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Or should that be gasp? Hubby wants to go to the mountains for 2 weeks. Camp and fish away from availability. As opposed to rehab. I wish I could say it was for just me. We fly fish. Standing in that mountain stream and fly fishing allows you to do nothing else. It's grounding. But it produces no income. I am supposed to start the personal trainer thing this week. I haven't finished the black hole. He is crying out to me, but I don't have my plane going down mask on. What am I going to do? I'm in a panic!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUTTags: None
greeneyes;292667 wrote: How will I pay the bills?
Post some pics of the whoppers you catch!
Is he a very supportive guy?
Emotionally in touch with what makes YOU tick?
I am away for a few days and what would normally be a fun few days for me is very down and boriing for my hubby. He has been in a down mood...gloom and doom.....since we drove into the city yesterday.
If you both enjoy fishing and he IS supportive....then go! It is always a lifting time to do something you both love in the beautiful world away from the stress and hurry , hurry ,hurry.
Take a deep breath and "be still" is very healing.
:lNancy"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
Hi Green - I feel your pain. Hubby works his butt off in our business, but I'm the one who does the family accounting work - so I'm the one who "worries" more (and am more in touch) with our day to day financial status. So I can relate - I would find it very stressful to go away for two weeks if we were not in a solid $$ position to do so. (but that is me - maybe not you??)
Anyway, can you find a compromise? A getaway plan that maybe is shorter duration or something? Whatever you figure out...I hope you can keep the stress to a low level!!
****Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
I must postpone it to get a handle on the finances. But where do you draw the line? I have to be the responsible one. Or do I? When I fell apart I created the black hole. But I am fixing it. I can just now see the light. I can't fall back in there again. When your hubby is reaching out do you grab his hand or save yourself? This has been a year! Oh horrrors!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
I do understand what you are going through; I really do. Only you can answer the questions. Why are you really afraid to go? Does he have a trusted buddy that can go with him? He does need to get away, but that does not mean it has to be with you. But I am sure that he does want you to go because he trusts you. You are in a bad spot because you want to be supportive, but you also have to worry about yourself.Goal 1: Today
Goal 2: Tomorrow
So your "black hole" is $? And you are taking the blame for it and you have to fix it?
Sometimes our very marriages can be the black hole... BUT.....when we make the commitment "until death do we part" means we are not alone the the battle. And there is a battle going on ....for your marriage, for your very life and soul and spirit.
If he needs to go, and he can afford it, then tell him to go...Don't feel guilty if there is not enough $ because you are paying down debt!
Debt is stressful..... a big drinking trigger.....
I admire you for being the $ issue and your desire to stop unhealthy behavior.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other...
We're all pulling for you!
) Nancy
"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10