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Today's Thought - Thursday

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    Today's Thought - Thursday

    Today's thought is:

    Almost everyone wants something/or nothing.
    --Marsha Sinetar

    Bargains attract. Finding a good value excites us, and we share the news quickly. Wanting anything for free is human nature perhaps. However, we have had to learn again and again that you get what you pay for. This is true of human interactions too.

    Why do we think that others will be there for us if we aren't available for them? Having friends means being a friend, even if it's time-consuming. Although friendship's rewards are indisputable, we still tend to wait, letting the other person make the first move. Getting the other person to commit first reduces our effort, perhaps, but we will still receive according to what we give.

    Knowing and utilizing this principle simplifies our lives. Once we master it, we never forget it. And what we bring to our relationships will be given back to us.

    I am willing to give to others what I want in return today. Their efforts will match my own.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

    Today's Thought - Thursday

    All Right, Noelle! Now THAT'S early!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Today's Thought - Thursday

      I like that one Noelle, what you give out you will receive. A good lesson to keep to the front of your mind.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        Today's Thought - Thursday

        i stand by that principle! thank u for reminding me.


          Today's Thought - Thursday

          very insightful

          Thanks Noelle, that is a good message, what we reap, we may sow....................

          Makes me think of what a friend I could and should be.


          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Today's Thought - Thursday

            As ye sow, so shall ye reap! For sure! :-) Are you up early or have you not been to bed yet?


            :l Sherry
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              Today's Thought - Thursday

              I just happened to wake up, struggle out of bed, crawl down the stairs, wipe the sleep from my eyes, step on the dog in the dark, bang my hip against the desk, turn on the computer to do Greens bidding, then reverse the above and go back to bed. :devil:
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                Today's Thought - Thursday

                And greenie was so appreciative. She bumps around in the early AM. Falls into computer chair and looks for this.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Today's Thought - Thursday


                  You are such a hoot! :nutso:

                  We need to meet for coffee sometime. Maybe the Starbucks in the shopping center on 228. I would have to go to TJ Max - of course! Love that place!

                  Sherry :h
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    Today's Thought - Thursday

                    Greens, I wish I could promise it that early every day, but I can't. I do wake up every day around 5 or so, but sometimes actually getting out of the warm cocoon is just way too hard. And the facking DST making it dark again doesn't help. And since I'm farther west than you, although in the same time zone, it's darker here! (whine, complain, etc.)

                    If I didn't like you so much, I wouldn't do it at all!!!!! :h

                    Sherry, I'm not sure you really want to meet up with a lunatic like me. I'd love to meet you ANYWHERE, but I'm still feeling so bad, I hardly leave the house as it is. It's nothing against you.

                    But you can't tell anyone where we are!! "They" will try to find us! We have to keep this on the down low. :H
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      Today's Thought - Thursday

                      Noelle -

                      Are, or have you been ill. I didn't know. Don't worry, location wise - your secret's safe with me!

                      :h sherry
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        Today's Thought - Thursday

                        Yeah, I've been feeling really tired, blah, etc. I had blood work done on Monday and go for the results this Monday.
                        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                          Today's Thought - Thursday


                          I hope the results are nothing serious.

                          Take care!

                          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

