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Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

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    Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

    Negative automatic thoughts (NAT's) make us feel upset, miserable and guilty. But we do not have to be victims of our thinking. With practice we can change unhelpful thoughts using four challenging questions. It's like taking our thoughts to court and cross examining them.

    1. Am I making any thinking errors?

    - Black and White Thinking. You see everything in only two categories - all or nothing. For example, if you don't do something perfectly you tell yourself you have failed. You work hard all the time, or call yourself lazy. Unless your clothes are immaculate, you see yourself as scruffy. People who think they need to do things perfectly use 'Black and White' thinking.

    - Jumping to conclusions. You jump to a negative conclusion when there is no evidence, or hardly any evidence to support it. You also 'mind read': thinking that you know what someone else is thinking about you. E.g. You haven't heard from your friend for a while and you think, "She/He's upset with me."

    - Magnifying (Catastrophising). You exagerate your problems and imperfections. Negative things that are just a remote possibility become a definite in your mind, and you believe they will end up in disasters. At the same time you minimise your strengths and ability to cope with your problems. E.g You've been asked to write a report and you immediately think, "This is it, I'll get a bad appraisal, I'm never going to get promoted".

    - Overgeneralising. You think that because an unpleasant thing happened before, it will always happen. E.g. you make a comment which irritates one of your friends and you think, "I NEVER say the right thing".

    - Should statements.
    You are a fierce task master and set yourself very high standards for yourself and others. You tell yourself that you SHOULD do this and OUGHT to do that. E.g. I ought to be a good son and visit my mother every weekend. You make yourself feel guilty if you fall short of your high standards. You might also set high standards for other people and then feel resentful if they don't measure up.

    2. What is the evidence for and against my thoughts?

    Here we ask "What are the facts?" Finding evidence to support our NAT's is easy when we're depressed or anxious, because our mood makes us notice them. But we have to ask ourselves "Is there 100% EVIDENCE to support them?" We also need to ask "Is there any evidence AGAINST my thoughts?" Sometimes it can be difficult to notice evidence against our NAT's because when we are anxious or depressed we tend to ignore information that goes against them. But this means we get a very one-sided (and often pessimistic) view of the situation. It's important to remember that thoughts are not facts, they're ideas or hunches - and they can be distorted. That's why we need to check the evidence.

    3. What are the alternative ways I can look at it?

    Typically, there's not just one way of looking at a situation - many different things effect it. But when we are depressed or anxious we tend to seize on one view without thinking about alternative ones. We need to learn to look for other ways of seeing the situation. A way to do this is to imagine your thoughts as a pie. Your first thought (the NAT) is one slice of the pie. It is one possible view of the situation. Then you look for other alternative views to fill up the other slices of the pie. Just thinking about the alternative ideas can make you feel better. But you need to go on and check out the evidence for and against each one of them. This is where the next challenging question comes in.

    4. If my thoughts are true, what actions can I take?

    Here you work out some ways to check your alternative ideas, or if the evidence shows your initial thought (the NAT) was true, ways to deal with the situation.

    I've been using this technique for about 3 weeks now and I've found it really helpful in recognizing my own NAT's. I started off keeping a thought record and writing things down but now it has become almost second nature for me to challenge my thoughts and act accordingly. This is part of the CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)course I am doing at the moment called "Beating the blues" which is helping me a lot at present.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

    Hippe, OMG I do that all of the time !!!!!!!

    I will look into that, thanks son ..........


      Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

      sorry hippie.. but i've lost it big time ..i need to read this 2morrow ..
      family is everything to me


        Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

        I like this Hippie, Did you get it from a book? If so I might need to buy it, LOL! Some things I recognize in those around me, some in myself. Good reading for just about everyone I figure!
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson


          Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

          Very nice Hippie, saved for reference, i need tune ups often. :thanks:


            Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

            Thank you Hippie

            Hippie, I didn't know there was a psychological term just dedicated to this. It is encouraging, because it means this isn't an uncommon problem. This NAT hits the nail on the head for me. It is crippling at times, and I blame a lot of my drinking on it. I'm remaining sober, yet battle with this self hatred, as I'm always beating myself up. This is a lot to take on at once after the first read. I will continue to read this and educate myself on the process. I'd love to beat this "NOISE" in my head. Logically, I know negative thoughts are a waste of time. I just can't shut that voice up at times.
            where does this go?


              Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

              Thanks for posting

              Hippie, thanks so much for posting! so many people here could use these techniques.

              This stuff is formulaic but so effective for depression. It's the core of cognitive behavioral therapy. This list relates to cognitive distortions, which are at the root of a lot of depression. I use these routinely and find them hugely valuable.


                Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

                Did you ever think you were just over thinking?

                My dad told me once... if it wasn't for jumping to conclusions he wouldn't get any exercise.

                I love you dearly........... and you will see yourself thru this... I hope it's less than a decade... and a few thousand bucks. and a whole lot happier...

                but you have a lot of friends here
                Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                  Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

                  Thank you for this thread Hippie....for me, being and staying positive is the key to becoming and staying AF. Thanks again......Janicexxx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

                    Wow Hippie...
                    That does sound a whole bunch like somebody I know ...

                    Printing it now...:thanks:
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

                      oh and also......being AF helps me be positive!!!
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

                        hi hi ppie ive suffered with negative thoughts fo 20 years and is either a major cause for my drinking or a symptom of it . ive been on seroxat for 15 0f those years and they seem to help .


                          Changing Unhelpful Thoughts


                          I like this Hippie, Did you get it from a book? If so I might need to buy it, LOL! Some things I recognize in those around me, some in myself. Good reading for just about everyone I figure!


                          I had a book called Mind Over Mood
                          Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think
                          By Dennis Greenberger, Christine A. Padesky
                          My doctor gave me a book prescription to get it from the local library. The guidance that hippie wrote is in there, I found it really good at helping me control negative thoughts if I start to have daft thoughts I quote the title to myself to get me thinking right.


                            Changing Unhelpful Thoughts

                            Thank you so very much for this hippie. I am seriously considering starting a notebook and printing out ALL of the great things that I read on this board so I can go to them anytime I need. So very much thoughtful stuff that is posted here that I can relate to so much -

                            again thank you for taking the time to post this


                            when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                              Changing Unhelpful Thoughts


                              Wow - Good Stuff!!!!!!!!!

                              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                              (from the Movie "Once")

