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Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

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    Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

    Hi everyone:

    I am remodeling my kitchen, and did some major tearing out of stuff, and found it.

    An unopened one-half gallon of pure grain alcohol. Bought many moons ago, like right before Y2K when that scare was on. I called it my nuclear war stash. Undrinkable as is, but mixable with whatever is on hand to make a final knock-out elixir.

    So, a question. If you knew that the nukes were coming, and you were for certain that you would get vaporized or irradiated with a fatal dose in the next few days, would you get blitzed to prepare for it? I mean 100% certain the end was coming in a very painful way. Would you drink it? I am pondering that question now.

    In any case, it makes a great disinfectant and fuel source for stoves. The half-gallon shall remain sealed.


    Now 27 months AF.

    Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

    Oh, Tex, what a horrific alternative! You shouldn't be doing your own renos, if it makes you come up with such morbid thoughts. LOL. Now this is going to stay with me all day, like the Oscar Meyer Wiener song.
    Keep it around to light the barbecue or start a grass fire in your neighbors yard.....
    I just had another morbid idea; let's make Molotov cocktails and toss them somewhere. (I hope that home land security is not reading this).
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


      Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

      If I new the nukes were coming, I would wait until I saw the missle in the air, then slam the moonshine and hope the missle hit me right on the head!....


        Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

        Wow! This is a tough one alright.......hmmmm.....I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis. I was a young girl then! (no wise cracks)! Anyway, my father was stationed at Vandenberg AFB and is was a Prime Russian Target, missile's from Cuba were pointed right at us! My school was right across the street from the entrance to the base. It was a very scary time! Nope I didn't drink then!

        OK.....I would just go and sit with Chief!!! OK, his wife could come too!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

          Okay, if the end were coming, I better be getting that is. If it's just a bomb falling then I'm dead I want to be making love. Can't I be making luv then shoot lover then myself or vice-versa he can shoot as we reach a peak?

          This is one time I wanna be sober and busy!!!!!


            Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

            I would slam the moonshine down and wait for the fireworks. I might have sex too
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

              We all have to make a pact...if we get notified the nukes are inbound....we all meet in the Bahamas with lots of booze and no clothes.....and let the games begin....



                Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                Hoo! Out comes the truth it seems.

                Yea, I was a boy of 6 when the Cuban missile crisis happened. I remember Mom cryed a bit, and Dad came up with some new words for Khrushchev, as he was a Navy veteran from Korean War era. Much cold war drama where I grew up.

                You see, I was only a few miles from the Pantex Nuclear Weapon assembly facility in the Texas panhandle. The place where all US nukes used to be put together back in those days. Also, the town where I grew up was a major source of processed materials for various military efforts.

                Hence, I had a great many nightmares about getting nuked. The nuke drills at school all the time did not help that much. That stupid "duck-and-cover" turtle film from those days a monthly event.

                I grew up believing the end would come in nuclear fireball, and never really lost that fear deep in my psyche. Therefore, the so-called "nuclear war stash".

                Sorry to be so morbid there. Just some psycho garbage in the noodle I need to work on clearing out. One thing at a time.



                  Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                  All you wimps thinking y'all were in a place where the bombs were going to be dropped. I lived right outside of DC and I sure do remember going into the cafeteria and kneeling under the tables with my head under my arms. Like that would save us!! :H I think I was in the 5th grade?

                  I'm not sure what I'd do if I knew the bombs were coming. It would depend on where I was when I heard about them. If I was at home and there was liquor in the house, I'm afraid I'd drink it. Unless my daughter was with that case, I would be hugging her so hard she might have broken bones. Hmm, interesting question though.
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    Confession: The Nuclear War Stash


                    only you!!

                    You need some of my optimism.. There will be no nuke war cos life is great and getting better and there are wonderful things in the world and I"m one of them.

                    So there.


                      Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                      Chief;290429 wrote: We all have to make a pact...if we get notified the nukes are inbound....we all meet in the Bahamas with lots of booze and no clothes.....and let the games begin....

                      This makes me want the bombs to be detonated right now!
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                        I am with Renegade on this one.

                        : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


                          Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                          Interesting thread, Neil. I would have to say - half of me would want to get rip roaring drunk so I wouldn't feel much of the impact from the destruction.... I have nothing in the way of coping skills much of the time. The other half of me would want to soak up every milli-second left with my kids, being completely sober.


                            Confession: The Nuclear War Stash


                            I grew up in the military during the "Curban Missile Crisis" or the so-called "Carribean Crisis" as the Ruskie's called it back then.

                            No, I will NOT tell you how old I was. Grrrrr.

                            We used to laugh as we ran into the hallways of school (public mind you) and put our heads between our legs, that we were "kissing our asses goodbye." :H:H

                            I would not get drunk if I knew the end was near, I would gather up as many of my family as I could and huddle in hugs and love and CHOCOLATE. (because I am female, chocolate makes everything better, even the 'End of Days')


                            Definitely NOT drunk. Gotta face it "head on" you know. Southerners. We suck at that stuff, we face it head on and go down fighting...
                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                              It is an interesting question. I think if I knew the end was near, absolutely no way of getting away from the blast, I would want to deaden the pain. Not moonshine though, whatever it would have to be drinkable. I know it is all poison but it doesn't have to taste like gasoline. BTW I am a little younger than all of you, but not by much! :H We had the drills during school in NYC in the 60's and put our heads on the desks covered by our arms, and I thought even then, and this does what?? eace:
                              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

