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Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

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    Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

    It hurts my heart to see what power alcohol has in our lives. Lots of times the question comes up as to at what point is an alcoholic really ready to do whatever it takes to get and stay sober. I know people who have quit because it was taking away from their personal time and it was annoying their family. Then I know other people who have to take the long road of multiple DWI?s (one as many as 27), losing their family, self-respect, job, house, car, vision, limbs, and intelligence. Some never are able to quit, and either die in the despair of bad health from alcohol, or take their own life from the feeling of helplessness. Alcoholic Drinking to its final conclusion never has a good outcome. Never.

    When is the right time to stop drinking? I think it is a reasonable question. We are all different, and we all have a breaking point. Some of us reach it earlier, some reach it later, and some of us may never reach it at all. It is like we are all on an elevator, which is traveling down the elevator shaft faster and faster as it nears the bottom. It would be wonderful if we could all get off the elevator while it was still at the top, as some people do. Getting off is harder as the elevator spirals downward. It doesn?t really matter where we get off the elevator, as long as we get off before it crashes at the bottom.

    My bottom and your bottom may be miles apart, but each exhibits the same effect on the person who steps off the elevator. We receive a new life. I had forgotten what living was until I found myself actually off of the elevator. I had taken short pauses on many floors over the years, but when I think about finally standing here watching the elevator leave without me I still get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye.

    I finally have my life back. I can be happy again. I am a person of worth, and God has seen fit to give me another chance. I am so thankful for this site, RJ, and all of you. If it weren?t for these things I might still be on that elevator with the same old plan of jumping, just on impact. It worked in the cartoons, but in real life, it is certain death. Please don?t let alcohol push your buttons. Pick the floor you want to get off on, and continue to pick the next floor until you can get off and watch the elevator leave without you. It can and will happen if you never give up.

    I love you guys,

    God Bless
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

    Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

    Beautiful Bear. You have much to be proud of.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

      Bear that is lovely .........

      I'm still on it but on a much higher floor than I used to be ........

      Thanks for sharing ...........


        Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

        very wise MD, thanks for that. we sure need some positive words around here lately.

        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

          Wow, bear!

          Thank you for that very poignant post. I loved every word.

          You are a treasure.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

            Fantastic post Bear.


              Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

              What a wonderful post. Just what I needed to read today. Bear, you are such an inspiration to me.
              Thank you,
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                Who is Pushing Your Buttons?


                As I just put in my prescription for Antabuse and walked in the door to read MWO, I saw this post. How timely and how telling.

                Yes, God does work through you. :l

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

                  Hi Bear. What a fabulous post, and it's in perfect timing for me and I'm sure many others.

                  Thank you!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

                    Now we are all on "eskeelators" and "hoomocks" :H

                    (if you listen to the hypno CDs you'll get the joke)

                    Great post Bear!
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

                      I just wanted to say that this was very poignant reading and something that I needed to hear today

                      thank you so very much for sharing
                      when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                        Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

                        Cool post.
                        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                          Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

                          Bear that was wonderful and at such a perfect time. Thank you!!
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

                            ah bearsy.... well my heart is very sad by recent events of what al can do to a person and well they just aren't themselves now are they? i too am grateful for rj, this site and these people. this has been a sincere turning point in my sobriety and lenair was the icing on the cake that took all thoughts and cravings away. lucky for me i received a "spriritual colonic" i guess. so, yes each and every one of us has to make a choice for ourselves. where is it we want to stand.
                            today is our stand..... today is the day. or not.... and it may take many times of standing and falling before it actually sticks. i remember once a sponsor in years ago program telling me as i asked how do you know you've hit bottom and she said "when you stop digging".. i thought wow, that's huge. i don't have to make this mess any bigger then it already is. i can stop now and then start to cleaning up my life in all the ways with all the support that i can possibly muster.
                            thank you thank you. well, all love and hugs to each and every. sincerely a tragic week as my heart breaks but there for the grace of god go i. and i shall not abandon those to the curb just because they are still digging. :0


                              Who is Pushing Your Buttons?

                              powerful words bootsie.
                              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

