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Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

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    Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

    I am soooo glad that I grew up in Canada. I even grew up in Victoria - where there we have our West Coast Naval Base. We had nothing of the sort of 'drills' in school to prepare for a war of any kind. Thank goodness!


      Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

      If you know you were about to die from a nuke, I think it's safe to say from that moment on you no longer have a drinking problem . Hell, maybe you should buy a pack of smokes for that stash too. Just make sure you store them in an air tight container.


        Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

        Nope! Wouldn't drink it.

        Nothing could make me give up how I feel about my sobriety. Not even a lil'ole nuke.

        I vote for the sex.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

          have any of you read "On the Beach" by Nevil Shute or seen the movie? (with Gregory Peck and Eva Gardner and many others)

          It's a post apocalyptic tale that gives you pause to think how you would end your life if you had some time.

          I'd probably take up pot smoking again :H and tiptoe through as many tulips as I could find.
          The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
          Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

          W Whitman

          90+ days yay!


            Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

            disapprovingcat;291187 wrote:
            I'd probably take up pot smoking again :H and tiptoe through as many tulips as I could find.
            That is so FUNNY! :H


              Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

              I'd go to MRPH and have the greatest rompem-stompem-hot-jungle-sex-known-to-man(WOman)-kind.

              Of course, we'd still be in the throes when "it's-all-over-now-but-the-grinning-and-exhaustion" ...

              I am soooooooooo bad, hehehe.

              Pot? Hell no. I'd take body washes and licks of Grand Marnier. (I have a reservation for 2 at the Purgatory Hilton, btw).

              - Masq
              Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
              :wings: :huggy


                Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                Well if I knew for certain the end of the world was coming and I found it, I would drink it. To numb my fears and anxiety.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Confession: The Nuclear War Stash


                  Tex......moving up u brainiac


                    Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                    Hummmmmmmm....a very timely subject! There are alot of "End times" things going around right now...
                    Thanks for the "heads up"...maybe more of us will ponder this ....
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                      Hummmmmmmm...a very timely subject!
                      Thanks for the "heads up".
                      Maybe more of us WILL ponder this question.
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                        My dad built a bomb shelter in the basement. I live across the harbor from the spot where the LNG tankers dock. If something happens there, I'm toast. Maybe that's why I started drinking. Nukes don't scare me as much as LNG.

                        Our mayor does nothing about security. I would bust my a@@ to get to his house and pour it down his throat. Then I'd head to the Bahamas and find Chief!


                          Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                          I wouldn't drink it for these reasons:

                          1) I don't believe a damn word from the media. even our own media. I would think that there has to be something I could do to survive and i'd never figure it out if I was wasted.

                          2) I didn't buy all these survival supplies to let them sit in a box in a time of crisis!!! I'd be geared up and ready for anything, and so would Dx.

                          now we just have to think if it's possible to make love while wearing Level4 body armor and wearing a gas mask. hmmmmmmmm.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                            I was thinking about On The Beach too. I don't know that there would be time, but if I had the time, I'd drink some of the best wine I could find, and smoke some ciggies too. If I had a lover, I think I'd spend the time with him and definitely with my daughter if possible. People are more important than substances.

                            I'm not too worried about nuclear war, per se. Whoever thinks about dropping a bomb must know that it means the end of all of us, including themselves. Except the terrorists, who don't care. I would like to think that a certain amount of sanity would prevail for the rest of us when it comes to nuclear bombs.

                            Interesting thoughts, Neil.

                            :l :l
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Confession: The Nuclear War Stash

                              I would choose a clear frame of mind. Not only would you be better able to take advantage of any possible escape routes, but to enjoy those last moments with the ones you love.

                              And honey, I think if you put your head there, and I lifted my leg over ....

                              * * I love Determinator * *

