social contacts so that we don't meet up at bars anymore. And there are a few who ask why not? I just tell them I need to cut the empty calories out of my life..A couple of very close friends have figured it out and said good show. Let the rest of them guess.
                      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!



                        Yup, we look back and say, WOW, what a disgusting mess it was being around people like that? Holy Shit, they was bad company! Fightin over the bottle for the last drip. The woman many times fell back in her chair on her back and stayed there, we would laugh, her hubby would say, leave her, she'll wake up later. sad. Never does anyone need to witness such disfunction. So glad that shit is gone in my life! :H

                        Yada, yada, yada.....DUH!

                        ~rippy doo~



                          Misery loves company, eh? Glad you let the "dead weight" go. Yea, it's hard, but in the end it's essential to your recovery.



                            WOW, misery loves company, ya got that right...hehe!

                            :H once upon a time, there was a troll and hes WITCH who drank brew until they threw,
                            Up that is, she pulled herself up for one more and bumped her chin on the rail to the deck. down the poor gurl went as she hurled again, and again, and again.




                              Hi Ripple

                              I,ve never seen an attractive drunk (myself included of course)

                              Something distasteful about a women drunk (my opinion as a women and a person who has been drunk!!)

                              When I am sober or moderating its amazing how i notice others as they teeter off to the loo ..which they struggle to find despite having found it 3 drinks earlier(do you know that feeling?/I do)

                              Or the dishevelled look..of the previously perfectly turned out at beginning of the evening.

                              Or the loud loud voice!!with disregard for everyone else around.

                              I usually go home these days after 3 drinks as i darent get into "out of control " behaviour...for me i go tired and want to sleep but can get argumentative usually with other argumentative drunks /drinkers.

                              At least i,ve learnt and faced up to that and can at present work out my limits(i ensure this by having a time scale for being out ie a couple of hours and have the taxi booked in advance)..

                              or i set myself as i dont ever drink and drive.

                              But yes there are some people who will sabotage your attempts if you let them and others you ahve to let go for self preservation.

                              The joy is that moderating/sobriety brings sother more meaningful friendships and opportunities.

                              Good Luck to you Ripple


