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Greeneyes got the green light

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    Greeneyes got the green light

    She heads out for the AA speaker meeting. Uh-oh car dies. Oops forgot to to check that gas gauge. Come on baby make it one more block. She can SEE the gas pump. Nope. Put on the flashers and prepare to walk there thinking oh well, not meant to be. Guy pulls over and physically pushes her car with her in it around the corner out of the way (remember it's a teeny car?) Says get in and lets go get you some gas. She has that nano second of "is this OK?" and she gets in the car. We got up the block and go in and the people know her there but she happens to not have any cash in her posession. She trys to navigate the situation and the guy pulls out money and says here, this should cover it. Puts gas in the car, makes sure it starts, she says she has money at home to pay back and he smiles and waves as he walks away. Oh and the police. He looks at her and says "Everything OK?" She gives sheepish grin and says um.. yeah, just ran out of gas. You know me". He says "Oh, yeah, you live down the street." Reputations are great huh? He has seen her in her nightgown. So what to do? She goes to meeting - hey, slinked in before! Goes in and right in the front row is the salad friend that she fessed up to and is a 90 day girl. With a saved seat beside her. It was a short slink. Good meeting, good speaker and went for salad again. She must be livin' good.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    Greeneyes got the green light

    :goodjob::wave:that is awesome greeneyes ..keep it up
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Greeneyes got the green light

      Salad days for Green Bean!!!
      One time I ran out of gas as I was pulling into a gas station but was able to slowly r-o-l-l-l to a pump.
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Greeneyes got the green light

        Last time I ran out of gas I stopped rush hour traffic on the interstate in all 4 lanes. Long story. I considered selling the car. You can't lay down in a two seater and pretend to be invisible. Forgot my Piggly Wilggly grocery bag.:anon:
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Greeneyes got the green light

          greeneyes;286884 wrote: Last time I ran out of gas I stopped rush hour traffic on the interstate in all 4 lanes. Long story.
          Oh Green: you always do it up in style !!:H: HOw was the meeting? am considering going.
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Greeneyes got the green light

            The moral of the story: Never let the tank get below half full!! LOL..greeny, only you!!!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Greeneyes got the green light

              Kittyhead, I enjoyed it. The speaker was a woman telling her story with sparks of humor that you could certainly relate to. Since I had vehicle issues and was late I don't know what happened in the begging of the meeting. I saw people there that I had met at other meetings and met some new ones through my friend. Pretty big crowd. I think I'll like the speaker meetings. I like the other ones too. The people are so very nice. At the end, couple people got some colored biscuits and everybody clapped for them. Oddly, my friend didn't go for the 90 day biscuit (remember she only told me). I would have pranced for one of those. Try a meeting, If you don't like it, leave. There's lots of different kinds. I like this group and it's near my house.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Greeneyes got the green light

                Glad it all worked out for you Greenie.


                  Greeneyes got the green light

                  I'm so glad you enjoyed the speaker meeting Greens. Aren't they interesting? As for the biscuits, your friend might want to get her three-month biscuit at her home group where she knows everyone.
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    Greeneyes got the green light

                    Holy crap that's a great story. There are angels everywhere if you let your heart feel them and your eyes see them.
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      Greeneyes got the green light

                      She hasn't been in a very long time. She only went because of me.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Greeneyes got the green light

                        You're livin' right, Green. Good on you!
                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

