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Looking for advise regarding Ex-Drinking Buddy

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    Looking for advise regarding Ex-Drinking Buddy

    I have been trying really hard to stay sober. My Ex- Drinking Buddy ( EDB) just called to watch American Idol... I know by saying 'no thanks' it pissed her off..... and the reason I said no is because it is a huge trigger for me to sit and watch Idol (or any later night show). So the boys are watching hockey and I am doing "different things" to help my sobriety, but now that the call has been received... my hated friend "Temptation" starts knocking.... I hate that.... I need right now one minute, or hour at a time. I can say no to my EDB, but how do I not feel bad about that?

    ( I just realized I just posted this on accident in "need help asap" but I didn't mean to ... sorry about any confusion..

    I think if I call her back to explain my desire to not drink today, she will probably talk me out of that idea.. right>>?

    Looking for advise regarding Ex-Drinking Buddy

    Oh, I posted a reply on the other thread.
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      Looking for advise regarding Ex-Drinking Buddy

      Thanks... Thankful.. I read your reply.. I didn't mean to take up the ASAP time... I appreciate your response


        Looking for advise regarding Ex-Drinking Buddy

        no problem.

        Tonight I f eel crabby so therefore I am going to bed. I read many of your posts, thanks for making me feel normal..


          Looking for advise regarding Ex-Drinking Buddy

          A mistake


          I'm relatively new to the site, but as you read posts, you can see that many people have spouses who have or have had a bad time dealing with an alcoholic spouse.

          It seems to me that after people see the other side of AL, they respect people who are trying to get control of their lives.

          I wrote a response the other day for this blog and somehow sent it to my "best friends" who I drank with for years. Many responses came back on the positive side of what I shared....I wrote it like I am now, to no one I know, so I let the shit fly......responses like "how can I help?", "I have been thinking about the same thing".

          If a friend is a friend, they will understand either today or when it hits of my buddies was AF and we always used him as a DD.....then another one stopped drinking so we had two dd' can still laugh and joke around.....just do whatever it takes to stay sounds easy.....I go into the bars and order diet cokes tall with a cherry....

          Good luck, hang in day at a time.....if your friend cares, then they will understand, if they don't understand....well, make your own choice.....

