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Job Interview Questions

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    Job Interview Questions

    Hi All, I didn't get the job and I really don't feel that bothered about it, the stupid questions they did ask are (these are just the ones I remember):
    Q Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    Q How did you get round an unpleasant incident at work.
    Q How would your Manager describe you.
    Q If you came across a word you didn't recognise what would you do (Double Duh)
    Q What words do you hate to hear.
    Q How would you go about changing a system you thought you could manage more successfully.
    Q Why did you apply for this role in this particular department.
    Q Use one word to describe yourself.
    Q How many clinic letters do/can you type a day (Treble Duh - as many as I get)
    Q What would you do and how would you deal with an angry person ringing you up and shouting at you.

    Felt I answered okay and thought the interview went quite well, ho hum, here's to next time.

    Thank you all again, you are hilarious.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

