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day 5! then it happened

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    day 5! then it happened

    I go to AA, but I was not offended. Say whatever you gotta say. AA is not for everyone....MWO is not for everyone, but I love both places. If you chose to leave, you lose. We'll all still be here, fighting the fight.


      day 5! then it happened

      just wanted to tell you jimmy that I totally got what you were saying and I do hope that you stay here and keep reading and keep posting as I would like to see both of us win this fight. I am also saddened of some of the posts you received - I dont understand why some were so harsh with you????? You didnt say anything bad about MWO and i dont feel that you deserved what was said. Keep here Jimmy and dont give up the fight.
      when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


        day 5! then it happened

        Holy hell, we need a breathilizer on this board before you post.

        Sorry again.

        Day 1. I need sleep.


          day 5! then it happened

          Thanks for staying, Jimmy.
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            day 5! then it happened

            Hi Jimmy

            we can get misjudged and misunderstood at times.

            You alone can sort out what personal change you need to make and i wish you lots of luck with it.Maybe you need to read and have a rest from posting for today.

            Take care and set your next goal and go for it!!!

            regards Cassy


              day 5! then it happened

              Jimmy, I felt that whoever you were talking about, you were coming from a place of anger and shame within yourself, even if it was triggered by reading the book. It was clear to me that you drank and you were angry about that, and your anger came out here, and your ability to express it was affected by drinking.

              I get angry too when people threaten to leave, but I think that all of us need to remind ourselves that there is a difference between a personal/individual attack, which none of us agrees with or tolerates and a general attack that is blowing off steam, but is not really directed at anyone in particular. People get angry when things hit too close to home.

              I hope that you sort things out Jimmy. Good luck.

              Hugs to all,:hug:
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                day 5! then it happened

                A lesson learned the hard way... don't drink and drive, don't drunk dial and in the modern age- don't drunk post!

                Having said that, we have all been gulity of doing all those things at some point.... we must cut those people struggling some slack. It's AL talking, in most cases.... the Bastard stikes again.

                "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                  day 5! then it happened

                  I just wanted to thank you for your honesty. Obviously that's easier after a couple of beers. But at least you were honest, and the seed has been planted...
                  Unfortunately you were misunderstood by a few and possibly offended a couple. But it looks to me for the most part there are still a lot of supportive people here for ya. I for one hope you keep coming back!
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    day 5! then it happened

                    It sounds like this was ignored. You gave fair warning. I'm glad you're staying.
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      day 5! then it happened

                      Jimmy, nice to see that you are still here ............

                      Good Luck on day 1 ........

                      Well done on the 5 last week as well .............


                        day 5! then it happened

                        There are no guns here... if there were, we would turn them on ourselves... we love you too and God loves you... you love the alchi, as do I and many more, but it doesn't love us.

                        How do you stop loving something that doesn't love you? God bless you... continue to do your best.


                          day 5! then it happened

                          That would be so cool if a breathalyzer machine was installed on the keyboard.... right next to the sepll chck....

                          We've all been there, done that... when I read this whole thread, it's obvious that alcohol was hell-ping some of us XPress.

                          Stay close. You are NOT in the timeout chair in my office. It was honorable for you to apologize.

                          BTW, I think the MWO book really wasn't the issue, I think it could have been the Day 5 cravings that can be SO overwhelming that we can find any excuse to go back to beer.

                          Have a great Sunday, everyone! :heart:

                          Tampa, FL


                            day 5! then it happened

                            Thanks Jimmy

                            Thanks Jimmy for the sorry. This site really is a cyber family with all the ups and downs of a family. Break ups, make ups, etc??? For those familiar with group work you will know the three major components are: 1), Forming. 2), Storming. 3), Norming. Self explanatory I hope. If not? When groups are forming, the storming happens followed by the norms when all settles for the overall good of the group. Welcome Jimmy to your new cyber family, slips are forgiven due to the, ?but for the grace of god? waiver. There are some really nice people on this site. Hope you are feeling OK today. And well done on day 5, you can do it. Best wishes Aunty Vic


                              day 5! then it happened

                              Victory-I COMPLETELY agree with you, but sometimes it seems to me that people on this site attack others when he or she has not read the original post in its entirety before lashing out on others.
                              In the oringinal post, I cannot find any reference (maybe I am blind) that Jimmy wanted to leave this site, but then I see attacks on him about how maybe he should do just that. Next I see how others interperate his post as attacking people on MWO when he is really referencing his personal experience with AA, but then he proceeds to state "**** I do realize that I have the same issues but was not ready to accept my place there" when referring to AA.
                              I understand that feelings are just feelings; this does not make it reality, but I feel like if I came here and said that I wanted to jump off a bridge, my husband is a dickhole, or life just sucks ass I would get a lot of support. But if I come on here and be honest that I drink simply because I take responsibility for my own actions for being the drunk that I am, I will be spanked and put in time out because I do not live up to someone else's expectations.
                              We all come here because we have a problem. Since I was a small child I have been laughed at because I play Devil's Advocate. I truly believe in supporting ALL people, regardless of who they are, where they come from, their socio-economic status, their religious or spiritual beliefs, and any other area of their personal life that may be different frrom my own.
                              For those of you who read this and reply with a negative response, I am sorry it is too long or confusing to understand, please, just don't bother in replying.
                              Goal 1: Today
                              Goal 2: Tomorrow

