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Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

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    Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

    Does anyone take Cymbalta for depression? I'm not sure if I'm spelling it correctly. I've been on Wellbutrin for a few years and I'm not sure that it's effective anymore. I was thinking about asking my Doctor to switch me. I don't want to have to dose down and off before I start a new drug though. Depression is a huge problem for me and I've been REALLY struggling recently even on 300mgs of Wellbutrin. Any thoughts???? My mother suggested Fish Oil caplets. I'm tired of feeling so sad all the time for absolutely no reason! I've already done Lexapro, Prozac, Effexor and Zoloft in the past.

    I sound like a
    :heart: Hope

    Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

    I've been taking Cymbalta for three years. It's done fine for me. If you've been taking an anti-depressant, I don't think Fish Oil will do squat (IMHO). I didn't like Wellbutrin, but everyone is different, especially with anti-depressants. Sometimes you have to try a lot of them to find the right one.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

      like noelle says if your depression is chronic or caused by chemical deficiencies the fish oil or omega-3 won't help much, but it doesn't hurt to take it. What does your doctor think?
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

        Hope365: I've been taking Cymbalta for 1.5 years. It does the job for me. Not too long ago, I didn't take it for 4 days. I had run out the pills during my vacation. Prior to going on vacation, I went to the pharmacy to get an adequate supply, but they wouldn't renew my perscription because it was "too soon". After not taking Cymbalta for 4 days, my anxiety and emotional sensitivity came back. I was less coordinated and couldn't think as clearly. Upon taking the perscription, I felt great 2 days later. -Reenie
        September 23, 2011


          Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

          Hi Hope365,

          My sister is a pharmasiist and said that alcohol consumption has to be watched with Cymbalta. I don't know what your situation is, just wanted you to have that information. Miso


            Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

            Miso, I have never heard that before, but I'm probably living proof that it's correct.
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

              Hi Noelle,

              Actually, many anti-depressants can cause liver problems with alcohol. Years ago, I was on one, I think it was Seldane, and it got black labeled, meaning it was found to cause serious liver damage. Depression is something that so many of us seem to have in common with Nasty AL. I hope everything comes back okay on your blood work. The good thing is that you are AF and getting everything out of your system.



                Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

                Hi Hope,

                I don't know how your doc feels, but I am actually on 450 mg. of Wellbutrin. That is the absolute most you can take though. If Wellbutrin worked in the past, that might be the way to go. However, DO NOT STOP DRINKING SUDDENLY IF YOU ARE TAKING WELLBUTRIN, BECAUSE IT CAN LEAD TO GRAND MAL SEIZURES.

                I don't know much about Cymbalta, though.

                Miso, is the medication you're thinking of called Serzone? It's one of the anti-depressants that can cause liver damage. I've been on it while drinking, so my shrink made me have liver check ups every six months.

                Good luck, Hope.
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???


                  I've been on Wellbutrin since 2000, when I quit smoking. There was a part that, like you, I felt it wasn't doing anything for me, and so I went to one pill (150 mg) and then I weaned off.

                  Prior to weaning myself off, I had an insurance squabble with Wellbutrin... because there is a generic offering, my insurance company said my choices were to a.) take the generic or b.) pay full price. I tried the generic Wellbutrin, and I became Crabby Patty.... snap, snap, snap!!! It took me about a week to figure out that my mood swing happened when I changed to the generic. "F**K It"! I got ticked off at the insurance company, weaned down on the 150 mgs, and went cold turkey.

                  Fast forward 8 months and 20 pounds. I decided that I needed to get back onto Wellbutrin, and my doctor started me back on it. I asked her about the Cymbalta (I saw the commercials), and she said that it was a "nice drug" that took the edge off of the world.... commented that people with Fibromyalgia use it to curb their aches. Cool, I went on it. I didn't do ANY independent research- shame on me.

                  Considering that I drank for 7 years on Wellbutrin despite the WARNING! on the label, I figured I could do so with the Cymbalta, too. MY Second BIG MISTAKE.

                  First, it DID take away the physical craving for alcohol, but it did NOT take away the habit. So, when happy hour invited me, I cracked open my wonderful Miller Lite. Had 2. Felt REALLY thirsty (always), but then drank a couple of more.

                  In short, I wasn't feeling my buzz, so I continued to drink, and I did drink more than normal- but didn't realize I was DRUNK. After an embarrassing Easter Party, I found a website where people discuss medical issues, and others had the same experience. After a month, I weaned myself off of Cymbalta and went back to Wellbutrin, but went on a different dose. I've lost the weight and my brain is back to its normal.

                  Anyway, if you go on Cymbalta, be careful with booze. I'd google "Cymbalta side effects" and see if you can find a peoples' forum. Also, if you decide to go ON or go OFF, make sure
                  you do it with medical advice, because it's torture on your body to go cold turkey.

                  Good luck !

                  Tampa, FL


                    Wellbutrin vs Cymbalta???

                    Thanks Miso. :h
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

