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Could you please help me out?

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    Could you please help me out?

    Let's not respond to Gimme a break. Luv is not herself and the best thing we can do is let any post we find out is hers while she is in this condition, is to not help her dig herself further in the hole. She is a friend, a friend that can best be helped by letting her get her act together away from this board. Support her by not enabling her.:thanks:

    Could you please help me out?

    I was expecting you hart ......... thanks .........


      Could you please help me out?

      THANK YOU HART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Could you please help me out?


        stop responding to bad posts............moving this up 'cause, I want to have more helpful posts for everyone


          Could you please help me out?

          Hart, you are so right. I read all of your other posts on this subject this morning. I couldn't sleep last night and read some threads/posts that amazed me. So disappointing, so angry and hateful. Thank you for adding your voice of reason. It's people like you that will help me become the person I want to be.


            Could you please help me out?


            Wow!! Look at you!! All grown up.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Could you please help me out?


              LOL Cindi. I'm still laughing! I figured it was time. Like my purple tongue! Having a senior moment, is that how you spell tongue? Don't think I have ever used that word in a typed message before!


                Could you please help me out?

                Suki what a sweet compliment, :thanks:


                  Could you please help me out?

                  Thanks Hart.
                  I was thinking that as many of us who have something inspiring or insightful to share should start a thread here in General. Let's bring back the spirit that these forums are intended to have!
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    Could you please help me out?

                    you need a new god damn avatar. that kitty looks tired hangin on that rope. i say try something different. want me to fix something up for ya, will do. :h

                    Thats what friends are for.:h


                      Could you please help me out?

                      Tuff kitty Rip.......I like it


                        Could you please help me out?

                        hart;291675 wrote: Tuff kitty Rip.......I like it
                        okay, please don't scratch me. i'm only trying to help you up, if i could reach you i would give you my hand...:h

