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I'm Back

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    I'm Back

    Hi everyone! Haven't been here due to computer crash..but now have another one. I also have been rather sick,first walking pnemonia (sp. sucks) then it was off to the doc. for severe abdominal pains. Turns out that I have diverticulosis disease,thought at first it was apendix..kind of wishing now it would have been..least they take it out and its over! Anyone dealing with this or know about it,I would appreciate feedback. Know it causes lots of pain and a person cant eat alot of what they like!! I also have to watch alot of supps and scirpt meds cause they can aggrivate it. I have researched it some but would like to know what others exp. As for the alky now...I admitt that it has been up and down,but still no where near as before. The Topa helped me alot...but I did get to the point that my hair was falling out...BAD! I also was losing to much wt. on it (and due to this crappy disease) Skinny is one thing,but 123 lbs at 5-9 isn't what would be considered healthy. Besides, a new wardrobe costs to much! :H Anyway,got off of the Topa and continue the struggle on my own...well..not really..back here..and with my hubby. Got lots of catching up to do and dont want to ramble on too long here...sooo thanks for listening!
    :l to all of you

    I'm Back

    Choklyteyes ~ welcome back!

    That's awful all that crap you've been dealing with. Geez, and I've been complaining about me being sick all year. You poor thing. How are the Drs helping you with all of this? Do they know you are trying to quit drinking also?

    Well, good luck, hun. Take care of yourself. Keep us posted.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      I'm Back

      CH, welcome back, sooooo sorry about your illness.

      Don't know much about it but I will be googling ..........

      Take care and keep in touch ......

      BB xx


        I'm Back

        Hi Choklyt, welcome back ! I am sorry you are having health problems. i had pneumonia last year, yucko! As to the other, I have heard of it but don't know much about it. Please take care of yourself and let us know how you are
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          I'm Back

          hello and welcome back...i suffer from diverticulitis..and soooo sorry you have is very painful and you have to go on a clear liquid diet sometimes....which when 9o was drinking i did not think was taht bad...but they definitely do not mean alcohol...some of the antibiolics they put me on you would get very sick if you drank on that was good when i was on those as i would not drink....i have cut out things like popcorn, red pepper, pizza (most kinds), spicy food - Mexican specifically pretty much, seeds, any thing small that get get trapped in the diverticuli and cause an infection...i seem to be able to keep it in check as long as i do these things...but when i do get it i am down and in bed....most have to find the foods hat effect their system...hope this helps and drink lots and lots of fluid...and dont stay on the pain pills too not a fan of pain pills so that was never a bug prob for me..but they can be super addictive...hope you feel better and pm me if you have any questions...hugs and blessings... buckle


            I'm Back

            Hi Choklyt, I'm so glad you came back!
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              I'm Back

              Welcome back! I hope you find some good advice on this medical issue, I know several people who suffer from it and it can be very painful!
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                I'm Back

                choklyt, I'm glad to see that you are back... I hope that you can get this condition in check ... There is alot of info out there on the puter... Good luck in your search for relief. xxx

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  I'm Back

                  Thanks to all of you :l i am hanging in there and finding lots of info on the net. In between I am trying to catch up on some reading here Hope all of you are doing great!

