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This is shocking

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    This is shocking

    March 18, 2008

    A MELBOURNE council is considering a "wet house" to stop drunks scaring customers away from a busy shopping strip.
    Angry Footscray traders say there has been a sharp rise in drunkenness despite a ban on drinking in the shopping area, with drunks abusing customers and throwing bottles through shop windows.
    The idea of a "wet house" where people with chronic alcohol problems could drink safely has been raised at a Maribyrnong Council meeting.
    Cr Michael Clarke put forward the idea after visiting a similar project in London.
    He said it would protect the public and allow alcohol-dependent people to get support.
    "When you see people who are heavily intoxicated and they're behaviourally disturbed and are violent towards each other in the street, that's terrifying, particularly when you've got mothers with young children," he said.
    "Having a wet house provides an environment where there is supervision, and their health and social needs can be attended to rather than just moving them along."
    The possibility of turning a reserve popular with drinkers into a "wet park" was also raised. Toilets, barbecues and seating would be added to draw them away from the shopping mall.
    Quynh Dieu, who owns a restaurant in the mall, said drunken violent behaviour had become a problem.
    "A lot of customers say they won't come here because there's no safety any more," Mrs Dieu said. "People are always drinking outside and sitting at my tables.
    "Sometimes they're violent. I had a bottle thrown through the front window. You call the police and by the time they come they've gone.
    "But if you move them to the park then children and their families will be scared to go there. What we need is more police patrols."
    Pharmacist Robert Tieu, who regularly contends with alcohol-affected people in his shop, said the plan might not be practical. "If the park is too far away from where the bottle shops are then they won't go there."
    Alcohol policy consultant Mark Boyd said "wet houses" and "wet parks" had been successful overseas.
    "It's a much more practical response than just burying our heads and pretending it's all going to go away," he said. "Instead of trying to push people into unsafe areas you could have outreach services like the homeless nursing service or brain injury agencies going along to the park and ensuring there is some level of health and safety for them as community residents."
    Mr Boyd said chairs and tables fitted with games such as chequers could slow down drinking and give people a place to go for social support.
    Mayor Michelle McDonald said she did not support the idea but it could be explored through the Maribyrnong Drug Reference Group, a collective of health, council, police and community representatives.

    This is shocking

    What do you find shocking about it?

    I think that if planned properly and staffed correctly a "wet" shelter is a grand idea.

    Many homeless men and women refuse shelter and resources offered to them because they fear not being able to drink. Instead, they choose life on the street with alcohol.

    There is a "wet" shelter in Vancouver I believe. Residents are not allowed to drink as much as they wish. The alcohol is supplied by the shelter and there are rules and regulations that must be followed as with any shelter/home.

    magic xxx
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      This is shocking

      Magic I get your point and it?s a good one. However this is downtown Melbourne and we have this problem??? F**k. Never heard about wet shelters before and was shocked. Alcohol abuse seems to be growing to such scary proportions. This particular suburb was originally a Greek suburb but now is completely full of Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese are some of the hardest working people in our community, are very family orientated and very gentle people.
      Just couldn?t believe what I was reading.
      [And I promise it wasn?t me they are complaining about. :H ].
      Aunty Vic


        This is shocking

        Hi Vic,

        Yes I read this article to. Interested as its talking about my own backyard. There is a major problem with particulary young people and binge drinking and violence in good ole Melbourne town at the moment. It sadens me as growing up here I have always felt safe. NOT NOW walk down south bank late on a saturday night and the mixture of bravado youth and violence and booze is scary. Old drunks tend to stay home alone and mope . These young kids are hyped and scary. Something needs to be done, I think the solution of the wet parks ect is a Footscray specific one there is still a major herion problem along with alcohol. I refuse to go there. As for the cultural mix its is not completley greek or viet any more there has been major influxes of somalian and middle eastern muslims such as iraqis. ALL are muslim and dont drink alcohol so this has to be a good thing. Sometimes I think they should bulldoze the place and start again. I know! not a solution. Battling with my own probs lest others. Sorry for the rant hope you are well.

        all the best Danny


          This is shocking

          Oh I see, Aunty.

          A mess then, isn't it?

          I am on the other side of the world in a city of just over one million. We have the problem too, in specific areas of the city, nothing new there.

          Here, though, in winter the temps can reach -40C so these people are connected with then at least lest they freeze to death. It is just shelter for the night but the offer of help stands and they know where to come.

          Hopefully wise heads will keep thinking and find a solution to fit everyone's needs. The business owners, the shoppers and the addicted.

          m. xx
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            This is shocking

            this might be the reason why drinking in public areas is prohibited in the USA. you get caught drinking in a mall your ass goes to jail.
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              This is shocking

              Hi Trixie,

              Drinking in "public" is illegal in Canada as well.

              If every homeless alcoholic was arrested and put in jail our stressed justice system would implode.

              But they are different than the rowdy 18 year old walking down the street with his buddies and bottle of wiskey! Bust that boy's ass!

              m. xx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                This is shocking

                Wow, magic the minus 40 is serious. Was a social worker working with high risk youth. When full of amphetamines those kids were scary. Was beaten severely with a metal vacuum cleaner pipe by a 16-year-old girl full of drugs and alcohol. The suburb I live in is upmarket, but live between two pubs and two nightclubs, those kids rampage until 5am?.. 6 nights per week. The local council has brought in a bylaw saying no drinking in public, but every morning the street is littered with empty bottles, broken glass, vomit, and takeaway food containers. Never heard of wet shelters before, thought the problem was kids only. So we learn something everyday.
                Aunty Vic

