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Today's Thought - Monday

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    Today's Thought - Monday

    Today's thought is:

    Surrender to the pain. Then learn to surrender to the good. It's there and more is on the way.
    --Beyond Codependency

    Our goal in recovery is to make ourselves feel comfortable, peaceful, content, happy. We want to be at peace with ourselves and our environment. Sometimes, to do that, we need to be willing to face, feel, and get through discomfort.

    I am not talking about being addicted to misery and pain. I am not talking about creating unnecessary pain. I'm talking about the legitimate discomfort we sometimes need to feel as we heal.

    When we have surgery, the pain hurts most the day after the operation. When we do the kind of work we are facing in recovery, we are doing an emotional, mental, and spiritual surgery on ourselves. We're removing parts of us that are infected and inflamed.

    Sometimes the process hurts. We are strong enough to survive discomfort and temporary feelings of emotional pain. Once we are willing to face and feel our discomfort and pain, we are almost to the point of release.

    Today, I am willing to face my discomfort, trusting that healing and release are on the other side. Help me, God, be open to feeling whatever I need to feel to be healed and healthy. While I am doing this, I will trust I am cared for and protected by myself, my friends, my Higher Power, and the Universe.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

    Today's Thought - Monday

    Thanks for that Noelle....
    Sorry to see your mood is sad:h

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Today's Thought - Monday

      Little insomnia Noelle? :H I had a painful moment last night and I don't think it is over so this is helpful to me. I thank you every day for this thread.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Today's Thought - Monday

        Thanks Noelle,
        Really needed to read that today - i feel the pain and i am afraid...i am feeling pain in my chest and in my heart and hope that relief is on the way soon. Sometimes the pain in so bad i need to put myself to sleep - am i escaping by doing this? probably but sometimes the pain is to much.
        thanks again - my journey to recovery is long but this has helped me put perceptive on what i need to do to get past it.
        I am the author of my life.


          Today's Thought - Monday

          Thanks Noelle, Today I will face and feel the pain of my yesterdays. What a liberating feeling to 'start my life' all over again, from TODAY. Have a great Monday all.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Today's Thought - Monday

            Thank you, Noelle!

            Every thought you post applies! Again, another post - perfect timing. What is it they say?

            "NO PAIN, NO GAIN!"

            :h Sherry
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              Today's Thought - Monday

              Your "Thoughts of the Day" reflect your growth in this journey. Thanks for sharing with us.


