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I crashed....

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    I crashed....

    Good Morning MM,

    So glad to hear you are feeling better..........much more like yourself today!

    As for yesterday........leave it where it belongs.......gone!

    Carpe Diem,

    XX Kate
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      I crashed....

      Thank you, Don. I really appreciate your posting.

      Yesterday is gone. I will let it go. I am going to go for a drive. It is a beautiful day. Driving always clears my head. On the other end of my drive will be shopping.. can't be helped.

      I will be OK.. I really needed you guys. You really came through for me! I felt your hands wrap around me. It has always been difficult for me to reach out and ask for help. I am glad I reached out last night. I am glad you caught me when I fell. Thank you. I will always do the same for all of you.


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        I crashed....

        I have 63 days AF out of 64..

        I will go on from here. Nothing can take that away from me.. that is my mantra today.

        Today will be number 64 of no drinking. On I go....
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          I crashed....

          hi there mm. the past is the past so live and learn from it. today is a new day . so do the best way you can. god bless you mm you came out a stronger women .and so for now welcome back
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            I crashed....

            MM - I too am glad to hear you are feeling better.

            Be kind to yourself today.


              I crashed....

              By the way MM, you didn't crash, you had a fender bender..........NO Points!! LOL
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                I crashed....

                63 out of 64 is Fabulous.

                but nobody is counting. the beauty of all this is when you really do it for yourself!


                  I crashed....

                  Hi mm,

                  You are such a inspiration to this place....Your strength is growing stronger and stronger by the minute.......enjoy your drive....glad your feeling alot better in always give me faith.


                  family is everything to me


                    I crashed....

                    MM, you are a warrior. You always have been. You provide so much strength and inspiration to so many of us. You are an amazing asset to this site and I know many times your words have helped me see the light in my very dark gloomy world.

                    When I read your first post, my heart ached immediately. Not disappointed in you, hun. Never! Disappointed for you, for sure. But as I contemplated my words of advise to you, I knew deep down inside that you really wouldn't need them. I knew you would pull yourself through and arise to the strong woman that you've always shown yourself to be. I don't mean to sound caviler about your slip, I just knew how you would bounce back. You are very resilient. You always know what to do or say. You have a great gift.

                    I am so proud of your attitude today, but never thought for a second it would not be what it is. I love you, my friend.

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      I crashed....

                      Dear MM - I have only just visited the boards since before your first are such an amazing lady...what wonderful posts and to see your moving through this!! ..And you have 63 out of 64 days....and tomorrow (today?) you'll have 64 out of 65 and then 65 out of 66.....what great numbers!

                      You are still our MM.....huge hearted and strong and courageous...who just took on her shoulders a bit more that they could take....which is still twice what most of us could take on!

                      Those happy days with DD and postive future thoughts are now back and all will be well..... I cna think of countless times where we humans seem to have to 'go under' or 'become out of it' to move through a's not necessarily that we haven't the courage to do it 'consciously' but that consciously we try and steer and control the change to suit us (as in not really change!) in some way and Spirit seems to know we have to be 'got out of the way' for it to happen smoothly.....sometimes as it was for you, sometimes through unhappy times with meds/drugs, sometimes through emotional breakdown/'tantrum' etc.... So you've got through and now moved on....

                      You are such a wonderful lady - I do hope you're feeling better now....and enjoying your 60+days!

                      Three Cheers for MM!

                      FMS xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        I crashed....

                        MM, I really feel for you today, please don't feel bad about it, you merely slipped and you got yourself straight back up again, you are a true inspiration to me and to many many others, I hope you realise how loved you are here. You have dealt with so much lately something just 'snapped', its OKAY....

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          I crashed....

                          Yeah its definatley a marathon MM, not a sprint. We're in this struggle for life, you know? Its hard to expect that we'll win every battle everyday for the rest of our lives. But look, you might have slipped up a little, but one slip up in the last couple months is still really good. If we were keeping score here I'd say you'e still WAY ahead

                          Just get back on track, and keep on keepin on MM, we're all behind you!


                            I crashed....

                            You know, MM, you are so strong and resilient, and we are always telling you so. I was imagining you yesterday, moving despite your pain (both psychological and physical), staying strong, getting things done, blah, blah, blah. And then wham, you drink.

                            I wish we could have been there helping you move. Sometimes we don't have as much help as we need to do the hard things in life and it results in a crash.

                            I'm glad that we can comfort you in the aftermath, though. I'm glad that you reached out.

                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              I crashed....

                              MM glad to hear your feeling better today.
                              Do take care of your back...:h

                              Moving can be so traumatic...sounds like yours is above and beyond that this time... Wish I were there to help ya.:l

                              Enjoy your drive, and get some new walkin' shoes! Walk those Blues away!
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                                I crashed....

                                I'm back...

                                It was just what the doctor ordered. A nice drive.. some great programs on NPR, some great quiet time. Driving through the desert with snow everywhere and mountains in the background - an amazing sight. The white-white against the bluest of blues. Spectacular. Makes you realize how alive you are.

                                I picked up my daughter and am home safe and sound. I am back on track. I do know however that AL can be a tricky little bastard once reintroduced into the system. So I will be on alert over this next week. I will watch myself very closely. My back is bothering me, but I am done with the heavy moving, so I will only be taking ibuprophen - no matter what. I am almost positive that was part of the trigger. I am all in.. meaning everything is here.. I can take the rest of the year settling if I need to! I am impatient, that is for sure, so this is my lesson in patience. A good one for me.

                                Well, I'm off to find a chore, there are plenty. Keeping busy is OK for me tonight.

                                Thank you again, my friends...

                                All my love,

                                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

