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    At the moment of your birth, you are pure, perfect, whole, enlightened . . . it is the first instant that the nonlocal, unmanifest aspect of your being breaches the realm of form, physicality, time, space, and individuality. From that moment on, however, you start to forget your spiritual nature. Throughout your life, you accumulate layers of social conditioning, physical and emotional experiences, relationships, and the impressions of everything you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. These layers can mask your your true essence ? which is divine stillness and silence.

    This realm of stillness and silence is infinite. It is pure consciousness pregnant with possibilities. It exists within you and outside of you. It exists in every breath you take and in the space between every thought. Each time you access this realm of emptiness and tap into its flow ? even for a few seconds ? you experience a small transformation. You shift from a reflexive state of reactivity into a higher state of consciousness known as restful awareness.

    The key to integrating this state of consciousness into your daily waking state is the practice of meditation. Millions of people around the world meditate every day and enter the realm of stillness and silence known as the ?gap.? More important, during the rest of their day, when they are back here interacting with the rest of us ? each breath they take, each thought they think, and each beat of their heart contains a tiny piece of that stillness and silence. This thimble-full of pure potentiality flows into their words . . . their actions . . . their perspective of life, love, being, and existence. The result is a deeper appreciation and a profound awareness of the divine quality of existence.

    While there are many ways of entering the gap, meditation is an easy and effective method that helps you effortlessly disconnect from the activity of thoughts, sounds, and sensations that you experience in the physical realm.

    There are many forms of meditation, Zen, Mindfulness, Vipassana and any of the many techniques for accessing stillness and silence. All of these and so amny more are a straight line to celebrating the infinite possibilities that meditation brings into our lives and into the world. ~Deepak



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    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


    I *love* Chopra and what he has done to interpret the words of the sages and bring forth mediation for todays crazy modern world.
    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
    Watch this and find out....



      In the Book "Radical Forgiveness" there is a story about a little girl that kept insisting on wanting to be alone in the room with the new baby. Praents weere a little concerned but allowed it, and peeked. Little girl walked up to the crib and says "Tell me about God, I'm starting to forget".
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

