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I Blew It!

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    I Blew It!

    janka, not worth it dear to undoo all that you worked so hard to fix! when you feel better come to chat and piss it up!



      I Blew It!

      Don't feel bad. We all fall off. Be happy about 154 days!!! That is just wonderful!!!! Get back up, dust yourself off and move forward. This ain't no disco - it is hard work and we can't expect to be perfect.

      I am pretty impressed with your 154 days!!!!


        I Blew It!

        Hi Janka

        and thanks for sharing with us so honestly...dont know what your goal was but one slip doesnt mean you have blown it,

        look forward to hearing of your progress as you journey on with your goal in mind...

        Fantastic achievement ..all those days WOW

        Regards Cassy


          I Blew It!


          Luv ya gal, 154 days ROCKS. Just get right back on that wagon. And forget about it.:l


            I Blew It!

            Janka, hun I really can not add anything to what's already been said.

            Just take some time to figure out what exactly caused you to take that first sip. I know you mentioned anxiety from divorce. But you have been dealing with this already and were staying sober. So just what was it exactly that led you to think alcohol was a better choice at that moment? Maybe it was a combination of things that may be you can avoid in the future.

            You don't have to share what it was, but I just want you to be aware of what that particular trigger was so that you can be aware of it in the future.

            Take care, hun. BTW, congrats on 154 days!! Wow! I can only hope to reach that someday. You are a strong women. Good luck!

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              I Blew It!

              Janka, recently got divorced myself, that's when this creepy f----head AL took over my life, so I can fully relate. your 154 days is amazing. :h:h:l
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                I Blew It!

                Hang in there janka, take a walk the sun is shining and its warm think spring


                  I Blew It!

                  Girl I know how you feel.....after 7 months, I drink so much over 4 days I thought I would took me 3 days to feel decent again. I was so sick I was begging for mercy and to be hauled to rehab. Start over! That is what I am doing. Lesson learned like you said. It wasn't even close to worth it.....


                    I Blew It!

                    Thanks to all of, so many thanks. Forge onward and upward I say!
                    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                      I Blew It!


                      You have the right frame of mind, so no doubt you are just back on your way after your "hiccup". 154 days is amazing!!! And now you are on 155, in my book.

                      You are an inspiration!!!

                      formerly known as bak310


                        I Blew It!

                        Just get right back with us, Janka....



                          I Blew It!

                          154 days is fantastic

                          WOW :goodjob: for the 154 days if you did once you can do it again. Focus on your achievements not the temporary stuff up.
                          Aunty Vic :h


                            I Blew It!

                            Janka: I know how you feel. I slipped after 7 months and 3 weeks. I felt tremendous guilt the next day. In addition, my anxiety kicked in. I'm back on track. My 8 month anniversary was actually this past Monday. I didn't dwell on it much. Although my therapist said I should start my count from day 1, in my heart, I feel I deserve to commend myself for 8 months. I know have 2 anniversary dates. The first date being July 3, 2007. The second being March 25, 2008. I truly think it's terrific you have gone 154 days. It goes to show that you can do this and have great strength.
                            September 23, 2011


                              I Blew It!

                              Thanks again ... the whole counting thing bothers me. If I were a "normal" drinker, if i got drunk once, twice, five times a year ... I wouldn't even think about counting. Just because I slipped, doesn't erase all the success I did have. Maybe it's my guilt talking, but I am grateful to all of you for your support, and grateful too that this day has passed with far less the anxiety I expected. I so much appreciate your non-judgmental support. Thanks many times over, j
                              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                                I Blew It!

                                You're so right Janka......just because you slipped you still have the 154 days. No one can take those away from you.
                                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

