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    Doc gave me Ativan for the weekend, to "get me by" until Monday.

    Does this stuff make everyone goofy, or just me?

    I've never taken pills to "get by" just booze.

    Yet, here I am being as stupid as if I am on booze. Can barely type.

    It does help with the panic attacks, though, woke up having one and broke down and took another. (Just one this time) and it is still making me a goofball.

    Anyone else take this stuff?

    AF April 9, 2016


    Never taken it Cindi. Here are the sx listed for it

    Drowsiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, headache, nausea, blurred vision, change in sexual interest/ability, hair loss, constipation, heartburn, or change in appetite may occur.

    Makes sense why you'd feel a bit off. If it helps the anxiety, I'd keep with it. You only are taking it short term right?



      I've had it prescribed once or twice for panic attacks. It's very powerful stuff and your symptoms are normal. In the hospital week before last they hit me with three doses (don't know the exact dosage) but 18 hours after the last dose, and unfortunately a bottle of wine, I totally blackouted and fell. Very strong stuff.

      Just take it easy for the weekend, no tractor racing or other large machinery shenanigans:H

      Take care of yourself!

      Much love,




        I took it for a short awhile a few years ago for sleep. I slept, but didn't have that good rested feeling like you have with a natural sleep. I was desperate for sleep at that time. Expensive stufff as I recall. On the other hand, I only took it at bedtime so if I was goofy, I wouldn't have known it.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



          Yes, I have also taken it, Cindi. It is pretty strong. I wouldn't drive or anything...

          Good luck on Monday!!!


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.



            Docs sometimes give you more than you need of this stuff. Ativan is related to Valium. Very good for short term anxiety relief, dangerous & addictive for long term use.

            There are breathing techniques you can learn later to help with anxiety, when you are past all of this, Cindi.

            Just take a little as you can of this. If you feel goofy--well, I have a friend in recovery who says she takes the opportunity to enjoy any "legal" high she can, since she is absolutely committed to sobriety for the rest of her life. I'd try to relax and enjoy being a little "out of it" if possible.


            AF as of August 5th, 2012




              Be very careful with ativan. It is highly addictive and very hard to get off of when "hooked"

              Take care
              Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
              April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
              wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
              wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
              wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
              wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
              wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
              wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

              I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.



                Cindi,I am glad you are ok :lyour last post yesterday was scary.Thank God you fell asleep at your computer and not the wheel of a car or something!I can't believe your doctor didn't warn you BIG time!I actually take Lorazapam (generic Ativan) and yeah,it is VERY strong,so I only take 1/2 of a .05 when i feel i need to.And when tahken w/ alcohol-oh my gosh...bye bye :H!I am so sorry your having panic attacks,they are terrible...I had such a bad one once that i called 911 (i thought i was having a heart attack,couldn't get a deep breath,thought i was dying,you know the deal-um,I was like 30 at the time!)Talk about ebarrassment...My girlfriends gorgeous hushand is a firefighter-him and 2 other cute medics show up at my house...All of a sudden i don't even care anymore about my heart attack-I'm like "oh my god,I look horrible!Ack!My house looks like a pigpen!"then they had to lay me down on my couch and giveme all these tests....geez,i figure out later all i needed was a dang paper bag and a hot bath :thumbs... Anyhhow,it works really quickly,so feel free to take a 1/2 of one and if it isn't helping the other in 20 or 30 mins.It really is a great medication! also,hot baths,breathing meditation,all that kinda stuff helps me :O)....
                I'm sorry for all of my excessive-worry...My mom passed away and her so called online friends knew it was about to happen and nobody did anything,so of course my stupid mind went into overdrive ....i hope i didn't cause you more stress or another panic attcak!
                I will be thinkinh of you and hoping all goes well for you on monday!



                  Oh, yeah.... I just remembered. We were on a long flight and I took one and had cocktails and forgot I took one and took another. WHAM!! I was so screwed up I kept asking hubby who whe was talking to but it was his reflection in the plane window. Thank God I fell asleep before embarassing myself further. Do not drink with this stuff!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




                    He only gave me 6 day's worth. I think it takes longer than that to get addicted.

                    At least I hope. It is amazing how difficult I am finding it to type and put together rational thoughts.

                    Funny, I should be enjoying this since it is similar to being drunk but I don't like the feeling at all.

                    AF April 9, 2016



                      mmm very good at calming you down i have taken these on a few occasions they worked on me,but they are very addictive so beware as i think most of us have addictive personalities anyway.
                      you wont get addicted after 6 days tho



                        I have taken the generic form lorazepam before also. I did take it once while drinking and boy was that freaky. So after that I only took one when I felt some anxiety coming on. Just one by itself didn't do anything weird to me just helped to calm me down a little. I don't take it anymore
                        when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most




                          Ativan is used to treat acute withdrawal from alcohol. It will help with the anxiety, the shakiness, the restlessness, and the insomnia that comes with the acute withdrawal. It will however, for lack of a more scientific term, make you "loopy". Not sure what dose you were given, but you can split/cut the tablets. The acute alcohol withdrawal phase lasts a few days. 3-5 typically. Please try to go Af while you are taking the ativan though because they are both nervous system depressants and being on both might really send you for a loop. And there is no harm in taking the ativan short term, but longer term it can be habit forming and can become its own addiction. Keep that in mind too, take it this weekend just to keep your anxiety and agitation in check, stay Af for 3-5 days...while taking it....then just try to stay Af without it. Maybe with Campral after the ativan? I don't know your situation....but campral is recommended to start as soon as possible after acute withdrawal. Not sure if you asked your doc about that...but it is non-addictive, anti-alcohol craving med that only works once you have stopped drinking. Wishing you the best.

                 you might already know....I am a pharmacist




                            I have been AF for a week, now, so acute AW is not really happening.

                            He said he was giving it to me for anxiety and panic attacks, which I have been having..

                            I start Antabuse Monday. He also put me on Revia (Naltrexone) for some reason, which, if I am on Antabuse should not be necessary? If I can't drink, I don't think Revia will be of any help.

                            But I will do whatever he says.

                            AF April 9, 2016



                              Cindi......I wrote this to you on the other side too..

                              Cindi....I have ativan for emergency anxiety. I've had this type of med for years and years. If you've never taken anything like it, it sure will make you sleepy. But you should also be very relaxed. The more anxious you are, the stronger the effect of the ativan will be. So if you're that sleepy, imagine how anxious you really would be feeling. Don't fight the feeling......that's why the doctor gave it to you. Hope this helps.....
                              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

