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What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

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    What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

    Hi everyone,

    I've been on Campral for about five days and JUST got my "starter pack" from MWO's website. How funny is it that I'm actually excited about this? It's like an exciting project. Since I started Campral I've been doing MUCH much much better (I have an open bottle of red wine that has been on my counter since Monday....unprecedented!!!) and I think that's why I'm so excited; because I know this is POSSIBLE.

    My question now is very basic: what type of pill box do you use to organize your meds/supplements? Where did you get it? Are there any "cute" ones out there, or at least just not the basic clear M-F ones?

    Thanks in advance--Jess

    What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

    Hi Jess!

    I have found cute ones on eBay..

    (i would take the temptation of that open bottle away, though... just to be safe ya never know)

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

      Thank you! What type do you have? I have no idea how many compartments I should get, what type is the most convenient, etc.....some of them just seem to have sooo many compartments and I don't know if that is too much. I want to make this as convenient as possible, you know?


        What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

        yeah.. I do know.. I would suggest making it as easy as possible. I think I overcomplicated it in the beginning and then just threw the whole thing out. i don't take as many supplements as I did in the beginning. So, it depends on how many things you are taking during the day. I think the easiest thing to do is have the bottles of what you take in the morning at home and in the evening, then have a small container for what you will need during the day (if you need).
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

          Funny, I ditched the "pill container for zip lock snack bags! I used a sharpy and wrote a day of the week on each one. This way if I am running out the door.....I just grab the appropriate bag!

          I am in agreement with MM (imagine that!!!).....I would ditch the wine!!!

          Take Care!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

            Yeah, but you can't segment the Ziploc into Morning, afternoon, night, etc, right?


              What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

              Hi Jessica- I don't know about you, but I take the same pile of pills twice a day....
              My electrical Christmas present (aren't electrical kitchen gadgets illegal?).... was a "Food Saver" or "Seal-a-Meal" packager.... so, I looked like a little drug addict, but I make little identical packets of vitamins/supps~ they aren't vacuum sealed tightly, but they are closed shut. I have some in my purse and in the middle console of my car.


              Tampa, FL


                What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

                OK, I just love that idea!!! That sounds wonderful. At some point I will likely be taking my meds 2x a day, but since I am just starting out, I'm taking Campral 3x a day, then the various supplements from MWO's Health Store at various times. I have to take different supplements at different times.......some items you have to take more than once, others only once, and it can get confusing.


                  What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?


                  Interesting question. Being a Aerospace Engineering graduate, I sort of use the "astronaut" approach.

                  I have three pint size freezer zip lock bags named "Pack A", "Pack B",and "Pack C". Each contain little zip locks, the tiny ones I get at a hobby store for little jewelry pieces. (Also used by drug dealers for small amounts I believe).

                  Anyway, I put about 10 to 15 little bags of supps in each pint zip lock. Pack A is AM, Pack B is noon, and Pack C is evening. Also, in each pint zip is a 3 X 5 index card listing what is in the little bags. When I take the dose, I write the date and time on it.

                  I don't take everything, everyday like a robot though. I skip some days, and usually skip weekends to let my system "rest" from the constant barrage of pills.

                  Everything is reusable, and a card lasts about two months, and then I file the card in my fitness notebooks.

                  I can recharge the entire system in a matter of minutes, and saves a ton of time and hassle. I take little Dixie cups, and put the various pills in those very quickly from the bottles of supps. Then easy to pour the cups contents into the little bags.

                  When I get done, it looks like some sort of stuff like the astronauts have, which is where I got the idea. The packs go in my briefcase, and I never go anywhere without my briefcase, which I affectionately call the "football" after the prezs emergency war briefcase. It's a Swiss Army product, and can take a lot of punishment.

                  BTW, the "football" also contains portable hard drives, that contain pretty much the history of my life. Finances, all records, you name it. All encrypted, and protected. Grown up security blanket if you will.



                    What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

                    I use a small chinese soup container and have little plastic packets with pills, no labels. the pills are different colors. I only take supplements, minerals and GABA in pill form. The L-glut is powder form and it's at work on my desk.
                    I have the container in my bag. which is like a survival kit.

                    In regards to the wine, it probably tastes like vinegar so yes, dump it.

                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

                      Or you can send the wine to me, and I'll test it for you to see if it tastes like vinegar. JUST KIDDING!!
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

                        LOL, thanks for all the advice on the wine......however I have no intention of pouring it out. It has lasted a long time, there is only one glass or so left and it makes me feel good to know that I can resist it! That is just me though. I think it was in RJ's book (or maybe a post on here?) saying that you will start to be pleasantly surprised when the same bottle of wine lasts unopened in your pantry for weeks at a time. I like that feeling.

                        Thank you for the great suggestions on packaging ideas! Funny, last night I remembered those tiny ziploc things. I'll see if I can track them down.


                          What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

                          Noelle;290886 wrote: Or you can send the wine to me, and I'll test it for you to see if it tastes like vinegar. JUST KIDDING!!
                          it might spill :H
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?

                            If it's put into a plastic bag of some sort, I can lick up whatever spills. One must be thrifty! Waste not, want not and blah, blah blah.
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                              What kind of pill container do you use for your meds/supplements?


                              Just moving ur thread up

