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I'm here...

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    I'm here...

    Just to say I'm here just now and so grateful for all the messages of kindness and support since my Mum's 'stroke' three weeks ago (it was a total heart block) and subsequent death from pneumonia last week. (Peacefully, quietly and calmly for which she was lucky and I am grateful beyind words...)

    The ten days with my Dad while she was ill were hard for all the obvious plus so many not so obvious reasons - and not least because I couldn't get on here! But each time I could read your posts I was so uplifted and remembered them as I went around my 'daily round'.... I just can't tell you how much they helped!

    Then when I came back here for the supposed couple of days but got the 'sad call' only ten minutes after walking in the door (so often the way!)... it was so good to catch up with MWO and get a tiny 'top-up' of the best spirit in the world - the stuff in the bottle kills you, the spirit here enlivens, builds, heals and supports. So thank you so, so much for being there.

    The next 5 days were awful - because I was back in the 1970's with my Dad and his anger and vitriole.... Grief does 'funny' things of course but I expected anything but that; thought it was long buried. But his sword ripped me from top to bottom - fancy words but that's what it felt like and I walked around with my hands and arms covering my front from top to bottom as far as was was a real physical pain.

    And yet I 'should' have been grieving for my Mum...but at the moment wonder if I didn't do that last year, here, with all your wonderful support - grieve for the relationship I never had with her.... so that now I am in a kind of limbo watching others grieve 'properly' and just being there for them. My heart so goes out to my Dad but I am feeling sad that I feel I daren't give it to him openly but sort of just send care in his general direction with a safe distance....and for that I don't like myself much. It has been a time of recognising so much more clearly where the self-loathing feeelings that led to the bottle came from. (Yet now, reading that back, I guess it's ok; I can only do what I can do...he is how he is - and even though he is my Dad, not necessarily perfect - and feeling I must look after myself - even if just now - is closer to caring for my self and if that keeps any thoughts of the bottle away, well, can't be a bad thing surely...)

    I say this guardedly but.....even though I moderate a bit, have my one glass of wine/seltzer-soda, there are two distinct feelings around booze for me. One is a gentle, chosen social enjoyment of the above and the other - pretty well gone since MWO but there it was last week in small moments of despair - a panicky, doing-it-without-even-realising-I-was-doing-it feeling of blot it out NOW - of wouldn't be surprised to find myself half way down a bottle before I even came to....anything to remove myself from myself who I, just then, loathed with a passion for being so useless, so totally unloveable even by my own father (and mother) and knowing he had told everyone else an intense loneliness - that old thing 'abandonment' - and futile sense of forbidden existence.

    But thoughts of here, and that 'abandonment' is not now the only way, thought or belief - of knowing that that was nothing but a small thought in the grand scheme of things (thanks Satori!) had me 'hanging in there' with something far more constructive (care and acknowledgement) than the destructiveness of the bottle....

    I hope I have put that ok; it feels selfish to write all that but as all that I have learned here from other's experiences got me to this point (and I hope, with grace, will get me to further and further points), I write this in simple sharing terms only....meant with gratitude and (I so hope) an open heart and with so many thanks to all of you who helped so much by being there. :l

    So, the funeral next week - a 'busy time of year' and the time it takes to have a funeral in a big, busy church (where my P's went/go) meant over a two week wait....I am trying to get some sort of internet access for then!

    Each day - each moment - as it comes I guess but thank you know so many hearts were caring all over this world was just amazing. :h

    Finding My Self (still!) XX
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    I'm here...

    So good to hear from you. I am sitting here in tears ,you have such a clear beautiful and gentle way of writing, something which is so hard to explain.

    Take care of yourself, my thoughts will be with you.

    God bless

    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


      I'm here...

      I am so sorry about your Mom. Glad you are home, you were missed.


        I'm here...

        FMS, its good to hear from you. I don't know anything about your past and your relationship with your mam and dad but I just want you to know I am here for you. Please take care of yourself and remember next week at the funeral, when times are bad, and they will be, you know you have lots of people here waiting for you. Message me if you want to. With much love - Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          I'm here...

          My dear fmf,

          Your right if it feels right to take care of yourself and take those thoughs away from the bottle..i agree its a good thing.

          My heart goes out to you with all my love.:h
          Still sending prayers and strength your way.


          family is everything to me


            I'm here...

            What a beautifully written post.... and while you may not be "grieving" according to the unspoken rules found in your family.... I think if you read your post again, you'll see that you are grieving too, dear.

            I always wanted my relationship with my mom to be different than it is, and it's only been in my last 2 or 3 years that I've come to accept that she is who she is. The only thing my wishes did was dampen our existing relationship and mourn for something that would never be. Once this light bulb went on, our relationship improved- which sounds like your journey last year. Yes, you probably did grieve, but you also found peace with your mum's relationship.

            As for your Dad, he's trying to figure himself out, too. Keep your heart at a distance if you must, just remember that a chapter in his life has just closed, and he's looking to the future without his life partner and the uncertainty is scary- at least it is for my dad. You are doing what must be done, while still protecting your soul- that's awesome.

            Being true to yourself
            is the most important thing, and you are standing strong with a calmness in your heart that is very inspiring. I wish you well, dear. :l

            Tampa, FL


              I'm here...

              Hi FMS
              Its lovely to hear from you again!
              You are a very self aware person
              and despite all that you are suffering
              at the moment you still have emotional
              clarity! I applaud you for this! Do what
              it takes to keep you safe. The rest will
              take care of itself in time.
              :h Pan


                I'm here...


                Sounds like after this chapter in your life you may have to change you name to Found. You are such an amazing person and a beautiful, honest writer. Your words are truly from the heart.

                You are finding peace and grieving and growing all at the same time. That is a gift. One that you you are able to give to yourself because of the changes you have made.

                Life will take care of the rest. We all have our own Journeys. You Father is on his. You are on yours. They will crisscross for the rest of your lives, like paths in a forest, but they are your individual paths. When we have difficult parents the best gift we can give ourselves and them is to have compassion. Then most often we start to see things differently. If we cannot see what they see, what makes a person act the way they act (or act out) at least we have compassion for them and that sets us free.

                Take care, sweetie. I love to hear from you.


                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  I'm here...


                  Hugs and lots of strength to you right now. :l

                  Take some special time for yourself, now, and let yourself heal from this ordeal.

                  Your post was so poignant. It touched me deeply.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    I'm here...

                    I'm so very sorry to hear about your Mom passing...
                    How you have grown from this sad event in your life though... I'm sending you warm thoughts and hugs, xxx We will always be here for you.. You will never be alone in this xxx

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      I'm here...


                      Aw relationships. They are sooo complicated. I luved my mom dearly, but she gave up on life in her fifties, my dad, I have no relationship with tho we are in the same town.

                      Take care of yourself hon. When my mom died I ended up in the hospital come X-mas (not eating and, especially not drinking water/fluids, will do that to you). I was numb, I was living in a bursts, then all the emotions pop out.

                      Tis better to greive at first and as long as it takes. Then you can remember your mom during the best times.

                      My heart goes out to you. :l


                        I'm here...

                        Hi FMS,

                        Reading your post, I was reliving my own mother's death, nearly two years ago. I can so relate to nearly every word. My heart truly goes out to you at this time. Yes, we should be able to grieve. Families should be able to both give and receive support to each other during these times. It only makes sense, right? FMS, I am so glad that you have MWO and I have no doubt that you have created other support networks around you. That is what we do when family fails us.

                        Just remember, it was not you who was or is unlovable. It is and was your parents inability to love. There must be so much self loathing, when parents are incapable of loving their own children. This realization has definitely put me on a happier, more fulfilled path.

                        I so hope that you can push through this and reach out, as you have been doing, no it is not selfish. You do, so richly deserve love and support.

                        I wish you comfort. I wish you joy, I wish you peace.

                        XXXX KateH
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          I'm here...

                          Dear FMS:

                          I haven't met you yet, but I so appreciate your post and pain. I lost my Mom when I was 26 (21 years ago) and remember, albiet FAR less vividly, the agony.

                          May you in the future enjoy some pleasant dreams of your Mom as I have.

                          Please continue to be gentle with yourself. My thoughts are with you.




                            I'm here...

                            Hello Dear Finding-
                            How good to see you. As usual, I am very touched by what you have written. The phrase 'futile sense of forbidden existence' chills me all the way through. What darkness we have survived. And you continue to walk through it with incredible grace (I know you would challenge me on this! but it's true). It takes so much courage to keep your heart open once you've seen the real truth with a parent like your Dad. Caring from a safe distance sounds just right. Letting them go, in life and in death, is complex. I still update things with my Dad now and then, and he passed more than 20 years`ago. The impressions they leave have such deep roots.

                            Yes - Please have a sturdy internet connection during your next trip. Want to be close :h.

                            Love WW xx


                              I'm here...

                              May you find peace and inner strength. Be true to yourself (it sounds like you are doing an AWESOME job of that) and be sure we are here for you in this very difficult time.
                              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

