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A little frightened

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    A little frightened

    Hi to everyone,

    I'm quite new to this site and have posted just a few times. I've been reading the posts related to Luvuall and it is frightening to see what alcohol can do to someone. I've read enough other posts to know that for the most part everyone is so supportive and kind but it makes you realize you have to remain a little reserved, just in case. We all have the same problem and it can turn us into unkind, erratic people. I'm such a trusting (naive) person that I still get a little shocked to see someone who has posted good and supportive things to others quite often lash out at those same people. It almost makes you scared to post. But I'm going to try to take this as more of a wake up call. This is what alcohol can do to a good person. And I feel sad because she's alienated her support network. People will be nervous about her if she ever returns to the boards.

    I hope I never say anything to any of you that inadvertently hurts. I'll reread my posts before I submit them. Words can be taken the wrong way by any of us who are emotional and going through a lot. Of course the words in Luv's posts were very blunt and hard to misread but still, caution is wise, I think.

    Negativity begets negativity, I think. If we can stay positive and supportive to all, the boards will attract positive and supportive new people. Negativity might attract those who are in a different place and are looking for a way to vent their hopelessness.

    On a brighter note, I've reached day 16 without drinking and for the last 3 nights, I have slept through the entire night without waking up even once. I'm dead to the world. It's great! This hasn't happened for so very long.

    I wish the best to all of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and generosity to a newcomer. I believe there are so many wonderful people with lots of integrity who will continue to grow and provide their words of wisdom to others following in their footsteps. I know it's certainly helped me to know that you're out there.

    From what i've read, I think Luv had 7 mos sober. I will think of her often and hope that she is able to get back to that place.

    A little frightened


    Hi Always, welcome. Day 16 is AMAZING :goodjob: In regards to the occasional hissy fits, the positive supportive messages far outweigh the few episodes of negativity that explodes from time to time. We are all trying our best to deal with the booze demon and get our lives back on track, sometimes added stresses rock the boat a little. Luv has proved to herself and us that she can do 7mths AF and will absolutely hate herself when she sobers up. She will pull out of this and personally, I will not hold this against her. I think that holding back a bit is a good thing, we would all hold back a lot more if we were face to face until we knew that person better, the same applies to cyber space.
    Please stick around and you will see just how special the people on this site can be.
    Kind regards Aunty Vic


      A little frightened


      Congrats Always! 16 Days AF - Way to Go! I don't think any of us can ever take our AF Day Status for Granted. It is why so many around here say ODAT - One day at a time! This time in your life will become more and more meaningful as the days pass - you will love those on this site - and yes - we can all stand to remember that we are all REAL people out here behind these Avatars and words in print.
      Best wishes to you
      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

      (from the Movie "Once")


        A little frightened

        Congrats on Day 16 and very wise words to share.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          A little frightened

          Alwayswishing ~ Great post! Thank you for putting that out there.

          Congrats on your 16 days! That's fantastic. Keep up the good work. It only gets better.

          BTW ~ 99.9% of the time everyone here forgives people's out bursts and understand where they are coming from. But when the same person does it over and over again, well've seen the out come. We are all in Luv's corner. Always have been.

          You appear to be a valuable asset to this site. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

          Good luck. We are here for you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            A little frightened

            welcome to this site. Let me congratulate you on 16 days AF. :goodjob:
            Do not let the occasional drama deter you from coming to MWO. It is a wonderful place with many beautiful minds and outstretched helping hands. Good luck on your journey and I am looking forward to your success reports.
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              A little frightened

              Hi and :welcome:

              Things here at the minute are really emotional but dont let that put you off .......

              Keep reading and posting .......

              We are here to help .......


                A little frightened


                Let me add my warm :welcome:

                I am glad you are here and truly hope you find the help and support you need here to help you to achieve your goals.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  A little frightened

                  Geez-if I was accountable for every bad thing I said under the family would have disowned me a long time ago.

                  But coming back to the topic here: what's a family without the occassional drama? I have seen my fair share here. Never be afraid to be yourself here.

                  For every bad comment there are a hundred positive. I wish her peace.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    A little frightened

                    Thank you again! I appreciate your support. I know this board has been so helpful to so many.

                    I was a little emotional last night. I know I could so easily be in Luv's place myself. Except when I drink I can't even type. It's just incredibly frightening to know what alcohol can do. I never want to be in that place again but I'm so newly sober that I any little thing can shake my resolve. One slip and I could lose everything. If I never drink, I have the support of my loving husband. If I drink, I will have to go somewhere else. I know myself well enough to realize that if that were to happen, I could easily fall into that hole and not recover for a really long time. So I don't like to feel that everything is hinging on that one thing. As days without drinking accumulate, I know I'm getting more complacent and I can't let that happen. The first few days fear made me read everything I could and meditate and talk to people about what was going on emotionally. I checked in with my husband many times a day. But now, I distance myself from the issue like it it no longer a problem. I've always done that. Block it out rather than deal with it on the emotional level. I have a lot of work to do beyond not drinking to prepare myself for the inevitable situations where alcohol will be a choice. That's where staying with the people on this board comes in. I read about how you guys handled the days after 30 AF and it really helps. From what I read, it gets easier and life fills with more meaningful things beyond an obsession with alcohol. If I didn't have you to give me that hope, I'd be a very terrified person.

                    Have a wonderful Fri and a great weekend!


                      A little frightened

                      Always, you sound like a very strong person. I think a lot stronger than you may realize.

                      You can log on any time and find support here. There's always someone on. Being a little scared is actually good. Just stand vigilant against the beast you are battling my dear. The bravest people in the world still hold some fear. It's ok.

                      Are you taking any supps? They help. At this point, you just need to be aware of what your "triggers" are. Knowing that and being aware of your own danger signals will be invaluable to staying sober. You can do this, hun.

                      Again, we are here for you every step of the way. Stay strong!!!

                      Love, Me
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        A little frightened


                        AW - :welcome:

                        Your posts have been welcome and I think you indeed have found a very supportive place. I'm on 38 days AF and have found this place invaluable. Heck, just seeing how those people across the pond make up words in English for different things is a treat. My vocabularly has expanded tremendously. They even have their Mother's Day in the wrong month! :H:H

                        Stay tuned, it gets better.

                        Best, Erin


                          A little frightened

                          Hello Always,

                          Sleeping the whole night through IS wonderful!! Like Thankful said, "you are a lot stronger than you may realize". It took a tremendous amount of strength to tackle the idea going af, and then DOING it. Congratulations on your 16 days. As you get more under your belt you will continue to feel better. Don't get me wrong, there will be tough times, but the support from this site can arm you with information to help you make the right choices.



                            A little frightened

                            Now that it's morning and I've had time to think, I really hope that no one leaves over any of the things that have been going on. I feel like we all create this board together. Without us it wouldn't exist. RJ provided a place and we have the chance to take it from there. It takes time to build connections and those who have been here awhile have worked really hard to have that in place. You're all right in that it has its ups and downs but the main thing to remember is that it is generally a positive place where inspiration and wisdom can be found. We can take the drama as a tool to be aware of what can happen and to strengthen us in our resolve not have it in our own lives.

                            When alcohol speaks for someone, we don't have to listen. We can empathize and hope and wait for the real person to come back but we can't let it take us off of our path. I know my family has spent more time than I can imagine waiting for me to reemerge. It helps me not to drink to know that I can't be taken seriously by anyone who loves me when I drink. It's such a lonely place. When drinking, I'm so emotional and I want to reach out to people but they can't "see" me until I'm sober. I'm invisible. All they can do is care for my physical needs.

                            Thankful, I am taking quite a few things. L-Glut, Kudzu, Evening Primrose, milk thistle (I love the name for this one, it sounds old fashioned and comforting), multi vitamin, vitamin Bs, vitamin C, Omega 3. I think they've really helped.

                            I'm so glad everyone for the most part is still here. The first thing I do every morning lately is check in to see how everyone is doing. It starts the day out on a good note and helps me remember what my goal is.


                              A little frightened


                              First let me say congratulations!!! You are doing awesome!! You sound like a very wise, level headed person, with a really good mindset regarding this alcohol issue!! Keep at it!!!

                              Do not let what happened with Luv concern you in terms of being "careful" about what you say here. We all adore Luv and wish her the best and really LOOK FOWARD to having her back here. Being banned from the site is very unusual. Many of us (me included) have posted under the influence without that as a consequence. In Luv's case, I think RJ's decision was two-fold. First, she was really out of line..not once or twice, but several times in the last few weeks. Second, her coming here drunk again and again was not helping her...rather, I think, it may have been preventing her from finally taking action that she desparately needs to take. I can't speak for RJ, but have been here long enough to know that RJ does not make that decision easily. I have read many ugly posts from people who come back the next day very sorry for what they said. We all are struggling and this can and does happen. In general, everyone understands and is supportive and we can go on. So please don't be hesitant to share for fear of consequences...ok?

                              That being said, I have been here for 2 years, and drinking almost all of it, in spite my desire and attempts to get this under control (I am just in awe of you!!). I finally have 10 days after going on Antabuse...for me, it had to be done, and I have finally found the tool that works for me. BUT, I could not have come to this place without the support of the people here.

                              Bottom line, :welcome:. Stick around. And keep doing what you are doing!! I look forward to getting to know you in the days to come!!


                              Beth aka Lucy
                              formerly known as bak310

