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nutrition advice

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    nutrition advice

    Hello everyone and first of all I would like to wish everyone a happy Friday and complete sober free weekend.

    Now for my question I have heard alot about how important good nutrition is for sobriety. What exactly does this mean? When I am not drinking I crave sugar and caffeine big time - I probably should not be doing this right? What kinds of foods are best for helping with AL cravings? Or is there such a thing as certain foods that help with this? I hope I'm making sense here - I'm not drinking I'm just tired, sorry.

    Also I have heard alot about the L-glut, what exactly does this do and how does it help? Also can I find this at a regular vitamin store? Can I find milk thistle at the vit store also? I have the kudzu and started on that today, should that be taken 2 or 3 times a day? I bit the bullet and had labs drawn 2 days ago to check liver and kidneys, I am just waiting for the results.

    Any help and or advice I could get would be greatly appreciated - thank you in advance for your help.


    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

    nutrition advice

    Poohbear, I have been craving sweets big time since I quit drinking. I hear that it's normal and happens to so many of us. I always want caffiene (which is one have my triggers :upset so I can't help you there.

    I have been taking some new supps for a couple of days now, and I have been able to cut back on the sweets!

    Of some of the supps I take, the ones you may be interested are:

    L-Tyrosine - Helps w/ al/sugar cravings, anti-depressant, increases energy, improves mental focus.

    L-Glutamine - Helps w/ al/sugar cravings, anti-stress, levels out blood sugar in your body, and improves mood. I believe it's also a GABA form and that helps make it a fuel source for the entire brain.

    - Anti-craving, anti-depressant, anti-insomnia (but I think that one's having a reverse affect on me), improves appetite control. It improves over all mood and other serotonin deficiency symptoms.

    You have to find what works for you. But I hope this helps you.

    You may also want to go to:

    Someone posted this web site before and I found it helpful.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      nutrition advice

      Hi Poohbear,

      Since alcohol is pretty much pure sugar, it stands to reason that once it is removed from the body, one is going to crave sugar or sweets. I think (just my opinion) that watching sugar intake is probably a good and healty thing. I think when you have a lot of sugar in your system it makes alcohol cravings worse. (again just my opinion). Healthy sugars from fruit are the best. Some people talk about going off of carbs completely, but doing so can lead to depression, which is something we all have to watch.

      On the L-Glutamine front, it helps with sugar and carbohydrate cravings (as well as AL). I find it very helpful. The MWO program reccomends 1,000 to 3,000mg per day. It is also reccomended to take it with All One or a B vitamin, because B-6 aids in absorption.

      One treat I do enjoy is 60% Cacao chocolate chips by Ghirardelli. They are in the baking isle of the grocery store. A few can satisfy a sugar craving without a lot of sugar.

      Hope this helps.



        nutrition advice


        Great job on getting the lab tests! Hope it all turns out fine for you. I feel it is better to know the answer then to think the worst.

        I too crave sweets and carbs big time and I drink Diet Mt dew by the bottles full now, that and coffee.

        I take the supps and they do help. Milk Thistle can be found at most grocery stores, even my small town one has it. The L-glut I had to order from here but later found it at a health store in a larger town. I haven't tried the other two Thankful mentions but am willing to give it a go...anything!

        Also Thankful, thanks for the heads up on the website. I am always looking for new reading material that can help me through my struggles along this journery.

        Happy, Healthy Friday All.
        Hugs, Bambi
        "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


          nutrition advice

          The sugar cravings are normal because as Miso said alcohol is pure sugar and our bodies are used to it. When it is taken away our brain and bodies are trying to compensate which is where the supplements can be so helpful. The l-glut in combination with the kudzu is a good thing to take in the afternoon for cravings. Also if you have not tried the hypnotherapy CDs I think they really make a difference.

          Try and cut out as much white stuff in your diet as you can and switch to whole grains. It will keep the blood sugar from fluctuating so much which can cause one to have cravings too.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            nutrition advice

            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              nutrition advice

              Thank you everyone sooooo sooooo very much for your replies. I am going to print these out and arm myself with this information for when I go to the vitamin store after work. I would order from here but I don't want to wait that long to get started - I want to start this NOW - I am so freakin ready for some sobriety

              Again thank you for all your help it is so greatly appreciated
              when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                nutrition advice

                ok, have a bit more time now

                Pbear, save yourself a ton of money on the Lglutamine and don't get it at the health shop. go to walmart instead and get the large jug of LGlutamine powder by EAS in the sports nutrition/power bars section of the store. If you are having cravings take a rounded teaspoon (or's harmless) in juice. it will knock those cravings fast. about 15 minutes.

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  nutrition advice

                  wow Det thanks for the tip - I had not even thought about Wal-Mart but now that you mention it yea I will for sure go there. There is one right up the road from work. I will go straight there after work.
                  when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

