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Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
For those of you that know me, you know I lost my fiance' on 4-23-06 in a car accident. I have had tremendous anxiety since then driving or riding in a car. I KNOW in my mind that his accident was not a NORMAL circumstance, but I still freak out every time we have to hit the brakes quickly, etc... His death spiraled me in to a year of self-destruction. Last night I went to the BF is really in to car racing. OMG!!!! He can drive really good, but it scared me shitless each time he ran. I literally was on the side crying and praying. But, I made it and so did he, so today I am very happy!!!! He has been begging me to go with him. I finally went, kissed him before he drove and watched the whole thing.....all is good today.Tags: None
Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
Luv! Well done you! Really courageous and what a loving gift to give your bf....I hope he knows what a HUGE gift it was/is!! A gift of your bravery - a special gift.
(Did he win?!?!)
Love FMS xx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
Very good Luv,
Facing your fears - all of them what ever they may be is what recovery from AL is all about.
Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
First off, sorry about your fiance... losing him in a car wreck is tragic.
I regret my car accidents, especially the one where I tried to end it all.
You are very courageous for facing your fears. We all have fears (mine is of the future), but in the end we do need to face them.
I'm tired of being a sucker and tiptoeing through life like somebody cares.
Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
I have to agree with all of the above. You are really brave, I don't even know you, but I am proud of you. Hang in there!:l_______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
WE CAN DO THIS GUYS!!!!!! We CAN!!!! I am telling you, if you have read my story, this is HUGE for me. Funny how God puts you in life, isn't it? Why didn't he send a guy that just loves TV or something....I think this was a true test for me....I WON!!!!!
Facing your BIGGEST FEAR!!!
All I can say is WOW, LUVALL, that took tremendous courage, I think GOD did put him in your life to help you along during this difficult time..........maybe to make it easier? You are doing sooooooooooo well, I know you see it too and that makes me really happy!:goodjob:
love you,:h:l
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace: