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Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

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    Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

    if your personal stigmas regarding alcohol have been anything like mine they will lead us to think and eventually believe that the consumption of alcoholic drinks is necessary to be popular, socially effective, glamorous and confident.

    It is of course an illusion crafted by the multi billion dollar marketers that only give a crap about making their stocks go up.

    Do you think a guy like Donald Trump has any problems feeling adequate, successful or socially effective?

    here is a quote from him:

    I learned a lot from my brother Fred's death. He was a great-looking guy. He had the best personality. He had everything. But he had a problem with alcohol and cigarettes. He knew he had the problem, and it's a tough problem to have. He was ten years older than me, and he would always tell me not to drink or smoke. And to this day I've never had a cigarette. I've never had a glass of alcohol. I won't even drink a cup of coffee. I just stay away from those things because he had such a tremendous problem. Fred did me a great favor. It's one of the greatest favors anyone's ever done for me.

    I've never understood why people don't go after the alcohol companies like they did the tobacco companies. Alcohol is a much worse problem than cigarettes.

    If you don't have an understanding of your opponent, things aren't going to work out very well for you.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

    Well that's an eye opener. An an huge inspiration. Thanks!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

      You sound like Allen Carr! I wholeheartedly agree.


        Facing our stigmas part II The Donald times I wish they would make AL illegal but then I remember drinking vanilla extract and know some of us would find ways around it. It is very difficult to be a recovering alcoholic in today's society.


          Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

          it's true DollySunshine, when we are on a destructive bent we will find ways to hurt ourselves for sure. I've recently been able to "let it go" and just stop fighting for this destructive lifestyle I clung to so tightly for so long.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

            I think the change finally happened for me when I realized I cannot drink. Period. I was literaly resentful of normal people who could drink socially. I still am at times. So much of society centers on happy hour or Fri/Sat nights that at times I have no clue where I fit in.


              Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

              interesting. Dolly, here's the good news: you can fit in anywhere you want. really.
              you and I are not bound by happy hour to be happy. we are free agents of our own imagination.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                Absolutely...and I can't believe how clean my house is now. So many things I enjoyed that I lost drinking. Reading, baking and yes even cleaning Thanks for this thread.


                  Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                  the part that i don't understand is Donald Trump has his own brand of vodka "trump Vodka" - guess he has never had any but is willing to make money off of it - it's not a cheap brand!!! lol


                    Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                    Challange to you all ...

                    I think there has never been a better time in history to be a Non Drinker. Lets make a list of all the great new social things to do in the 21st century that really don't have anything to do with drinking! I'll start the list! Lets see how fast we can make a list of 100 things:

                    1. Starbucks
                    2. Teavana (tea shops)
                    3. Running Clubs
                    4. Extreme Sports (Rock Climbing clubs, etc)
                    5. Golf
                    6. Art Festivals
                    7. Concerts
                    8. Museums
                    9. Mentoring Children

                    Ok your next .......................
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                      10..computers(when not drunk)


                        Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                        Wow, very eye opening indeed. I guess alcohol is simply the device between success and failure. Trump's definately been successful! lol

                        11) dining out
                        12) movies (I no longer sneak in my beer masked by a coffee cup)
                        13) parades (St. Paddy's coming up)
                        14) malls
                        15) quality time w/family and friends

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                          Good ones...I missed out on so many things by getting trashed beforehand.


                            Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                            16. Scrapbooking
                            17. Cooking
                            18. Napping (the Sunday afternoon kind - not the passed out kind!)
                            19. Gardening
                            20. Rebuilding Cars
                            21. Motercycling! Yes!

                            Come on ... Think ....
                            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                            (from the Movie "Once")


                              Facing our stigmas part II The Donald

                              Great Post D. Love him or hate him, The Donald is a smart cookie.

                              And think of how much it would suck to be Donalds Trump's brother at the Thanksgiving Table. "Fred, your brother Donald is marrying another super model. Your brother Donald is getting his own TV show. Fred, slow down on the wine please!"
                              where does this go?

