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5 day cravings?

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    5 day cravings?


    5 day cravings?

    Sharon, sorry you're having a tough time. Yes, days 3-5 are very tough ones for most people. You really have to stick with it. Can you buy some Kudzu or L-glutamine today from a drug store?

    They say that L-glutamine capsules can be broken open and placed under your tongue for immediate relief. I don't know from personal experience though.

    Read as many posts from the Long Term Abers for inspiration. Will it help to go to live chat and talk it out? I'll there with you if you like.

    Take care, hun. We are with you every step of the way.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      5 day cravings?

      hi there..sharon1..yes i have but it will get better with time .so drink lots of water , tea , etc .keep yourself busy and stay strong
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        5 day cravings?

        Hi Sharon, Sorry you are experiencing this, but yep....the general consensus ins that days 4/5 are tough, but then it lightends up considerably!! I increased my L-Glut to 5000 units and it really seemed to help! Also remember, you are changine a long term "Habit", our mind "likes" habit and, our mind gets a bit confused when we change things!

        You'll pull through this!! Congratulations on getting this far!!

        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          5 day cravings?

          So true. Cravings seem to come on strong by day 4/5. Fight off the desire for AL. You'll be glad you did. Once you hit 7, 8, 9 and so on, you are going to feel terrific! The cravings will pass. It's such a wonderful feeling to wake up not hungover.
          September 23, 2011


            5 day cravings?

            yep it happens to me too - I am at the end of day 3 right now and I am starting to feel them, just a little right now but I know in the next day or two they will get stronger. I am just planning on being on this site much more than normal during that time and hope that it will help get me through it. Good luck to you.
            when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


              5 day cravings?

              Sharon, you are absolutely right !!! Day 4 and 5 are TRICKY !!! Kudzu is an amazing tool and I hope that you receive yours really soon It will make all the difference in the world, but do not let your guard down .... All the best ,,, you can and WILL do this 30 day thing !!!

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                5 day cravings?

                thanks to all

                thanks for all replies. i am on day 5 today and am going to be extra vigilant with the cravings and try to keep busy to ward off that little voice within my head!!


                  5 day cravings?

                  I didn't fall apart till day 3 so yea I hear ya. Going to bed early helped me a lot, hang in there : )
                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson

