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Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

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    Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

    Been looking at sponsors, finally asked one, have you ever gave birth, she said no. Joked a bit, tested her nerves, pissed myself out of control a momment, then asked would you like to sponsor me?, and then her final answer...NO. She said I have 2.5 pigeons and i have no time for you, you will be a hard one to give your will-power up over alcohol. I knew she was a flake from the start. :H

    SO i will continue to search for someone to help this poor pigeon to learn how to shit again, the right way? :H

    Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

    Okay, let me get this straight, I don't know anything about AA - is this AA you are talking about? Someone refused a sponsership? Maybe I'm not understanding this post (that is sooooooo possible......)
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

      yes dear, an AA person refused me. I need help doing the steps. so i finally asked. will try again to make this keep going.


        Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

        hi there ripple ..ok i agree to be but hey iam a hard ass to deal with so what do you think..
        zappppp.zapppppppppppp buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

          Wow, I don't know much of AA so I wasn't aware they could refuse that. That being said, you have done so well with your sobriety and you have been an inspiration to me. It won't be long before you will find someone who will sponser you - obviously this one was not to be........

          Only a matter of time Rip......
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

            actually its okay...was a bit stunned as i'm easy a person to work with. a bit giddy with a sense of humour most the time. the person is retired school teacher, so might be my joking about birth set her funny? rather choose person with opposite type background. :H


              Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

              what is the .5 pigeon?


                Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                While it's okay to say no to a sponsee, she should have helped direct you to someone else if she couldn't help you. A sponsor's job is to help you through the steps, not attempt to evaluate your potential success. :eeks::eeks:

                Honestly, sounds like you ended up being the lucky one - I wouldn't want a feather-brain like that as a sponsor! Keep looking - Love your attitude about it, though!
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                  hulagirl;293890 wrote: what is the .5 pigeon?
                  1/2, like part of a person. was informed pigeon is like a slang for sponsoree? i know now not to hug her anymore or give cookies, but i will anyways. true colours are showing for these so-called perfect ones off the bottle? learning, but still will not drink poison, no excuxe to go there again...


                    Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                    Ripple;293873 wrote: Been looking at sponsors, finally asked one,.......

                    then asked would you like to sponsor me?, and then her final answer...NO.
                    Hi Ripple~
                    You might want to consider yourself lucky that she said NO. I know a few people that did not click well at all with their sponsor. They were now having a harder time with their recovery than they had before, and agonizing how to break it off with their sponsor.

                    Just wondering, you prefer natural or synthetic fibers?? lol
                    AF 6 years
                    NF 7 years

                    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                      Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                      FA....hope not.

                      the person i have no problem with, i smile at her and wave, winke whatever, i need to become part of the fiber or stitches that bind the AA fellowship. its okay the first said NO, just wanted it to be a YES cause i'm ready for step work. day by day..


                        Refused, 1st. one ASKED.


                        Do the work in spite of her!


                          Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                          lucky;293921 wrote: Ripple-

                          Do the work in spite of her!
                          I need a buddy to talk things out. I want a person who has been through this. Really some direction and support would greatly change things up for me, i'm ready! Alcoholics like to help other alkys, there is one out there for Ripple. :H


                            Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                            ok ok ok ripple- I support you but I think AA sucks and the sponsors are co-dependant people. However, I support you. Just wish you could find what you need elsewhere but again, I support you.


                              Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                              Ripple;293889 wrote: actually its okay...was a bit stunned as i'm easy a person to work with. a bit giddy with a sense of humour most the time. the person is retired school teacher, so might be my joking about birth set her funny? rather choose person with opposite type background. :H

                              Ripple, it was a blessing in disguise.... I can just see Mrs. Tight Lips frowning and giving you THAT LOOK when you tell her about a little slip up.... :b&d: Mrs.Tight Lips disapproves, gives you an assignment, and leaves you stranded at the local coffee shop ! I walk in and find Miss Ripple, with a brown grocery bag hiding her lovely mug,:anon: writing on the chalkboard normally set aside for the daily latte special...

                              I will not drink wine after nine.
                              I will not drink wine after nine.
                              I will not drink wine after nine....

                              You'll find someone worthy of you, Ripp, crazy attitude and all... and if someone called me a pigeon, I'd poop on her car window!:licked:

                              Tampa, FL

