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    SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

    I totally understand your need to not be coddled I have the same need - in saying that I NEED someone to kick my butt also. We can do this hun I am on your side and totally know what you are going through and understand the feelings you are having right now. I am feeling very shelfish right now. Yea what I am doing to myself is horrible and not good but I am doing it to myself. What I am doing to my husband and children well they just don't deserve it - they deserve a whole and happy wife and mother and so does your family. So dear kick it in gear, get the alcohol out of the house, don't buy anymore and take it one minute at a time. I am telling myself this also.

    We can do it with help from each other and this site - it's a damn hard road but one that will be worth it


    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


      SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

      you guys,THANK YOU....


      i REALLY needed that ...I am doing so much better.I keep holding off on replying till I can give a respectfully thourough enough response ,but it seems to keep not happening,so until then,at least wanted to say THANK YOU, wonderful people for taking the time to read my awful post and so kindly respond to me.I was in such a bad zone the other morning.II can't even begin to tell you what just simply writing out in front of my eyes and knowing i was itting "post" in front of so many people whom i respect so much did for me.Huge,really.anyway,if that day i was at a 3% w/ myself as far as self-respect and drinking,etc,today I would say I am at about a 73%.....been making sure ieat plenty of hot meals (big for me),not staying up all hours of the night and making sure my hubby REALLYunderstands what i am trying to accomplish.

      I love you all,i am not are an amazing bunch of people,I just can't believe it.I have drank about not even a 1/4 of what i have been thanks to you.I am hoping at the end of the week to be weaned down enough to join the 30 day AF thread!YEAH!!!!!

      :thanks:again from the bottom of my heart,


        SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

        Hey Lilly,
        Big congrats for cutting down by 3/4! You seem to be on the right track girl.
        Bringing your hubby in board is really important. I hope he is supporting you and your soon to be AF goals. You go girl.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

          Congratulations on cutting way back!
          I found when I sat my wife down and explained just how bad I had gotten with AL that she was more than willing to help me work to overcome my addiction. She does not totally understand, as she is one who does not suffer from this addiction, but she has been trying to learn to help me.
          And of course, this wonderful site with all the support and slapping a person can use at any time!
          Stay Strong!
          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

            just eat fruit, its so much better for you...when you are better try not to do it again.

            luv ripple~


              SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

              good for you!!!!

              Lilly, I am so happy to hear from you feeling better and cutting back!!YAY for you!!:cheering:yay::wd:

              You will make it, I feel that in my heart!! Just keep us posted and come here to ask for help, use whatever tools are available to you, I personally am using AA and MWO AND Campral...............I sort of have and arsenal of weapons, so hopefully will make it this time!!:fingers:

              love you,

              Hang in there!!

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

                She's Back!!

                Lily you are doing great and have come so far and getting closer to victory. Keep it going!
                Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                Watch this and find out....


                  SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

                  Real food is the best. Nothing prepared. Good luck to you and what has helped me is not to have ANY booze, beer, wine in the house. Come back and visit often, too!eace:
                  When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                  -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                    SO P-D OFF!!SORRY!!!

                    you guys are great

                    :l Geez,i just spent 45 f---ing minutes posing here,and i started tickling my son and i lost it!MIA!!!Nowhere to be found!@#$%^&*(I need to go to the fuck thread for a minute,but i can't because my subcriber service is down cuz i lost my dbit card and had to cancel it,so RJ couldn't charge me this till i get my new card to get-resubscribed,where can i go to say the f-word 50 timess?????damnit.

                    okay,i wanted to tell you guys that i only had a couple of drinks last night,feel really good this ,morning.

                    does anyone take l-glut and gaba?Love it.the only thing that has worked for me right away and REALLY well.I highly recommend it,and was wondering if anyone DOES tke it,how much?I've been taking about 6 500mg gaba daily and 3-4 l-gluts.wondering if it's safe to take more glut?

                    I'm going to listen to a hypno cd today,try to get soome exercise,drink some extra water and take my lorazapam (JUST A TINY DOSE) LATER INA THWE day when i start feeling sweaty and needy for a drink and try to hold off as long as i can.I have gone down,down, the last few days by doing this and it seems a good plan for right now!

                    i hope all of my wondeful friends here are having a great day and feeling to you soon!:l

