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Job Interview Questions

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    Job Interview Questions

    Some of you may know that I am really fed up at work just now and have been using up my annual leave to take a bit of a break from the damn place... anyway, I have an interview for a new job on Wednesday, doing the same thing (med sec) just in a different hospital. I have been thinking (as you do) of the most dreaded questions I have been asked in the past at interview and then thought I would put it out there to you all, so come on, what was the worst question you have been asked at a job interview and what was your answer....... Wish I had asked this last week as my interview in THIS Wednesday....


    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

    Job Interview Questions

    "How many push-ups can you do?"

    ans: "More than you."

    this was for a climbing job....
    -maybe, is the new maybe-


      Job Interview Questions

      Q. Why did you apply for this job ......
      A. Duhhhhhhh
      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        Job Interview Questions

        Tree... too funny.

        I have not interviewed for a while. As interviewer ( I may be on the other side soon but let's not go there). I review the resume. These are some basic things I look at and ask about, not necessarily in this order - depends on my feel for the person and how things are going in the interview.

        qualifications - be it experience or education
        gaps in between employment
        length of time in employment situations
        job reponsibilities
        what did you like best &least about each job
        reason for leaving each job
        motivation for this particular position
        professional goals
        personal goals
        how do you feel you can be an asset to this business *** this would be a big one for me
        where do you envision yourself in 5 years - 10 years?

        Tea. Interviews can be so challenging. I shall be thinking of you. Good for you for moving on to a new frontier. Best of luck.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Job Interview Questions

          Thanx Green,

          What would you be looking for when you ask why I applied for the job, I know I can't say I am scunnered with the one I have but the job I am being interviewed for is very similar???

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Job Interview Questions

            Check out these STAR questions- Situation, Task, Action, Result. They can help you nail any question you may get.

            Acing the Behavioral Interview

            Good luck!


              Job Interview Questions

              Thanx Lucky, found it and am going to read..... soooo glad you not pate... yet

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                Job Interview Questions

                Tea, if asked why you applied for the job you can say something like, "I am ready for a new challenge and this fits exactly what I have been looking for."

                My pet peeve question is "where do you see yourself five years from now." I always want to say "I see myself having won the lottery, living on a beach, not working for your sorry ass." What a dumb question. Are they expecting you to say, "I see myself still slaving for your company, being horribly bored but stuck here because I need the money."

                Let us know how it goes!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Job Interview Questions

                  Good reply, Lushy.

                  well... There's this too. I'm big on checking references. You will be asked if the potential employer can check your current one. You can say no. I say why not? So you find yourself in one of those tight spots. You can't lie. It will bite you in the arse :H (I lovet hat word) Go with Lushy's rec and say you need to keep present job intact and prefer they not know until acceptance is made and proper notice is given. Hope that helps.

                  Lushy... as an employer, the five year thing is um... revealing. Would you want to spend time training someone and all that when they are trying to get pregnant and be a stay at home mom? Oh, we're moving to Peru next year but I need something now. If I don't get a job I'll go to jail for lack of child support. Smalll busines is tough and you have to be careful. Where do I see myself in 5 years? I hope on a ranch in south america and sober. I sure as shit wouldn't tell that in an interview.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Job Interview Questions

                    My favorite question is, "what would you say is your number one weakness?"

                    Answer: "Well, hmm, for starters, I'm lazy."

                    Really, that is the dumbest question you may be hit with, so be ready for that one. If asked, you should say something that can be turned into a positive. Good luck in the job search.
                    where does this go?


                      Job Interview Questions

                      Hahaha Morrison. I drink at work. How about that one? :H
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Job Interview Questions

                        greeneyes;293172 wrote: Hahaha Morrison. I drink at work. How about that one? :H

                        Another one greeneyes: "I have a bad habit of stealing from the company."
                        where does this go?


                          Job Interview Questions

                          LMAO!!! I sell company supplies at the flea market. :H:H:H
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Job Interview Questions

                            I am serious!

                            I haven't been interviewed in years - but I've done plenty - here is the one question that I used to ask that people give me the ??????????????? look
                            "What is the one thing, that you would rather I not find out from someone else later?"

                            Seriously I have gotten anything from "I've had an affair" to "I was in jail for killing my brother" to "I stole a pack of gum" :H I'm NOT kidding - and this question is LEGAL.

                            If asked answer: I'm always looking to take the persons job above me".

                            (Don't worry - you won't be asked this - the industry I was in could also do criminal background checks - I doubt they would do a back ground check on you - so Not to worry -- you will get the job!)
                            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                            (from the Movie "Once")


                              Job Interview Questions

                              LMAO - Thank you all...........

                              I really hope they do NOT ask me what my weaknesses are as I will grin for certain...

                              Good one Living, I would not know how to answer that and would probably mumble something about being fastidiously tidy or something equally pathetic. Yes we do have criminal checks done, I already work for the same 'company' so that is okay.

                              We are also asked usually what our greatest strengths are, wonder if any of them

                              would recognise if I say, Lucky, Livingfree, Lushy, Treeman, Greeneyes, Morrison, Simey, etc etc etc - lol

                              Thank you all and please pray I don't get asked the weakness one - giggle

                              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

