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Personal Attacks

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    Personal Attacks

    This is my feelings on personal attacks on this site:

    Sometimes it seems to me that people on this site attack others when he or she has not read the original post (or responses) in its entirety before lashing out on others.
    In the oringinal post, I cannot find any reference (maybe I am blind) that Jimmy wanted to leave this site, but then I see attacks on him about how maybe he should do just that. Next I see how others interperate his post as attacking people on MWO when he is really referencing his personal experience with AA, but then he proceeds to state "**** I do realize that I have the same issues but was not ready to accept my place there" when referring to AA.
    I understand that feelings are just feelings; this does not make it reality, but I feel like if I came here and said that I wanted to jump off a bridge, my husband is a dickhole, or life just sucks ass I would get a lot of support. But if I come on here and be honest that I drink simply because I take responsibility for my own actions for being the drunk that I am, I will be spanked and put in time out because I do not live up to someone else's expectations.
    We all come here because we have a problem. Since I was a small child I have been laughed at because I play Devil's Advocate. I truly believe in supporting ALL people, regardless of who they are, where they come from, their socio-economic status, their religious or spiritual beliefs, and any other area of their personal life that may be different frrom my own.
    For those of you who read this and reply with a negative response, I am sorry it is too long or confusing to understand, please, just don't bother in replying.
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow

    Personal Attacks

    I REALLY HEAR YOU LUKA, and i think we are loosing one single basic thing. BEING ONESELF. its true that we give out our opinions and our experience BUT lets give everyone the previlage and the option of choosing and make there own decision. and try and help someone from his/her own point of view. not telling then what to do but helping them make a choice by themselves,


      Personal Attacks

      Does this have something to do with chat
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Personal Attacks

        I have been here a year, we are all passionate people (nice way of saying opinionate) Everyone needs to take a chill pill. No need to attack WILL NOT help, if anything they will run away and never return. I learned quickly in the ball game....I like some and I don't like others. Those I don't jive with, I gnore...don't even read what they have written. I completely avoid those responses. I am here to heal and grow and should anyone not want to pormote the same, then simply pass their post over. What worked or works for them, is not neccessarity gonna work for me. I don't think there is one person here AF for 5 years. We are all fairly new in recovery. I don't need to be cuddled, but I don't need to be beaten up either. Nor, will I tolerate it. Simply ignore what is not helpful to you. Don't mean I dont respect and love someone just because we don't agree, but I refuse to argue in cyberspace. I take from htis site what I need....


          Personal Attacks

          This is not something that happened in chat; in fact, it really has nothing to do with me. Someone could tell me they thought I was a big, flaming pile of crap, and it wouldn't make a world of difference to me. What hurts me is seeing people make such an effort to reach out, deal with their issue, and be honest and they are treated like dirt.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Personal Attacks

            you just realised that goes on here Lukalee?



              Personal Attacks

              Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you?ve imagined,,,,,


                Personal Attacks

                12623625.gif - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

                not sure what happened, maybe I should lurk instead (insert smiley face)
                Not sure how to post a smiley yet,,,,LOL
                Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you?ve imagined,,,,,


                  Personal Attacks

                  Morning Fairy, lurk if you want, but stick around. Sometimes what may be interpreted as personal attacks are just tough love. I thought I got a hand slap but it was actually support. I wasn't doing well and didn't recognize it.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Personal Attacks

                    Well, you know, i don't think this site is as mean as others.

                    we have some mean people from time to time but actually, probably less than other web communities do.

                    also, remember that, when you see a mean post or chat episode, drinking is sometimes involved, changes the personality.


                      Personal Attacks

                      Luk: Amen. Luvuall, I love your philosophy. I'm trying to stick to just a few threads for now where I feel safer.
                      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                        Personal Attacks

                        Sometimes things are said and meant in different ways than they are received. Remember we are truly Global, I know that my Highland dialect doesn't always translate well and at time I haven't a clue what others are talking about. I agree with Luvuall in that we take what we need and ignore what we don't, or ignore anything that would hurt us, there is enough of that sh--e out there in the real day to day world, here I want and need support and I hope that I give as much as I get. Wishing us all a good week to come.

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          Personal Attacks

                          LUKALEE ROCKS!

                          and hope that everyone who needs to reads this does,Luka....That whole thing threw me for a loop too I can't believe the amount of butteflies (bad ones ) that i have when coming to check out the threads lately.I have only been here a few months and it feels really different to me lately.I need this place right now,so i am not going anywhere,but i hope it changes.

                          There was a thread posted the other day that could have been directed at me or any other of us who posted that we were struggling that day-Thank GOD got deleted,it made me SICK.!It was so hard for me to post such gutwrenching embarrassing feelings and someone basically said "get a life"... This is a different situation than what you are talking about here,Luka,but it is along the same vein...I think that there are a couple of people who have been here a long time who forget about their first days here,when they were scared out of their minds,posting their EVERY question,sometimes probably just thinking aloud and rambling in their posts...sorry if us newbie drunks who don't have it all together yet look pathetic,(And trust me,i am aware that I do)but last time I checked,I thought this was a site to help people GET alcohol free,as well as a place to come to give and recieve continued support. LIke I said,A COUPLE of people,as most everybody on this site has been nothing but absolutely wonderful and supportive.But I agree,even if you READ and understand someones post,how about STILL not personally attacking anyone?I have no idea who was involved in the post you are talking about above,I am talking about some other posts that i have read lately that have made me cringe.I just think,you know what,who knows if the person on the other side of that computer is completely wasted,depressed,suicidal,lonely,out of their mind,I'm getting completely drastic here..I guess what i mean is WHY BOTHER SAYING SOMETHING RUDE OR NEGATIVE to anybody here?unless,of course,they come on and post about your mama or something

                          I am so glad that for the most part everyone is so kind and good here,but I for one am really glad you brought this up Luka,and i like you all the more for being such a stand up gal!
                          p.s.sorry for getting on for so long about my own thoughts....
                          p.s.s. will you be my friend?:H


                            Personal Attacks

                            Rebecca: i've also been getting those butterflies. It seems a less safe place to me lately. I am trying to restrict my posts to responding to others and to the ongoing newbie threads. I do agree that Luk rocks!!!!
                            And I will not post about anyone's mama Except possibly mine
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              Personal Attacks

                              Dex,you are (by the way) one of my FAV people here,since day one.geez,I'm not tryin to start some kind of a love fest here,but i think that you have responded to every single question (including the time I was driving the wrong way on a one way road and ended up in the wrong chat room :hitme:..everytime i see your kitty i know i am safe and that i have buddy close by :l...gol,i'm kinda mushy today......

