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psych question

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    psych question

    I read something here recently that someone posted and it had to to with your subconsciencious (sp). for example, "How are you?" "I'm doing great!" even if you aren't. Cellular level sort of thing. Vibration of the energy of thoughts. Positive affirmations fit into that category. I whole heartedly believe in that. So here's the thing I'm having a hard time with. I like AA, but I find it contradictory to the issue mentioned above to sit there and say my name and say I'm an alcoholic. I don't want to be an alcoholic. I want to be normal. I don't want to tell my little cells I'm an alcoholic. And let's throw in self fulfilling prophecy too while I'm at it. I hope this doesn't sound too wierd, but it is a reflection of things I have read and think to be true. I don't know how to find a balance in my thought patterns referenced above and my..... efforts at changing habits. I am having a hard time with the expectation that you must identify yourself as an alcoholic.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    psych question

    Hi Greeneyes,
    Years ago when my ex went to AA, there was an old guy there, long time AA member, that would say "I'm "So and so" and I'm a guzzler." I don't know if the people in your group would appreciate that, but it's a thought. There are alot of words to describe us if you think about it.:H There's got to be a way to turn it into a positive introduction.
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      psych question

      How about "My name is Blah blah and I'm healing" or "I'm recovering" or "I'm finding myself again." I think those better reflect a forward motion than a stagnant label that we all want to shed.
      Member since January 2008
      AF since August 25, 2008


        psych question

        Aye, there's the rub with AA...I just won't submit to that. I think it keeps you on Square One forever, rather than permitting an ascent to real healing. The idea that, having once admitted alcoholism, it's a "GOTCHA!" thing, and bam! You are ONE FOR ETERNITY. I could not agree more that the self-fulfilling aspect is a real danger with that sort of labelling.

        But all that said: if it works for some, then more power to 'em. I would never say any tool is "worthless"---but AA is simply not for everyone.
        Jane Jane


          psych question

          I have read and still read about this idea of positive affirmations and vibrational medicine. I also practice reiki. I do believe that there is a lot of proof in the metaphysical principal that what we think and speak.....expands, or grows. So to say I am an "alcoholic" affirms "alcoholism. If not drinking is the goal, I would say, I am..........I am a non-drinker, because not drinking is the goal.

          Another example would be, if we want to abundance, rather than saying "I want to be out of debt", debt would be the key word. So we would say, I have abundance, financial security come easily to me."

          I hope this makes sense. Make your statement as if you already have what you desire.

          Carpe Diem!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            psych question

            Yes, Kate... makes sense.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

