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Numerous Examples

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    Numerous Examples

    I have been banned. Rightfullly so...but I really would like to know why others have not???? I have seen NUMEROUS drunk posts, and they were not banned. WHY?????? I would be more than happy to pay for the book, if that is the issue. I see member after member post drunk on this site. Thanks once again...losing my Mama, my Granny, kids...just when I need yu most you through me away........................

    Numerous Examples

    Luv .... please stop this right now.


      Numerous Examples

      Luv, we love you very much ........ please get some help .........


        Numerous Examples

        Luv, it doesn't really matter anymore if others have not been banned for drunk posts because yours have gone above and beyond it. You are dividing the boards. Could you please stop????? Get some help!!!!
        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


          Numerous Examples

          Hi Luv,

          First of all, I'd like to say how much I admire what you've been able to accomplish in the past and I know you can do it again. You're going through so much and it's really hard not to turn to alcohol. But from my past experience, I know that it just made things worse in the long run.

          Just my opinion on this so take it for what it's worth but maybe RJ banned you for awhile because it really impacts others, especially newcomers, to see negative responses to posts. Please don't take this the wrong way but I was really scared to read your posts. As a newcomer myself, I seriously considered whether I wanted to be on this board again. The last thing I can handle is seeing negative posts towards others who are trying to help. It makes me sad and want to give up. No one blames you for drinking. They would support you to the end of the world. But we're just as fragile as you are in battling this and when you say something hurtful, it jeopardizes others' sobriety efforts. Not that you ever intended to. You are hurting. But if you could see it from the other side, it hurts others to hear words from you that attack the very most vulnerable part of them. No one wants to have this problem. I'm so scared to drink. Coming here is a haven where everyone understands and doesn't judge. For the sake of a newcomer and for all of those who love you, if you could try to see things from that point of view, help us not to drink. We need you your support. Unkind words only serve to make us emotional which could lead to drinking.

          Anyway, I know so little about you so please don't take anything I've said the wrong way. The one thing I do know is that you had 7 mos sober which is amazing. it shows what a strong, resilient person you are. And from my experience, it is such a short journey from hopeless drinking to a positive life. Isn't that weird? If we don't drink, life immediately brightens and starts to go in a good direction.

          I wish you the best and think of you often. That's what is so great about this place. You might not know someone well but the connection we all have with this problem makes us immediately empathize with relative strangers. So please know that everyone loves you and wishes you the best.


            Numerous Examples

            OK....LUV....Enough is Enough!!

            You are NOT the ONLY ONE that is suffering Loss, Pain, Physical Ilnesess etc. Many, Many people here are dealing with this! I myself, could right a book on the topic!

            You Know that You Need Serious Intervention............All the support that you have recieved here over the past 3 weeks alone has been nothing short of amazing! YOU have chosen to do Nothing for yourself! That is YOUR choice.

            In the meantime, people are leaving this board over this..........people that could really benefit from this site and this program. For nearly 3 weeks, this board has been non-stop supportive of you! I know you are drunk, I know that alcohol is playing a role in what you are doing...............Only you can STOP Drinking, get the medical attention that you need and begin to create a healthy life.

            I wish that you could respect RJ, Respect us and take a break from here and get the help you need and allow this site to get back to being the Healthy, Supportive place that it is!

            Enough is Enough!!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Numerous Examples

              Stop this madness

              LUV - Alcohol gives us many different personalities. AL hangs name tags over us ... These names are ugly words that we work for a long time to remove when we stop drinking. Don't start piling those names on yourself. You worked a long time to have the sober months you did - this relapse can stop but only you can begin the first minute.

              Luv - Stop this madness - you need to call your Dad now. Please ... I am begging my Lord that you will call your Dad.
              I am truly am praying for you and will be until I can't think of anything else

              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

              (from the Movie "Once")


                Numerous Examples

                I agree with the others. You have gone way beyond asking for help. You have insulted members on this board who have done nothing but support you. In the last two weeks you have started thread after thread seeking help, getting advice and obviously not taking it.

                I think a break would be a good thing so you can focus all of your energy on getting the help you desperately need, LUV. You could be doing something proactive and getting your butt to a rehab or a hospital instead of wasting time on here. It really is YOUR life - YOUR kids lives, and arguing or seeking help through the computer at this point in time is not going to help you.


                  Numerous Examples

                  Hi Luv,

                  I'm posting because in the past you have asked for my help, my advice.

                  Here it is. Please listen to rational heads.

                  AFM is right, get off the computer, it's making you angry. The computer if of no help to you now.

                  You need to detox in hospital and then enter rehab. Find the money.

                  Withdrawing on your own will be hell, you need meds. The people in detox can help you find a good rehab.

                  The staff in rehab will help you deal with your losses, all of them. I think that people misunderstand what rehab really is. You will find Lisa again. The real Lisa. You will have peace and quiet..time to think. It's a good place. There is NOTHING to be fearful of.

                  I have no idea what is going to happen with your kids but I want you to take this seriously.

                  Lisa, you have two choices:

                  You can continue to drink your life away without your kids OR
                  You can reach out and ask for help in an appropriate manner.
                  Then accept the help that is offered.

                  I love you,

                  Nancy xxxxx
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    Numerous Examples


                    Luv, I am asking again that you do not post in this condition. I agree with everything above.

                    We cannot block your IP address because it is shared by other AOL users. It would prevent them from visiting.

                    Please do not put me in the position of chasing down each new account you create and deleting it. I will do so if necessary and I will take other measures, as well.

                    You are not being singled out or treated differently than anyone else. Many people have come here and posted while drinking. We don't encourage it but we understand and tolerate it as best we can. We know that people are hurting and they are reaching out. They are trying to get help and trying to get better. But when a situation like this becomes excessive we have to take measures.

                    I have asked you respectfully to take a break from the board. You have refused to do so and instead, have deeply insulted other members. Members who have been there for you.

                    I understand it's difficult to reason with you when you are in this condition, but I am asking again that you do not post in this forum for now. I'm requesting that you do this for your own good. I have sent you my personal email so we can keep in touch. But I will not tolerate any more of this in a public venue.

                    I am concerned about you and I also need to consider the health of our community. This is not healthy for anyone.

                    I am very sorry for the pain you are suffering right now because of your situation with family and friends. But you've got to put the bottle down or it will destroy you. There's nothing any of us can do to help you until you make the decision to do that.

                    Please: find someone who will take you to a hospital, a treatment center, an AA meeting or somewhere else so you can get the help you need and deserve. We will be there to support you when you come back.

                    We all care about you. And we care about this community. It's why I'm telling you this has got to stop.

                    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                      Numerous Examples

                      you are throwing yourself away no one has done that in this forum, YOU ARE SICK, AND A SICK PERSON HAS TO SEEK MEDICATION, everyone here respects you dont stain that. REMEMBER "YOU CANNOT SAVE YOUR FACE AND YOUR BUTTS AT THE SAME TIME"
                      i wish you well luv


                        Numerous Examples


                        What an incredible tidbit of wisdom.

                        "You can't save your face and your butt at the same time."

                        God Bless you!!

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Numerous Examples

                          What can I say other than I am really praying for your recovery from this relapse. You obviously have done it once and you can do it again.
                          I understand your personal pain. Trust me.


                            Numerous Examples

                            Love you LUV...I wish you peace,and help honey...hang in there please DON'T give can get through this...YOU CAN...
                            I love you
                            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                              Numerous Examples

                              Maybe everyone could stop posting here and things could calm down? JMHO...
                              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

