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appetite problem

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    appetite problem

    I see so many people here posting about weight gain, weight loss. I um... lost my appetite. Food used to make my heart and tummy sing. Now (if you have noticed) I forget to eat. When I do, I only eat a little bit and loose interest. I have lost a bunch of weight and not intentionally. I had a physical in December and all was well, but I am feeling a little concerned about the loss of appetite. But you see, that means I skip my supplements. Do I get an alarm clock? Ring ring eat something. I don't have an eating disorder. I don't think. I' certainly not bulimic. I don't know what anorexia is. Yikes! I have to google. Am I the only one having this?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    appetite problem

    no, I'm not anorexic, I just lost my appetite.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      appetite problem

      are you taking topa? or any type of medications?

      if you are drinking the All One. maybe that gives you a sense of being full. I lose my appetite when I drink.

      so I am on the opposite side of the spectrum
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        appetite problem

        Hello Greeneyes, I know for myself that it takes a full 2 weeks to make a change in lifestyle a way of life... What I mean is it took me 2 weeks to get "in the habit" of eating a good healthy breakfast... I used to eat no earlier than 10 in the morning and didn't have the get up and go....
        Please consider "forcing" yourself to eat a breakfast whether it be some yogurt with fruit, a whole grain toast and peanut butter, or a whole grain cereal.... Soon enough this will give you the get up and go and you honestly will be hungry in about 3 to 4 hours time... Breakfast kick start the metabolism which makes us hungry for the next meal... Please give a 2 week try and see how good you too will feel
        ~Honest~ xxx

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          appetite problem

          You need me to make you a big pan of SC style mac n cheese??????


            appetite problem

            Greeneyes, a lot is going on right now in your body. Are you staying AF? Forget that, you do not have to answer that. But you will find AL messes with the appetite big time.

            My weight problem stems from not eating enough and my metabolism shuts down because it thinks I'm starving myself. I have to force my self to eat more than once a day. Been a problem for yrs. But one thing that does help is a meal replacement shake to start the morning. Ninety-five percent of the time I just can't eat in the morning, so the shake (Slim-Fast) has a lot of vits and minerals in it. If you try these, you can at least be able to take your supps. And if the lose of appetite keeps up, you may need to discuss this with a Dr, but I know you don't want them to know about the al. You really need to be honest for them to give you the best help. You deserve for this to finally be straightened out.

            Good luck.

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              appetite problem

              Greeneyes I haven't replied to any of you post but have read most of them. (Real busy time right now at work)
              And I'm very proud of you!
              Anyway about the eating problem nothing sounds good to me but freshed baked cookies out of the oven!!!! But once they are cooled forget it I don't want them anymore.
              Tomorrow will be my 60 day AF and I am doing Weight Watchers (not counting the cookies every now and then) walking everyday after work and started some weight training this week. I have lost only 9lbs but I can fit into clothes that I haven't been able to fit into at this weight last year.
              Keep it up girl!!


                appetite problem


                When I take my topa, all one and all the supps through the day I am full and find myself not snacking like I use too. (it is a good thing).........

                Just make sure you are eating something morning, noon and night. It can be a piece of fruit, bread or salad, soup is good too. Even a glass of juice every now and then to keep you going and to keep your blood sugar up so the cravings to come full force!

                You are doing wonderful. Keep it up!
                Hugs, Bambi
                "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                  appetite problem

                  When I was taking Campral, especially at the beginning, I lost my appetite. I celebrated this in a big way. I thought there might be something in there that is tied to carbs - - makes the alcohol craving go away, along with a craving for sugar or other carbs. It was great. I have stopped taking Campral but am still following a south beach diet so the cravings are really gone (until someone sat a huge plate of great smelling, freshly baked brownies in front of me at a meeting the other night . . . I resisted!). 31 pounds down and not stopping now!

                  I think going AF really does a lot to our bodies and changes a lot of things about the way they function. Part of this process is learning to listen and choosing what is right for us - for you that means eating.

                  I agree with everyone here you need to force yourself to have something for breakfast. And maybe something simple like yogurt for lunch. Maybe some sort of protein drink or bar that will pack a lot of calories into a small serving if you need that.

                  Good luck!
                  Member since January 2008
                  AF since August 25, 2008


                    appetite problem

                    You sound as if you just need to graze. I know what it's like to not want a big official "meal"---whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Because I've always been a stay-home mom with an undemanding freelance writing sideline, I've never (or rarely) done the "meal" thing. I keep baby carrots and hummus on hand, good olives and artisanal cheeses, maybe a bowl of strawberries in season, grapes, etc. I just "nab" a handful here and there, and that seems to work for me. Never that gross "stuffed" feeling, just a steady little flow of good nutrients. Nuts are excellent, too, for good protein and that salty fix!
                    Jane Jane

