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calling all rehab folks

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    calling all rehab folks

    Ok. I'm knocking at the door. I feel like scared little girl in the dark. Hiding under the bed. I consider myself a strong person, but it just isn't happening. Please give me your input on your experiences. I know that it will vary depending on personalities and facilities, but I'd like to know, if you don't mind. Big girl pants fell down.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    calling all rehab folks

    It's not rehab but I did outpatient. Almost 5 years ago I did outpatient. 3 days out of the week, 3 hrs. for 4 weeks. I loved it. You were given random breath tests & yes, people failed them. Unfortunately, like for everything you do, what you put in is what you get out. Upon completion you were assigned a day & group to do relapse prevention. I wanted to do Mondays with the guys I bonded with(I bonded closely with this one guy & still am in touch with his wife via e-mail jokes) but my in-patient moron counselor bitch thought I'd do better in an all woman group. I never went. Needless to say, I eventually started to drink again months later. Who knows if the prevention classes would have worked. But the point is-I didn't make the effort to try them.

    Years later my Dr prescribed Topa & looking it up on the internet I found MWO. Last year I made 7 mo before my slip and this year I'm determined to make it a year!

    Good luck to whatever you choose.

    Sorry I could not be of help.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      calling all rehab folks

      I agree with Breez - what you put in is what you get out of it.

      I went to detox. Twice in one year - back in the early part of 2004. It was really great - 7 days each time... however it was ME that wasn't ready to actually commit to a life of sobriety at the time. I was to go to a 28 day rehab facility after the second time, but on my way there a buddy of mine who I met in detox, we stopped off at a pub - and the story ends there.... It took another couple of years until I wanted it bad enough to say - see ya booze. (apart from my pregnancy in 2004/2005 - didn't drink at all). Then started again full blast after she was born.

      I ended up here when I searched for some miracle to quit drinking. I managed to have almost a year of sobriety with a couple of occasions where I let my guard down. But seeing I was pretty much a daily drinker - being wine or vodka - I did very well.

      I think if you are seriously considering rehab and you are ready for it full heartedly - it will be a great experience for you. Just my opinion.


        calling all rehab folks

        I'm 10 days pre-rehab. I'm checking into Shick Shadle on 3/16. It's not a traditional 'rehab.' They do aversion therapy. I'm hoping I come out of there wanting to puke at the smell of wine. I'll be keeping you all posted.
        "We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." Jane Austen


          calling all rehab folks

          Hey Green

          Sorry, I have no rehab stories to share. But, I have been worried when reading your post's over the past few days. Honestly, I think that you have been putting a ton of pressure on yourself! It has seemed like you have expected to feel like somone that has gotten familiar with being a non-drinker for a long time. Long time meaning 6 mos. to a year. Being early in my own sobriety, I know that, at least for me,
          working through the "bumps" and challenges, were at times a minute by minute battle! There were and sometimes still are times of high anxiety......but, we push through, we don't resist and fight, but breath through it!

          I know that you have a lot going on, work, husband and your dad, and probably other things as well. Believe it or not, many of us have some really tough stuff going on as well. You are not alone.

          Give yourself a chance! You can do this!

          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            calling all rehab folks

            Hi Greenie Bean: You know i don't have anything to contribute in terms of experience w/rehab, but you know I want things to get better for you and I worry about you. You have a lot on your plate. I am sending you strength my greenie friend ..:h:h
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              calling all rehab folks

              Greens, y'all know I've been to in-patient (90s) and three out-patient (00s). It all depends on your attitude if it works. My in-patient worked for 2.5 years and if my doctor hadn't said I could've drank on occasion, I would still be AF.
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                calling all rehab folks

                I have not been to rehab but from what I hear they are all different. I have a very good friend who was put in against her will and had nothing good to say about it.....not sure how accurate her recount is because she lies and denies. She calls me drunk and says she is not drinking, that kind of thing. I LOVE Celebrity Rehab on VH1 but am told it is not an accurate portrayal of rehabs. Nonetheless, I haved gained a LOT of insight from that program, especially regarding why we use and abuse.

                Whatever you decide will be right for you! I am soooo proud of you Greeneyes, Hang Tough!

                My Heart :h
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  calling all rehab folks

                  Greens if you need more info on re hab e mail me at and I will share with you my experience.
                  I will not be on the p.c. until tuesday as the library is closed Sunday and I work all day Monday , but I will check my mail Tuesday.

                  John S.


                    calling all rehab folks

                    I did go..

                    will tell later..:thanks:


                      calling all rehab folks

                      Green eyes....
                      My wife,
                      Has green eyes...was one of the things that attracted her to me...! So you are allready in my good graces.... carry on...look for answer here. I'm here and a lot of others to help you ! Keep posting, we can help each other ! IAD:welcome:
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        calling all rehab folks

                        Green, thanks for the thread. I have no personal experiences but when i lived in Manchester I was friendly with a woman who 'used' what they called 'dry houses'?? She said it was just like being in a friendly woman's jail???? I have never been in either so I don't know but by her description it was a 'friendly' place...

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          calling all rehab folks

                          Okay had nappy..

                          I stayed for 14 days and did not require detoxification. Insurance covered everything! Here is the site. Psychiatric & substance use disorders treated at Silver Hill Hospital :h


                            calling all rehab folks

                            Thanks rip, flagged it in favorites
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

