It's 6am and I can't sleep so am coming here for a bit of.....???
I am just so worried...he has doted to the extreme on Mum and now he seems to want to dote on in the doting is the thing, not the person he is doting on; he is just a tiny baby in a huge body. Scared and lonely. And it is soooh sad.
But he is acting soooh jealous of anyone and anything in my life and is behaving like a toddler (I know regression is part of grief but...) He needs and wants my help but wont let me in to do anything because he is angry I have my partner and children and job and life back home. He just simmers and glowers and rants and chucks me out of the house....then wants me back the next day immediately...then out again... Just like he has been all my life with me, but mostly with my Mum when, of course, he didn't need/want me at all. And yet, if he spoke to you directly, you would think he is the bee's knees...charming, polite, and loving his daughter very a sort of pitying sort of way....
So I will be 6 hours away without internet, phone line (just mobile) or driving licence and no money (he has stopped giving me anything from his 'rainy-day fund' which he only does if I come to see him alone and I have used up all this month's bill money this week). So getting up here lots will be out of my pocket and yet it's Easter next weekend - I am busy with loads of stuff with my kids and local things. But he'll be all alone. And, boy, will he let me know it - and strip another layer off my soul. I am ducking and diving the best I can but when I get home, it will really kick in I know.
I know it's pure manipulation, but without tools to steer this vessel myself (money, car, time, connections, communication with him - he wont talk), he is still at the helm and this thing is drifting hopelessly towards the rocks... (sorry, only analogy I can come up with.) And when it hits it will be awful. That's when I shall feel really, really guilty.
He has carers coming in each day but is going to have learn to be alone - without making me the scapegoat....??
But I'm the only one and he's my Dad and I want to help. I ought (and I hate that word usually) to be the one helping out - organising care. I got the carers he's got now to come but he's telling everyone he and his neighbour did it and that I don't care about him. There's so much to do with solicitors and carers and medically and in the (filthy) house but I feel so impotent. I've already got his neighbours telling me to call more, to come by more, to move up, to.....what so they know and there're clearly not going to 'defend my corner' while getting 'his version'.... just like my teens all over again.
I love my Dad. I am so worried and I know when I get home this will all hit; I so hope you don't mind my dump. I don't feel so alone if you know about it.
My pm's box has only two left...sorry...will try to sort it out when I get to an internet cafe. Can't just now as everyone's getting up and I have to log off...
Thanks for being there.... Damn it, I so wish he/I/it..............I don't know. It's not going to change, I know... I guess sadness is just going to be the name of the game forever around him and me. Unless he gets his own way and I 'lose my self' - can't. Wont.
FMS xxx (HOMSS - hanging onto my self somehow.)