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My Granny

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    My Granny

    Ok....lost my kids this week, my Mama as your all know is dying...WELL guess Granny went for a colonscopy this week..she has the same cancer as my Mama.....what else? How much can I take. trop drinking, my God I wish i would just die right now.

    My Granny

    Lovie Dovie. Stop it! Every thought, every word, every thing you put into print puts energy out into the universe. And guess what? It reverberates and affects all energy, all people and especially you. It comes back to you. SO STOP! If you keep saying I want to die, guess what? You just might. Go get a colonoscopy instead of wishing you would die. I know this is going to hit you as harsh, but I have to say it to you to help you. I just don't know what else to do. And saying it with love.:h
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      My Granny

      Greenie, what am I gonna do? My daughter hates me


        My Granny

        luv, i know you are in pain right now and am sorry for all that is happening, dear one there are things that not in our control and some situation as well just do happen, YOU CANNOT DIE NOW, you have lots waiting for you to do in this world, you have not lost your children you are just trying to take sometime and break the gap that has been between you and them.
        about you maa and granny you better ever say its over unless you see it so its never too late for better news to come. keep strong your family needs you to stand for them, it might be only you who can make that happiness come again, are you going to die or fight for the happiness.
        we are here for you fight since you can.


          My Granny

          No she doesn't. She's frustrated and does not understand. What you are gonna do is quit drinking and win her back. She wants a sober you. Give it to youself and to her if that's what you want.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            My Granny

            for your daughter luv, do your part love her, show her love and do what a you can to win here back, BUT dont try to make her love you she is the only one who can do it. changes do happen when we create an opportunity for it to happen


              My Granny


              Your daughter doesn't hate you. She hates what alcohol does to you. Please grab a hold of that strength that is in you. You WILL get through this and be stronger for it.

              Much love to you,



                My Granny

                Luv, I really feel for have so much going on. But why aren't you getting in to rehab, if I might ask? This is not said to hurt you, believe me. :h
                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                  My Granny

                  i have called everywhre one cares unless you have $$$$$$$$$$$$


                    My Granny

                    come on luv.....pick yourself up and start fightin
                    Gabby :flower:


                      My Granny


                      Time to kick Al in the the Butt! Pick yourself off, brush yourself off and start fighting....that is all you can do hun! The time is now! You have done it before and you can do it again. Do Not Give In to AL!

                      You Can Do This!
                      Hugs! Bambi
                      "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                        My Granny

                        You can check yourself into the hospital LUV. Also, you said you make good money - and you must have medical benefits? You need to pick yourself up and do something now. NO matter what or who is hurting at the moment. You will be no good to anyone until you get some help, and you need it now.

                        For you, for your kids. Drinking isn't going to help you - you know this.


                          My Granny


                          I lost my dad to colon cancer. He was a heavy drinker at times in his life. Let this sad news about your granny, be a wake up call to you, that it is time to make some changes in your life. What about your health insurance for rehab, many cover a stay? I hope you find the strength you need.



                            My Granny

                            oh my god I really don't know what to say maybe you are paying all your bad karma in one payment, and after this you will be living in bliss and joy for the rest of your life.

                            can the rehab people put you on a payment plan of some sort?????

                            be well.
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              My Granny

                              Oh Thank,yoummayb i AM

