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Jail Story

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    Jail Story

    Glad you got some good rest, Mike. From the beginning when you told us about this, I always admired you for how you took personal responsibilty for your actions. Though fear was obvious, who wouldn't be fearful??? You never seemed to take what happened in a cavalier manner. You are a man of strong character, and I so much respect you for that!

    I hope you treat yourself to some great meals today! Enjoy your are Free!!!

    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      Jail Story

      Well done

      Mike, well done for surviving no wonder you feel shell-shocked and maybe a tad violated. We are here for you mike. Write it out even if you don?t feel up to sharing in the form of a post, at least it will help you to bring the whole episode into perspective. Love from Aunty Vic :h:h:h


        Jail Story

        I to like to say :welcome: back mike.... my brother come out quiet a few weeks ago... must of been very hard.... IT must be a good feeling getting in your own bed...Thanks for sharing your story with us.....would love to hear the rest of your story.

        family is everything to me


          Jail Story

          Mike thanks so much for posting this.

          Living in a world where we have our freedom & liberties is so often taken for granted,... till you no longer have it...

          Glad you're back.:l
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Jail Story

            Thank-You for that raw story... Sure makes us appreciate our days enjoying freedom...

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Jail Story

              Thank you Mike

              I still have a knot in my stomach reading this - reality is nothing like the "imagined". We all need this reality check Mike - I'm just sorry you have to be our reality check. I hope you are doing ok now and let this change you for the better - and not let the "system" embitter you in any way. Thank you for sharing and to all of us out here reading - let us be changed by your willingness to share. Thanks again
              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

              (from the Movie "Once")


                Jail Story

                Okay! Where is the next "installment", Mike?

                So glad you're okay and we are hear to listen whenever you're able and ready to talk.

                Sounds like you had a harrowing experience. God bless you.


                  Jail Story

                  I have re-read this post many times and only now am responding. This was always a fear of mine. Reading it made it so real. Thank you for sharing it. I am so sorry that you had to go through this, but you sharing it has been a gift (I know that is strange) to me and I am sure others. A very sobering gift.
                  Thank you.


                    Jail Story


                    Also a gift to me, I have read this post and it gave me the chills to think that I SHOULD have done time by now, guess someone was really looking out for me...............glad you are home!! Sorry you had to go through that................makes me grateful...............


                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Jail Story

                      Dang Mike ur a good write already...LOL :goodjob:


                        Jail Story

                        Sorry but I didn't get the whole story...I assume you went to jail for DUI...If so, how many did you get?
                        The reason I'm asking is because I just got my second one last week.
                        Thank you for sharing you're story with us.


                          Jail Story

                          Thank you Mike...Glad you're back with us again.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Jail Story

                            Hi Ding Dong,

                            There are reasons I posted my story, one of which was for me to be able to read this down the road and remember clearly where I had been and what I had done that made me end up in this situation. I post here to help track my progress as to how I'm doing with my sobrierty. I found that the comments I receive to my posts help me greatly.

                            I was also hoping that people reading would think before drinking and driving. Let me tell you it wasn't an easy decision to tell people what I did or how I had to pay for my "serious" error in judgement.

                            I've been on this site since September and made a few friends along the way. It took me a long time to come clean and one of the thoughts going through my head were that people would think I was a scumbag drunk who gave no thought for anyone elses safety because I drove after drinking. Hey, I put it out there for everyone to see. I'm not hiding anything. It is what it is.

                            This was in no way a post to say poor me or feel sorry for me look how I was treated. I was not mistreated in any way. Everyone is treated the same way I was. I was in the system. I'm just telling my story. I drove while drunk was caught and I accepted the consequences. I was sentenced to 10 days in the House of Corrections (county jail) I was not sent to the State Penitentiary (spelling?) and I did not expect to be treated any different than anyone else. The prison guards in county were called corrections officers. I'm not sure what they are called in the Pen.

                            I know one thing though I do not want to go back and would not wish this experience on anyone.

                            Best Wishes,


                              Jail Story

                              Ding Dong, While I can understand being frustrated with having to pay for things we as so-called law abiding citizens must sometimes forgo due to finances. Mike is a friend of ours. We have struggled with him and grown to care for him. I KNOW he is sincere in posting his experience as a deterient for others, not in anyway glorifying or bragging about the situation. Quite the contrary.

                              I hear what you are saying hon, but this is the wrong guy and wrong situation to address your concerns at.


                                Jail Story

                                Ditto, Hart!!!


                                Please do not allow this to rattle you. As you can see by all of the replies to this thread. You are very much cared about and respected by the other members.

                                Never, once through all of this, have I heard anything other than humility and honesty. Your candid account of time spent in jail has been an eye opener for all of us! Again, Thank You!

                                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                                AF 12/6/2007

