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    does anyone else on here suffer with really bad depression and fear and self doubt when going af its been 7 days af now and the depression and negative thoughts are creasing me.
    i take paroxatine 20 mg and have done for 15 years should i up the dose to 40mg per day,any ideas anyone,
    love the shark


    Hello shark, I do not know anything atall about paroxitine, but wanted to send you a congratulations on 1 full week af !!! Yahooo !!!! I hope that somebody has some ideas about your meds...Maybe you could post this on the holistic healing thread? All the very best to you... This is quite likely your body re-aligning itself with not having alcohol in the system.. This is a shock for the better to your system. Good Luck !!

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



      Theshark, any way that you can quickly speak to your doc? I would hesitate to change the dosage level on your own, and it may be that after 15 years your medication needs to be re-evaluated.

      I know that doesn't do you any good right now, so all that I can suggest is to try and do something for somebody else. It may help lessen the depressions and might also help turn around the negative thoughts. Doesn't have to be anything big - just something to get you thinking about helping others.

      I think to a varying degree us drinkers have all suffered from time to time with depression, and I know the grip that it can have on you when it gets really bad. Wish I had better words of wisdom but for right now the doc would be a good place to start.
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



        Hi Shark. I can't advise on your meds either. But I also congratulate you on 7 days AF. That is a GREAT accomplishment.

        I've had a couple of false starts - hopefully this is my last time going through the early days of AF. The first couple weeks can be a head trip. Meds or not, your body is probably going through some pretty big adjustments. And your "brain" is probably messing with you in an effort to get an alcohol "fix."

        I hope your doc can advise on a med adjustment. If your meds are OK, just try to hang in there and tough it out. It WILL get better.

        And I love AA's suggestion about doing something nice for somebody else. That is always a mood lifter for me. **note to self, REMEMBER THAT!!**

        Best wishes!
        Day 4 AF back on the wagon
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.



          As AA has suggested - maybe call your doctor. Alcohol can suppress some feelings of depression, and it can also enhance it. Maybe see your doctor and he can up your dose. I wouldn't fiddle with that on my own.

          One week AF is fantastic! Keep up the great work!



            congrats on the week. It is not uncommon for you to be depressed when you stop drinking. The drinkning seems to amplify the depression and when quitting it all comes home to roost. I agree about talking to your Dr. but if that isn't an option you might try some St. John's Wart. Some people have good luck taking it for depression.

            The feeling of fear and self doubt may be something you are covering up with the alcohol. Lots of alcoholics have a problem of livinging in the past or future. Either one causes stress and worry. The truth of the matter is that we only have today. Whatever is happening today is life. We can work to resolve problems today. That can make tomorrow better, but if not live tomorrow like today. We have no Idea if we will be alive tomorrow, so make the best of today. Live is all we have and it is our life as it happens.

            You will start feeling better after about 2 weeks depending on how much you drank and how big you are. You should feel great after 30 days. Hang in there, you are past the hardest part. You can do this and it is very much worth the pain you are going through.
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



              I used to be on Paroxatine and didnt find it to good do you get tired and no energy to do anything, which happened to me. The doctor put me on Cipralex which was a big improvement but drinking can negate the benefits of the medication, think a visit to your GP would be a good idea.




                Like you, I am very depressed right now. I am taking Ativan to deal with panic and anxiety attacks and I thought the med had me really down. I stopped taking it yesterday afternoon and I sitll woke up and wandered around in one of the deepest depressions I have ever been in.

                It is the alcohol calling me back. It really is. Only I am going to ignore that SOB and if I have to, learn to deal with these feelings. AL is not going to keep me in his grip. Being depressed is a WHOLE lot better than being a drunk who blacks out and does horrible things.

                I would talk to you doctor about it. Explain you have quit drinking entirely and it does not seem your med is working well, now. You have changed drug dosasges. Remember, AL is a drug.

                Best of luck to you.
                AF April 9, 2016



                  yep like cindi says it's just AL. making you miserable for leaving him. He made your brain produce all sorts of false ways of making you feel happy and your brain forgot how to do it on it's own.

                  but your body will return to normal soon. just be patient.

                  ask your doctor in regards to your medication sweetie, we are no medical experts.

                  big hug and congratulations on 7 days sober
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                    Hey shark....I don't know anything about your med but I agree with everyone else....don't up the dose without talking to your doctor. The doctor may even want to give you something different. Good luck.
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

