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Inspiration Motivation in Music

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    Inspiration Motivation in Music

    To my beautiful friends Hips and Dolphs, thank you. Here is one for you.

    [ame= ]YouTube - That's What Friends Are For[/ame]


      Inspiration Motivation in Music

      Tear.. I remember Mitch, miss him as well.. Maybe we should PM him!
      Beatle.. Across the Universe is an all-time fave.. And so is Norwegian wood..
      Hip, I?ve no idea what a Scouser is??? Welcome home anyhow! Looking forward to a story?
      Ahhhhrm.. EvieLou.. I?ve no Idea.. No geometry knowledge (only an interest in sacred geometry) but I?ve heard Architecture is music translated into form. Heaps of stuff on the net if you explore. Check out the crop circles!! Wow what an eye-opener.. And whatever anyone says about who made them.. AWESOME WORKS OF ART!!

      Hmmm from me for tonight... Flaming Lips:

      Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell (great clip from Metropolis)
      [ame=]YouTube - Metropolis / Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell[/ame]
      It?s Summertime
      [ame=]YouTube - It's Summertime[/ame]
      Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
      [ame=]YouTube - Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (Part 1)[/ame]


        Inspiration Motivation in Music

        fickle i loved that last tune from them. I remember hearing that tune on the radio ages ago and it was one that stuck in my head for ages. Not heard much else from The Flaming Lips but I'm mightily impressed by them.

        Eva Cassidy first came to my attention long after she died at the young age of 33. I was burned a copy of her CD album 'Songbird' and I just had to go out and buy the original for my collection as it was so beautiful and haunting at times.

        [ame= ]YouTube - "Fields of Gold" by Eva Cassidy[/ame]

        You'll remember me when the west wind moves,
        among the fields of barley.
        you can tell the sun in his jealous sky,
        when we walked in fields of gold.

        So she took her love for to gaze a while,
        Among the fields of barley.
        In his arms she fell as her hair came down,
        Among the fields of gold

        Will you stay with me, will you be my love,
        Among the fields of barley.
        You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
        when we walked in fields of gold.

        I never made promises lightly,
        there have been some that I've broken.
        but i swear in the days still left,
        we'll walk in fields of gold,
        we'll walk in fields of gold


        Many years have past since those summer days,
        among the fields of barley.
        See the children run as the sun goes down,
        As you lie in fields of gold.

        You'll remember me when the west wind moves,
        among the fields of barley
        You can tell the sun in his jealous sky,
        when we walked in fileds of gold.
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Inspiration Motivation in Music

          Newbie here, heres what I do

          Howdy, Im Jim, My user name is scott cairo, which is also my DJ name, I've just joined with a view to getting my drunkeness under control/eradicated, and I'm afraid I'm hoping you lot are gonna be helping! as i will help right back. You can find my story on the introductions forum. However, Dolphin kindly suggested that I show you what i do. I am part of Pilchard, a couple of nutters who do 'mash ups' that is 2 different songs melded together, usually with some added beats, we are quite well known in our parts. The tunes here all seem to be youtube vids, we havnt done any videos ourselves (yet), BUT some mad american did, and here it is: Its our tune, freely available on the interweb, siezed upon by this fella....
          I dont know how to embed youtube here, so heres the link
          [ame= ]YouTube - Clapstereo (reduce screen for better resolution)[/ame]
          Its The clapping song versus Bolero et al
          if you want more shout..
          and can someone tell me how to put the video in the post?


            Inspiration Motivation in Music

            I'm sure this has been played before, but I love it
            [ame= ]YouTube - FreeBird-Lynyrd Skynyrd-Lyrics Included[/ame]


              Inspiration Motivation in Music

              hey this is one of my favorite....SOUTHERN ROCK BANDS!!!

              the show starts after 32sec.....give it a try....ENJOY (esp. you southerners!!!)

              A YANKEE!!!

              [ame= ]YouTube - Widespread Panic 10-29-2006[/ame]


                Inspiration Motivation in Music

                Thanks Dolph.. (re scouser) my endless education continues thanks to you all my friends!

                Hippie, that was awesome.. Fields of Gold.. I had no idea such castles still stand! My dreams will be filled with Fairytails!! So beautiful. Thank you.

                Oh Gawd Dolph! I was a Dr Hook fan as a wee kiddie.. They seemed like oldies then! Wow.. Now I’m an oldie and they look so young ‘n cute in this clip... still, v. sweet tho.

                Welcome Jim!! Boy that was fun.. I post a lot of music here that gets ignored.. And I likewise ignore thing’s that ain’t my cuppa tea. Room for all I say. Thanks for joining in mate!! Looking forward to your next exploit!

                These guys have the weirdest clips.. I don’t get em sometimes.. But jeez I love their music! Beautiful song:
                Flaming Lips:
                Do you Realise
                [ame= ]YouTube - Do You Realize?? (Full Version Video)[/ame]
                Fight Test
                [ame= ]YouTube - Flight Test[/ame]

                Dolph I will look out for Ray now.. I’ve enjoyed his songs so far. . Always room for a bit of laid back stuff.

                T2C.. Loved FreeBird.. I bet you wrote all those captions yourself. Made me remember something else to share that I can not find on you tube. BRB with that once I find it.

                Welcome FlyinHigh.. Also enjoyed your southern tune.

                That's it for me folks.. bed time.
                Nite nite


                  Inspiration Motivation in Music

                  yeah you always seem to come up with such weird and wonderful tunes fickle. I wouldn't of heard of half of this stuff, especially groups native to you!

                  Right I'm just gonna post a quick few tunes and will comment later.

                  This band I know we've had on here before! I was just listening to Foo Fighters while writing someone a pm and this tune was playing in the background. Dave Grohl as you will know was the drummer with Nirvana but I think he's definitely fulfilling his potential with Foo Fighters and especially some of the acoustic stuff they do.

                  [ame= ]YouTube - Foo Fighters - Come Alive (Live)[/ame]

                  And finally Coldplay's album 'Viva la Vida'. I've just borrowed this off my brother to rip onto my hard-drive and I keep hearing this song on the radio too. Coldplay have always amazed me with new material and I don't think there's one tune I don't like of theirs.

                  [ame= ]YouTube - Viva la Vida by Coldplay (Full version)[/ame]
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    Inspiration Motivation in Music

                    Absolutely Love this tune!! I think I heard Feeder playing this live last week-end when they were on at T in the Park. My brother has just lent me the newish album 'Silent Cry' and I can't stop blurting this one tune out at the moment!! Haven't heard much of the rest of the CD yet either!!

                    LOVE IT!!!!This tune's called 'We are the People' and is the first tune on the album that I haven't managed to get past yet!!
                    [ame= ]YouTube - We Are The People[/ame]
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      Inspiration Motivation in Music

                      Dolphin ....Black eyed peas where is the love, but not sure if you notice in the video and reading the comment on the song how much the gas price has gone up. Only because im finding it hard everytime i fill my car up 10pounds dont last that long no more. Oh but love the song.
                      Need to catch up with the rest of the music on here.
                      But heres one, i have said on one of hippie thread for my funeral i would want this song played. some where over the rainbow, but this guy sings it the best i have ever heard. (copy this.)...This song is for happiness and strength in your heart it hope and fight for the best furture in our lives.
                      [ame=http:// ]http:// [/ame]

                      Enjoy your day everyone.x

                      family is everything to me


                        Inspiration Motivation in Music

                        [pre][QUOTE=dolphin;366350]Awe that was lovely..he is dead now..did you know???? [/pre]
                        Yes he past away 1997 but i love the way they spread his ashes in the sea and everyone on there boats or in the sea what a lovely way to go...would love a funeral like that one.

                        family is everything to me


                          Inspiration Motivation in Music

                          p.s yes i do remember that song and video dolphin... just love how they change the faces.
                          family is everything to me


                            Inspiration Motivation in Music

                            i think your tunes are great?but john lennon wrote a song years ago tht beets them all,just my view AMAGNIE i always wonder if he was trapped in a addictive body,what a loss to society,think of what he mite be like now what a story gyco


                              Inspiration Motivation in Music

                              If you check back in the thread you would of noticed I already posted that one dolph a while back!!!lol

                              Here's that song I was trying to tell you about earlier dolph but couldn't remember the name. This tune keeps popping up on the Hits channel on digital tv and I've kind of warmed to it a lot.

                              [ame= ]YouTube - The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script[/ame]
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                                Inspiration Motivation in Music

                                Last few from me today as my daughter will be arriving soon.

                                Here's my favourite tunes by your artists dolph

                                Travis's album The Invisible Band was an absolute blinder of an album and nearly all the tracks are ones I could post here but here's the one that means a lot to me
                                [ame= ]YouTube - Travis - Flowers In The Window (Later.., Nov 2001)[/ame]

                                Can you remember which horror film this was from? It was the closing titles
                                [ame= ]YouTube - The Ramones - Pet Sematary[/ame]

                                Well The Levellers are one of my all time fav. bands and one of the many festival bands I went to see.
                                [ame= ]YouTube - Levellers - 15 Years[/ame]

                                I never was a violent man
                                Said the man in the bar with his head in his hands
                                he's Trying his best to understand the cause of his dismay
                                But the years of gin have broken him
                                they've left him cold where he's fitted in
                                but It's too late now to turn around and find another way

                                And the laughs in the late night lock-in
                                have Faded away when he gets in
                                the girl from fifteen years ago
                                Has packed and gone away

                                That's never how it used to be
                                What happened to all that energy
                                You took one too many liberties, I'm tired of being afraid
                                So after the fight she took flight
                                Hiding swollen eyes and a wounded pride
                                The best years of her life denied, and sold for liquid shares


                                and The victims of their world, are advertised on posters
                                just A beach and a pretty girl, if you just take this potion

                                theres another week 'til his cheque comes through
                                He's got a fiver left now to spend on food
                                But the doors of the bars are open, and he breaks another rule
                                well He sits on a stool that bears his name
                                Hes got a favorite glass well its called the same
                                he's never been kept waiting, 'cos he pays a landlord's wage


                                And finally another great tune from the Feeder album I was listening to yesterday/this morning!!

                                [ame= ]YouTube - Feeder's performance of "Miss You" on The Green Room[/ame]
                                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                                Clean and sober 25th January 2009

