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Family Soap Opera!

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    Family Soap Opera!

    Oooh wee, LuvUALLL I LUV U! Ain't it the truth about not "having" to luv siblings? I probably would go to Sisterjane's fune, though, if only to sashay right by her coffin (wearing a cute little black dress) humming "Bye Bye Blackbird."

    I wish I dared post the link to her blog, just so everyone could get a big laugh out of how utterly phony she is. She's having a huge big party with the current presidential primaries---as is her pseudo-intellectual husband, who is not even an American citizen. He loves to give his (unsolicited) opinions on how terrible and evil America is, how every Republican is basically an "antichrist" us "capitalists" are basically ruining the world.

    Our big brother, who is a really funny guy and totally a non-combatant in these Sibling Wars, calls them "The Trotskys" and doesn't let their b.s. bug him one bit. I probably need to be more like him!

    Let's hear from some more folks who think their siblings should have been accidentally dropped on their heads (from a 9th-story window.)

    Jane Jane


      Family Soap Opera!

      Yep - another one here, who cannot stand their sister. I CANNOT stand her. She is such a miserable bitch and thinks everyone else should be too. The best day in my life was when I decided to say F-U to her and start living my life happily. Funny, how I sobered up around then too.


        Family Soap Opera!

        Yay for you, Accountable. Join our Sister-Bashin' Club! Doesn't it feel soooo good? I think what really made me want to swat my sis was her utter lack of humor! I don't ever remember seeing her laugh, even as a toddler---she was ALWAYS whining, rubbing her eyes, tattling, poking that lip out. SO tiresome. Luckily our cook/nanny loved me best, and thought I was Miss Little IT, so didn't punish me too bad when I tried to stuff Sissy into the oven, or lock her in the old refrigerator out in the barn. None of these stratagems worked, alas.

        So it was a big surprise to me when my two daughters actually liked each other!
        Jane Jane


          Family Soap Opera!

          Yep same here

          Hi ya janejane, yep same, have 2 sisters and they are shockers. Don?t see them due to toxicity factors and 2 brothers ditto. One sister hasn?t worked for 35 years, and thinks that those who work should support her financially???? She takes the hard earned money then mocks you for being in the ?rat race?. Could write 10 pages on this manipulative bitch but won?t. Likes to put me down over past drinking but is a morbidly obese, dope smoking, 55 year old hippie who, sells dope to school children!!!! Tempted to dob her in, but due to fact I wouldn?t give her any more money, she has disappeared. Hip Hip Hooray, haven?t seen or heard from her for 4 years. If you won?t give her money she won?t speak to you, wish I had figured this out 30 years ago. :H
          Aunty Vic


            Family Soap Opera!

            Well I have sister issues too... glad to know I'm not the only one who doesnt go shopping with my sister every Saturday and has a built-in best friend! I wish, but sadly not the case.

            I think we got off to a bad note (she is six years older) when she told me at six years old that I was adopted and that Mom and Dad didnt want me to know. She said she went with them to the orphanage and there was a really sweet, cute baby girl that she preferred but that Mom and Dad felt sorry for me because I was so ugly! I would sit there and cry and she STILL elaborated and mentally tortured me. She told me that if they ever found out that I knew, I would be returned to the orphanage! Finally got up the nerve at age 10 to ask Mom if it was true.... my sister was in so much trouble! My Mom chased her through the house with a belt and she was 17!

            I have much compassion for you gals....

            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              Family Soap Opera!

              Jane, reach out and tell her it's not you just to set the record straight and put her in her place. Sorry if this was already said....I read your first post then responded.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Family Soap Opera!

                well, i read the hole damn thing over a few times and its entirely funny to me. gawd some have a way with words, love it. :H



                  Family Soap Opera!

                  jane jane;286120 wrote: Yay for you, Accountable. Join our Sister-Bashin' Club! Doesn't it feel soooo good? I think what really made me want to swat my sis was her utter lack of humor! I don't ever remember seeing her laugh, even as a toddler---she was ALWAYS whining, rubbing her eyes, tattling, poking that lip out. SO tiresome. Luckily our cook/nanny loved me best, and thought I was Miss Little IT, so didn't punish me too bad when I tried to stuff Sissy into the oven, or lock her in the old refrigerator out in the barn. None of these stratagems worked, alas.

                  So it was a big surprise to me when my two daughters actually liked each other!

                  Hmmm, This sounds like me and my sister; she is 14 months older than me. She was favored by most yet still jealous of me??? I was the one she stuffed in the (in my case) clothes dryer. She abused and bruised me many many times over the years, I think she would have been happier had I never been competition, problem solved. I guess she never wanted a companion, too bad, I did, but after years of her abuse, I gave up. I guess it's just jealousy, what a wasted emotion! There are many ways in which I've outshined her but not to hurt her, I'm just trying to live my own life. She is a hippie, I'm not really political at all. She is uneducated by her own choice, in a very bad marriage, very overweight, and struggling financially. I am thin, rich, and drunk. She doesn't know about my problems, what little I have told her she smiles and seems to relish in, no empathy whatsoever. I do get to spoil her kids though, I can give them all the $ I want and she does say thank you and seems happy, I will probably put the two of them through college and am happy to do it although I would be happier if she were able to do it herself for her own self esteem.

                  I'm sorry but this post makes me sad, life is too short. Jane Jane, you DO care or you wouldn't have bothered to post. Maybe you should really think about what the problem is, she is your sister for God's sake. Blood is thicker than water.

                  Take Care,

                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    Family Soap Opera!

                    OMG.....I'm glad I'm an only child!
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      Family Soap Opera!

                      you know I am not your sissy!



                        Family Soap Opera!

                        Thanks for the laugh! LOL!

                        Yea, I have family drama too!

                        You sound a lot like a close friend of mine. She and her sister can't stand each other and now that the mother is deceased, they will never speak again.

                        It's too bad it has to come to that.

                        I say stop looking at your sister's blog. You know you aren't guilty of leaving her insulting messages, so to heck with her, eh?


                          Family Soap Opera!


                          Wow. Yes, send her kids to school because life and love knows no bounds.

                          I would have been so grateful for someone to send me to "school."

                          My dad had lots of money but was angry because I was not the "golden child" his two other sons were.

                          My brother, middle, had a full scholarship to MIT and my dad made him go to West Point because "not only is it free, but they pay you...."

                          Parents try but sometimes it is not the right thing...

                          My bro should have gone to MIT.

                          When the Rhodes Scholarship people came to look, he said, "NO" because there was too much history and english. If he had gone to MIT, he would be a GREAT man today. No kidding.

                          Today, I work for a great corp and do what I need to do to get by, but my BROTHER, my dear sweet brother, the one that calls to "check on me," and make sure I am okay, could've "been a contender..."

                          Ooops. Sorry I threw this out there. You have no idea how brilliant my brother is. I love him and he loves me. Period.

                          So. Sorry you have issues with you sister. I have no issues with my brothers. Both of them are there for me. No matter how far away we are... OMG, I am blessed!!!

                          AF April 9, 2016

