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pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

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    pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

    oh thats too bad, it happens...a few bullys. don't take it seriously until your skin thickens up a bit, ya know. it can truly be the funnest time once you are comfortable. Sy and Maasai i have been there in the start of MWO and was not sure, I am still learning, and still have concerns? You will know soon enough who is who and who is not?



      pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

      Hi Srrx: sorry you had that experience. Chat can be quite odd .. you come in in the middle of someone's conversation. And it can be really chaotic. stick around
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

        Syrrxman ~ Welcome. So sorry that happened to you. It could be due to the fact that the rude person could have been drinking at the time. Who knows? But don't let one negative comment or posts erase a hundred positive ones. Most people here are nice. Some will just rub you the wrong way. It's human nature.

        And yes, I've learned that "Senior Member" only means you reached 1000 posts. That does not mean you are getting advise from someone older, wiser or even sober. I've seen people posting 4-5 posts in a row (under 2 minutes time total) just to complete one sentance. Seems they just want to rack up post counts. So don't be fooled by the number of posts listed on anyone's account. Based on this info, some true "seniors" (people who have been here a long time, have put in the work to be sober and still do not have a 1000+ posts) kind of get a bad rap. But please keep in mind that 99.99% of the people here are geniune and are some of the most amazing people you'll ever "meet".

        Stay strong. No one can bring you down if you don't let them. Good luck!

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

          Hi Syr, so sorry that happened to you on chat, what we sometimes forget is that we are all just human, all just struggling away day to day. Sometimes someone can say something that someone else can take a different meaning to, I know that I sometimes don't 'translate' well and at times I haven't a clue what others are talking about. Massia I am sorry that was said to you, as was said earlier perhaps the person who abused you was drinking or perhaps taking out some other frustration they were having at the time out on you, glad to see you rose above it and are still here.

          Sally - welcome to you.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

            Hi Massai, boy, I do not know what to say about what happened to you, but I am sorry it did! Thankfully you choose to stick around! I love the opportunity to speak with you, you are always so interesting and enlightening!

            Syr, I have no idea what happe.ned with you in chat, but I do know that chat does get very chaotic at times, and some people and questions do fall through the cracks. Yes, of course a lot of people here have gotten to know each other over time. It does take time to get to know people here, just as it does in any new situation. It just takes time. If you go into chat and need to have the floor, say so. I guarantee that you will have the floor.

            So, I guess what I am saying is "Give us a Chance". We are all here for the same reason, whether we have been here for a while, senior or regular, the reason is to stop the destructive cyle of drinking.

            Best Wishes,
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

              chat moves very fast and you know there is room to have more chat at a time so if there are alot of people on one chat, you can always open up more rooms. don't know why people don't do that. and some of us type really really fast like me. hahhaaha so things can go quick. also, sometimes if someone is drinking while chatting and others aren't it is hard for me to understand them. and i'm not saying you were but that is my own challange. sigh sigh.. so if it is a crowded room, i'd say hey can we open room 2 and have just a few peeps on that. and senior means nothing. remember that... just a term.
              so happy you are here. as in any place you can't lump every individual together, i mean heck you'd be lumped in too. and there are lots of folks here. and i like to think everyone has the highest and best intentions. so, good that you started a thread. and i think you had some positive response. so what do you think about those responses? feeling the love yet? boots remember, as in life you won't like everyone. so just like the ones you do.


                pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                Ditto Bootsie, senior means nothing, I am a senior but I didn't choose it ..........

                I just chose to support people when they needed it, and ask for support when I needed it ........

                After all, that is what this site is about ........


                  pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                  I am sorry that happened to you. Althouhg, I am probably considered an oldie now, there are days I feel brand new here and very vulnerable. It is hard work this sobriety thing and feelings are easily hurt. You will build bonds with some good people here, those you dont like...don't conversate with. We can't all get along. Sometimes some people that have been sobber for a good stent tend to forget where they came from. Let it roll off and don't let it keep you from all the GOOD that is here. I ONLY say we forgot wher ewe came come...cause I DID IT MYSELF. Went 7 month AF and then went on a 4 day binge begging someone to cart my ass to rehab. So, a drunk is only one drink away. Hang in and dont give up on all the wonderful good people here!


                    pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                    PS...ALL senior means is we talk a whole damn lot! That is it!


                      pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                      :H You do have a very good point there Luv!:goodjob:
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                        You can open up another room in chat??? I had no idea. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                          pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                          What's this benefit "of the doubt"? Is it a new social security benefit I can claim??
                          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                            pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                            Sorry Hippie,...
                            It's only for "seniors":H

                            You're not old enough yet.
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                              Are you trying to tell me I'm not allowed to do something on this forum oh saintly Jude? cause I'll spank yer arse if yer are!!! :b&d:

                              It clearly states on my MWO contract :quoted: that I am allowed to be damn right rude when I want, piss people off at any given opportunity and be a continuing thorn in the side of those who don't believe the gospel according to Hippie!!!

                              Love and (hopeful!!) spanks
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                                pls give new people the benefit of the doubt

                                I stand corrected... (or more like bent over & ready for my spankin')

                                Checks in the mail Hippie!:H
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

