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Today's Thought - Saturday

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    Today's Thought - Saturday

    Today's thought is:

    No man is more cheated than the selfish man.
    --Henry Ward Beecher

    When we're selfish, we close off the channels of exchange with others. Not only are we grabbing and holding all the goods or attention we can get, but we are denying others the possibility of sharing with us in the benefits. We may be selfish in material goods, but there are many other ways too. Some of us expect our spouses to meet our needs while we make little effort to meet theirs. Some of us discover our selfishness as we drive, refusing to yield a position to another car or getting furious if we lose a place in heavy traffic.

    By contrast, our generosity and welcoming responses nourish the spirit within us and create a good environment for our growth. Sometimes giving does not come easily We have a more generous spirit when we are in touch with our ultimate vulnerability. All of life is fragile, and we need each other to have a good life. We can truly hold on to nothing but ourselves. Giving what we can of our time, our energy, and our goods, helps create the kind of world we want to live in.

    Today, I will look for ways to be generous with those with whom I share this world.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

    Today's Thought - Saturday

    Thank you Noelle! That is such a valuable post. I know for myself that I get so caught up in my struggle with alcohol that I don't "hear" those in my life who are also impacted by what I'm going through. My dear husband for example. We had a long conversation last night and he explained to me how my bouts of drinking, as they reoccurred over and over, had really sensitized him to my ability to be deceitful after I've had a drink and want more. I know that's true. He was deeply hurt because I would come up with any excuse to go somewhere that had drinks or pick something up and he could see right through it but had no idea what to say. I tell him all of the time how this struggle makes me feel but I never take the time to realize how it hurts him. And damages our relationship. And he suffers from many things in his life that have nothing to do with my issue. Everyone does. I want to be there for him when he needs me.

    When drinking, I avoid people. I have nothing to give and am not at all generous. Shame and guilt are the enemies of generosity. It is truly frightening to experience the greed for alcohol that one drink creates. No one else matters at that point.

    When I'm not drinking, I see the benefits of generosity. It opens your heart to others who have pain and sorrow as well as happiness in their own lives. Kindness will truly make this world a better place.

    This post really connected with me. I love that it takes me outside of my own problems and makes me see that all the world suffers in one way or another. I am not the only one. I don't want to take more than my share of compassion from those in my life. I want to give more than I take from this world.

    It's posts like this that inspire me and help me not to drink. To look out, not in.

    Thank you again!!!

    Have a wonderful Sat.


      Today's Thought - Saturday

      Good morning. Noelle, that's a great thought for the day. And wishing, what a thought provoking response.

      You guys made me ponder how selfish my own drinking has been. I also realize how easy it is to fall into selfishness even when NOT drinking.

      Those I love the most (Mr. Doggy, my parents, etc.) get very little if anything from me when I am drinking. And then when I work to stop, I'm also very focused on "me."

      This really hit home for me and even though I'm at a stage where I MUST keep my sobriety at the forefront (Day 2 AF), I'm going to make a special point of reaching out to my closest loved ones this weekend and doing something nice for them all - even if it's just a kind word or letting them know how much they all mean to me.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Today's Thought - Saturday

        Thank you Noelle. A fantastic post. I really needed to read that today.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Today's Thought - Saturday


          Thank you so much for starting these "positive thought threads". You bring a lot to this site.



            Today's Thought - Saturday

            7:19 on a Satruday? I bet you hopped back into the bed! I was looking for it, though.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Today's Thought - Saturday

              Thank you Noelle, for a wonderful post.:thanks:

              So very true...
              It's so easy to loose sight of what's important when our priorties & heart are 'whacked" out crooked...

              Have a great day.
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Today's Thought - Saturday

                Noelle, that is a delightful post. thank you! we should read that every day and make senate and congress read it out loud every day too. Senator Kennedy must read it every day as he is very generous.
                (with our money)

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Today's Thought - Saturday

                  Greens, you'd better believe I went back to bed!! :H

                  Thanks everyone.....again, I don't write these, I just cut and paste. I'm glad y'all like them!

                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

